Medical universities in Czech Republic for international students. Medical specialties in Czech Republic
Study medicine in the Czech Republic for free. To enter medical school in the Czech Republic, you need to know the Czech language at a level not lower than B2. Many faculties require knowledge of the Czech language at C1 level. It is necessary to find out about this at every medical faculty in the Czech Republic by writing an e-mail.
Ranking of medical faculties in the Czech Republic
- 3 Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
- 2 Faculty of Medicine Karlova
- 1 Faculty of Medicine Karlova
- Palacký University in Olomouc Fakulta zdravotnických věd Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Hradec Kralove
- Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University
- Faculty of Medicine Karlova in Pilsen
- Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ostrava
- University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Zdravotně sociální fakulta Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
- Liberec University of Technology Fakulta zdravotnických studií Faculty of Medical Research
- Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Ústí nad Labem Fakulta zdravotnických studií Faculty of Medical Research
- University of Pardubice Fakulta zdravotnických studií Faculty of Medical Research
- West Bohemian University in Pilsen Fakulta zdravotnických studií Faculty of Medical Research
How to enter the Faculty of Medicine in the Czech Republic? Overview of medical faculties in the Czech Republic with admission conditions
Overview of medical specialties in the Czech Republic
Medical universities in the Czech Republic train specialists in a full master’s program and there is no division into bachelor’s and master’s programs:
- Všeobecné lékařství (General medicine).
- Zubní lékařství (Dentistry).
Study medicine in Czech Republic for international students:
- Všeobecná sestra – General Nurse – Nursing training in the Czech Republic.
- Všeobecná sestra s rozšířenou výukou v pediatrickém ošetřovatelství – Nurse with advanced training in pediatric nursing
- Porodní asistentka – Midwifery training in the Czech Republic
- Nutriční terapeut – Nutritionist
- Adiktologie – Addictologist
- Dentální hygienistka – Dental hygienist
- Ergoterapie – Occupational Therapy
- Fyzioterapie – training as a physiotherapist in the Czech Republic
- Ochrana veřejného zdraví – General health care
- Optika a optometrie – Optics and optometry
- Ortoptika – Orthoptics
- Ortotik a protetik – Orthopedics and prosthetics
- Radiologický asistent – radiological assistant
- Společenská patologie a logistika terénních rizikových situací – Social pathology and logistics of risk situations in the field
- Veřejné zdravotnictví – Public Health
- Zdravotní laborant – Laboratory doctor
- Zdravotnický záchranář – Paramedic training in the Czech Republic
The above medical specialties in the Czech Republic are prepared at eight medical faculties in the Czech Republic:
Study medicine in Charles University Prague:
Two medical faculties of Univerzita Karlova:
As well as:
- Lekarská fakulta Masarykova univerzita
- Lekařská fakulta Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
- Lekarská fakulta Ostravská univerzita
There is another medical faculty in the Czech Republic – the Military Medical Military University (Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví Univerzita obrany). Note that at Vojenské všeobecné lékařství (military doctor) they are trained not only at the military medical faculty of the Military University, but also at Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové Univerzita Karlova.
The second wave of admission to medical faculties Charles University
Also in the higher education system there are faculties of health care of the Czech Republic: Faculty of Medical Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Research (Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Fakulta zdravotnických věd, Zdravotně sociální fakulta), which train specialists in the above listed undergraduate specialties, as well as additional specialties (which can be present only at one faculty):
- Assistant ochrany a podpory veřejného zdraví
- Biomedicínská technika – Biomedical technology
- Ošetřovatelství – Nursing. Nursing education in the Czech Republic
- Rehabilitační-psychosociální péče o postižené děti, dospělé a seniory – Rehabilitation and psychological assistance to disabled children, adults and the elderly
- Social work in public administration
- Special Pedagogy
- Zdravotně-sociální pracovník – Medical and social worker in the Czech Republic
History of the establishment of medical faculties in Prague in the Czech Republic
Study medicine in the Czech Republic. The Faculty of Medicine in Liberec provides training in nursing, biomedical engineering, medical care, and biomedical engineering programs. Since 2020, the Radiological Care program has been opened. There is an accreditation of a three-year undergraduate program in nursing in the Czech Republic.
Among the listed undergraduate programs there were also specialties of social workers. The training of such workers is also carried out by the Fakulta sociálních studií (ved), which are present in the composition of:
- Masarykova univerzita Masaryk University
- Ostrava univerzita University of Ostrava
- Univerzita Karlova University of Karlova
Errors in exams in the Czech Republic for medical
Features of medical education in the Czech Republic
Study medicine in Czech Republic in English
Medical schools in Czech Republic
Medical education in the Czech Republic in private universities that can train specialists in the field of social studies:
- Pražská vysoká škola psychosocialních studií, s.r.o. Prague University of Psychosocial Research
- Vysoká škola aplikovane psychologie, s.r.o. College of Applied Psychology
- Vysoká škola social správní, z.u. University of Social Management
Study medicine in Prague in English. Education in the Czech Republic at a medical institute: there is a private university in Prague that trains doctors on a bachelor’s degree program: Medical College Vysoká škola zdravotnická, o.p.s. (
1LF UK entrance exam for the Medical Faculty of Charles University
Questions of the oral exam 2.LF and 3.LF
Study medicine in the Czech Republic – biomedicine, bioengineering
- Perhaps you have noticed Biomedicínská technika. Bioengineering is studied not only at the Faculty of Medical Research (FZS) in Liberec Fakulta zdravotnických studií Technická univerzita v Liberci, but we also note that it is primarily at:
- Czech Technical University CVUT in Prague – Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství,
- VUT University of Technology in Brno – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technology Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
- Technical University in Ostrava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Various biomedical specialties are also prepared at natural science faculties and chemical universities. Study to be a biomedical engineer (or a developer of bioprostheses, bionics, etc.):
– Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CVUT in Prague:
– at the Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT in Brno there is a study program “Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics” (part of the subjects are read from the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University)
Medical education in the Czech Republic. Read the curricula very carefully, study the conditions for admission to the holes and ask questions by e-mail of the faculty! How much to study as a doctor in the Czech Republic? Education in the Czech Republic at a medical institute lasts from five to six years, depending on the specialty.
Enrollment in the medical faculty of Charles University – student registration
1 LF UK. Review study at the first medical faculty of Charles University
Assistance for studying at the faculty of medicine in Prague