IT education in the Czech Republic and cybernetics

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Study IT in the Czech Republic. Top specialties and an overview of IT faculties in the Czech Republic. Specialty cybernetics in Czech universities


Top it specialty in the Czech Republic. Education as a programmer in the Czech Republic – it is important to know that FIT is not the leading IT faculty in the Czech Republic, the leading faculty is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CVUT – FAKULTA ELEKTROTECHNICKÁ. FIT CVUT was organized 14 years ago by a group of dissenting faculty from the FE Department of Electrical Engineering. Its very existence was only possible because of the way the Czech Republic financed the faculties at that time.

When choosing a faculty for studying to become a programmer in the Czech Republic and applying to a university, you need to focus on the highest quality places, and not choose a university by the name of the IT department of the Czech Republic. It is also necessary to clarify that some people think that physics is everywhere in the CVUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and do not look at the curriculum.

Universities in the Czech Republic for programmers. IT training in the Czech Republic for a programmer. The traditional leaders of higher education in the Czech Republic are the FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Czech Technical University in Prague (FEL) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (MFF). These are the pillars of IT specialties: the first in the engineering plane, and the second in theoretical computer science, and therefore it is impossible to compare them on a single scale. It would be more appropriate to call both universities institutes of the Academy of Sciences rather than faculties of universities in the usual sense. For example, at FEL CVUT, teaching accounts for only 25% of the annual budget, the remaining 75% is made up of various research projects and orders from firms. FEL CVUT has a team incl. commissioned by DARPA, the US military advanced development department.

Faculty of Information Technology CVUT – FIT can be called an understudy of the FEL part of CVUT. It is recommended to apply for FIT as a fallback for an IT specialty in the Czech Republic in case of not being admitted to FEL. Unfortunately, the leading faculties of programming in the Czech Republic tend to increase the requirements, and therefore FEL first introduced an entrance exam in mathematics, and a few years ago, a rather difficult oral part, mandatory for everyone, in the specialized Czech language.

Study in the Czech Republic as a programmer. FEL CVUT has a wide range of options for a programmer in the Czech Republic: first of all, this is the top specialty in the country – OI and focused on maximum practice – SIT. With a direction in cybernetics and robotics, you can study in the specialty – KyR, in communications or electronics at KME.

Comparing SIT and OI is incorrect, these are different programming specialties at universities in the Czech Republic. OI is a top IT specialty in the Czech Republic with excellent practical and full-fledged theoretical training. This is a place for really great students and great earning programmers in the Czech Republic.

SIT is the successor to STM, an application program for the specialty programmer in the Czech Republic for those who do not have significant experience in IT and therefore need to be taught a lot. Theoretical training is rather superficial and therefore there is no master’s program. Those wishing to continue their studies will have to strain themselves with the formation of an individual curriculum with a record of subjects with OI, or finish their studies on their own. The level of SIT students is quite low compared to OI, although it is very good.

Programming education in the Czech Republic: for top students with master’s degree plans, choose the OI specialty, for intermediate students and those who want to start working as soon as possible – SIT. At SIT, basic Java programming techniques are still being studied, but not at OI. For the first lesson, they will formally look at the basics and everything, immediately move on to advanced things that are usually not interested outside the university. OI is the top IT specialty in the Czech Republic.

Specialties jurisprudence

Studying for a programmer in Prague

CVUT FIT is a good faculty of programming in the Czech Republic in the case of a bachelor’s degree, but it is definitely worth considering it as a fallback option for studying to become a programmer in Prague. CVUT FIT does not have its own cases. There is no department of languages. In the specialties, any noticeable differences from FEL CVUT, where there is a wide group of IT specialties, have disappeared. There are specializations for each specialty, i.e. Opportunities for obtaining programming education in the Czech Republic are many times wider. FIT is a great option if you don’t get into an FEL undergraduate program. But not the main goal is to get a programmer diploma in the Czech Republic. Absolutely everything that is on FIT is also on FEL.

IT education in the Czech Republic – Fakulta informatiky a statistiky – Vysoká škola ekonomická.

It training in Prague. The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the Higher School of Economics in Prague is traditionally an outsider – this is not the full extent of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Republic, it is a mixture of economics and IT. At the open day there were no projects, presentations of laboratories. I think that FIS VSE is good for those who want to study economics, econometrics first of all, and not become a good programmer in the Czech Republic. Become a programmer in the Czech Republic.

Student reviews about studying computer science in the Czech Republic

“I am a first-year student at the Technical University of Liberec, majoring in information technology in the Czech Republic. Regarding the Czech language, I can say that the B2 level should be enough for the first time, and even then I would not say that I understand absolutely all the words, for example, in mathematics. As for the programming itself, you definitely need to know the basics, at least some programming language. Since the structure of writing code in many programming languages ​​is somewhat identical. You will have to learn a lot of information, homeschooling will play a big role here. Therefore, I would advise you to decide for yourself whether you really want this particular specialty in order to learn to be a programmer in the Czech Republic.”

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Filling out an application to Charles University Přihláška

Bachelor’s programs FEL CVUT – It university in Prague

  • Electrical engineering, energy and management
  • Electrical engineering and communication
  • Open electronic systems
  • Cybernetics and Robotics
  • open informatics
  • Software engineering

More information on specialties

OI. Informatics training program in the Czech Republic –

We look at the curriculum of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, we are looking for it on the site, as the links change. If you are interested in programming without physics at all, then this can be, for example, the specialization “Software” of the specialty “Open Informatics” in Czech universities at FEL CVUT.

FEL CVUT is the leading IT faculty in the Czech Republic!

There is no physics at all in the simpler FEL CVUT specialty called “Technology and Software Engineering”

There are computer science specialties in Prague in almost all CVUT faculties: transport, mechanical engineering, biomedical, electrical engineering, information technology, nuclear physics. There are good computer science programs in Prague at the Higher School of Chemical Technology. Of course, there is specialization everywhere, and, for example, future programmers in the Czech Republic from the Faculty of Transport are focused on developing applications for aviation, from nuclear physics – to control the reactor, and from the Faculty of Biomedicine are on the verge of medicine and are designed to educate programmers in Prague in medical technology. It is worth noting that FEL CVUT has a bioinformatics program in the Czech Republic, i.e. the use of organic molecules for computing and data storage.

Study as a programmer in the Czech Republic. This is a huge range of specializations, and after an IT specialty in the Czech Republic of one faculty, you can quite easily go to the master’s program of another. Starting to study at the Faculty of Nuclear Physics, a thesis can be written in the Master’s program of the Faculty of Biomedicine on, for example, MRI analysis systems.

Pay attention to the Open Informatics program in the Czech Republic, it opened almost simultaneously with FIT and its website is Each specialty of a programmer at Czech universities has its own range of required subjects, so the presence of only one program means that the subjects for all students at FIT are the same.

How long to study for free at a university in the Czech Republic

FIT. Specialties of a programmer in the Czech Republic

Programmer at a university in the Czech Republic. There are only four departments in FIT (theoretical informatics, engineering, digital design, computing systems). FEL has six departments for IT alone (computer science, telecommunications, cybernetics, control systems, computer technology, computer graphics), as well as a center for applied cybernetics and an “intermedia institute” (a joint project of CVUT and the Academy of Musical Arts, within which artistic ideas are realized with using modern technology). This is without taking into account the Department of Microelectronics, Metrology and a number of others, which are borderline with IT. At the same time, FIT does not even have its own department of Czech languages ​​(necessary for any faculty) and resorts to the services of the Department of Languages ​​FEL.

 FEL. Learn to be a programmer in Prague

IT education in the Czech Republic

More than 2,000 students study at FEL in IT programs, while there are no more than 500 at FIT. You will have to choose, but scroll through the Open Informatics program in Czech universities on FEL, because it allows not only to study IT in the specializations “Computer systems”, “Software”, “Informatics and computer technologies”, but also as part of the formation of a list of subjects at will to study for an additional specialization: “Economics”, “Computer graphics” in the Czech Republic, “Artificial intelligence”, “Software engineering”, “Computer networks”, “Microprocessor systems”, “Mathematics”.

You can also look at the more applied bachelor’s program Software and Management (, where specializations are available in Web and Multimedia, Software Engineering, Computer Science in Management and Intelligent Systems.

At FEL there is a bias in practical application, read the description of IT specialties in the Czech Republic on the website. There are also answers to your questions regarding subjects, programming and other things. In the curriculum for studying in the Czech Republic for a programmer, all subjects with a description will help you decide on a specific specialty for education in the Czech Republic.

Attention. “When studying at FEL CVUT, many specializations have a clause: “English exam that gives 0 credits and with a question mark in the Role.” I don’t know Czech yet, so I wanted to ask: Is it mandatory?

  • Yes, required. One of the conditions for graduation from the FEL CVUT bachelor’s degree is the passing of the B2 level exam in English. In the OI specialty, in addition, you need to finish the whole subject in English (any one from the list offered).
  • If you don’t pass the English exam, you won’t get a diploma in the Czech Republic.
  • In general, on the topic of foreign languages ​​at FEL CVUT –

Learn to be a programmer in Prague

Question. “I have English knowledge at B1, can I raise it to B2 at the FEL CVUT language department? Or is it worth learning in your hometown? You will have 3 years to do this. You can go to the British Council, you can write down at least a few English for yourself. But the easiest way will be to get a certificate for B2 and forget about all the problems. Get an FCE certificate and do not need to take anything to study a programmer in Prague.

How do you pass a session? There are no “early” exams here. Enter the information system (where you make an individual study plan for the semester), choose the date of the exam that is convenient for you. If you did not pass the exam, but after it there are still places in the information system of the university for some other date, you can go to pass computer science in Prague.

Run out of places and / or dates – well, that’s it, you flew by. You will take this subject again in another semester and take it. If you don’t pass, then they will already be expelled from the university for programmers in Prague.

Czech universities for programmers

programmer at a university in the czech

Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) ChVUT. Bachelor’s degree programs for a programmer in Prague:

  • Security and Information Technology (Czech Bezpečnost a informační technologie)
  • Web and software (Czech Webové a softwarové inženýrství)
  • Web development (Czech Webové inženýrství)
  • Computer graphics (Czech Počítačová grafika)
  • Software development (Czech Softwarové inženýrství)
  • Computing systems (computer engineering) (Czech Počítačové inženýrství)
  • Data (knowledge) engineering (Czech: Znalostní inženýrství)
  • Information systems and management (Czech. Informační systémy a management)
  • Theoretical informatics (Czech Teoretická informatika)

Attention. At FIT CVUT there is one program in which there are five specialties and one specialty with three specializations (look at the website of the faculty). Applications to the university are submitted separately not only for specialties, but also for specializations!


Attention. FIT CVUT does not accept any certificates of the Czech language, you need to take a separate exam in the Czech language. It is released only by submitting SCIO z OSP results. SCIO is accepted instead of the entrance exam, passing – 65 points.

CVUT – Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering

Faculty website

Specialty “Applied Informatics” information here:

The most correct choice of a specialty in the Czech Republic will be exactly the specialty and the faculty that you choose yourself! Just in case, apply for:

  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (MFF)
  • FIT at the Technical University in Brno
  • FEL University of West Bohemia. Purely without exams – the last faculty.
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Choice between MFF Karlova University and FEL CVUT

If you want a lot of mathematics, love theory, go to MFF; love engineering computer science and therefore programming – go to FEL. The activities of the Department of Computer Science FEL are intertwined with the MFF. If somewhere in the title there is the word “programming” – this does not mean that it is really about programming in the Czech Republic – so watch the curriculum! Also, from year to year, the requirements for exams for the education of a programmer in the Czech Republic may change, find out the latest information on the website of the faculty!

Where else can you get an IT programmer specialty at universities in the Czech Republic?

programmer at a university in the czech

Technical University of Liberec

There are only four areas related to the education of a programmer in the Czech Republic, but at the same time they are no less interesting for future students. Let’s consider each of them separately.

It faculty in the Czech Republic. The Department of Electronic Information and Control Systems is aimed at studying applied electronics, technical informatics and automatic control. Studying on the program “Informatics and Logistics” in the Czech Republic, students take a course in informatics at the enterprise, management and logistics and application programming. As part of the training at the Department of Information Technology of the Czech Republic, programming languages, Internet applications and signal processing are studied. Also at the Faculty of Information Technology in the Czech Republic at this university there is a department of Nanotechnology, where chemistry, physics, properties of various materials, and measuring and laboratory equipment are studied.

Training for a programmer in the Czech Republic. Graduates of this faculty of Czech programmers usually get jobs in industrial enterprises, find jobs as programmers in the Czech Republic in laboratories and schools, work in the field of applied informatics and computer networks. Often, programmers in the Czech Republic who graduated from the Faculty of Information Technology at the Technical University in Liberec find themselves employed in companies such as Škoda auto, Siemens or ABB. IT education in the Czech Republic.

Higher School of Economics in Prague

Study as a programmer at a University in the Czech Republic. HSE also has the opportunity to study information technology or specialty programmers in the Czech Republic. The application of informatics in economics is studied there. There are two educational programs in total: “Applied Informatics” and “Statistical Methods in Economics”. In the learning process, the student has the opportunity to study a particular subject in depth, which at the end of the training may affect the choice of his specialty. For example, under the Statistical Methods in Economics program, students can become more familiar with econometrics and statistics, or with socioeconomic demography.

Training for a programmer in the Czech Republic at the Department of Applied Informatics trains specialists who are able to design and implement information systems in the Czech Republic that support socio-economic processes in various types of economic entities, including public administration organizations.

The Department of Statistical Methods in Economics offers study as a programmer in the Czech Republic and provides basic knowledge and practice in the use of statistical methods at an entrepreneurial and macroeconomic level.

Informatics in Prague. After training, graduates will find work as a programmer in the Czech Republic in analytical departments of banks and logistics companies, marketing agencies and many other enterprises, where the knowledge gained during the training would be prepared.

Academic degrees in the Czech Republic and rules for contacting teachers

Masaryk University in Brno – it training in the Czech Republic

Programmer training in Brno. Information technology is studied at the Faculty of Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. Students can choose one of two study programs, and during their studies, just like in the Higher School of Economics, deepen their knowledge in one area or another.

Studying in Brno as a programmer under the Informatics program, the student will receive basic knowledge in the field of IT. While studying to become a programmer in Brno, there is an opportunity to study computer networks and communication, computer graphics, mathematical informatics and much more.

The Applied Informatics program offers students direct study of applied informatics in the Czech Republic, bioinformatics and social informatics in Brno.

Information technology in Czech universities. Full list of IT faculties in the Czech Republic

  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering CVUT
  • Faculty of Applied Informatics at Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • Faculty of Information Technology VUT in Brno
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Ostrava University of Technology
  • Faculty of Information Technology CVUT FIT
  • Electrotechnical Faculty of the University of West Bohemia
  • Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies of the Technical University of Liberec
  • Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia
  • Faculty of Production and Economics ČZU
  • Faculty of Informatics and Statistics VŠE
  • Faculty of Informatics and Management of the University of Hradec Králové
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Pardubice

After graduating from the Faculty of IT in the Czech Republic, you will be able to work in the following specialties in the Czech Republic:

  • web developer
  • frontend developer
  • web developer in the Czech Republic
  • freelancer czech prague
  • database administrator czech Prague
  • software development czech Prague
  • system programmer

Specialty cybernetics in Czech universities

Cybernetics in the Czech Republic. NASA and European automobile companies demonstrate a great interest in the development of cybernetics, which is why the Department of Cybernetics works at the Prague University.

Cybernetics, unlike IT, connects information technologies with the surrounding reality. Graduates of the Department of Cybernetics of the PMUT not only master IT technologies, but also receive electrical engineering education, which is in great demand today. After graduation, the world’s most famous companies, such as Google, Microsoft, can become your future place of work.

“It is very difficult to find a highly professional specialist in the field of electrical engineering now and this fact significantly increases the demand for them,” says Jiri Koziorek, head of the Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering at the Technical University in Ostrava.

Students of the specialty “Cybernetics” in the Czech Republic are invited to internships by companies such as Google and Microsoft.

Where to study cybernetics and robotics in the Czech Republic:
CHVUT – Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Tomasz Bati University in Zlin – Faculty of Applied Informatics.
Technical University in Ostrava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
VUT – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies.
West Bohemian University in Pilsen – Faculty of Applied Sciences.

What is the salary of a programmer in the Czech Republic

List of universities in the Czech Republic

2 thoughts on “IT education in the Czech Republic and cybernetics”

  1. David Nýžanský

    As much as I appreciate you taking your time to write this, I would take what you wrote with a big grain of salt. For starters, FIT has a higher score in mathematics you have to achieve in the entrance exam in order to pass than FEL (so FIT cannot be a fallback option, if it is not easier to get there than FEL). And I wonder how somebody plans to go to FEL to study cybersecurity (you made it seem like FEL has everything but FIT absolutely does have certain thing FEL doesen’t). For anybody deciding between FEL and FIT, I would look at the study plan and check the courses. FIT has more Mathematics than FEL, and FEL has subjects FIT doesen’t have. Read the content of each course and see whatever tickles your fancy. I would say though that ČVUT and universities in Brno are the best for IT in Czech Republic (Brno has some really big IT companies, like Redhat, if open-source is important to you, and seems to be quite a popular student choice). Nonetheless, do your own research and check what fits your interest the most.

  2. Good afternoon, David Nýžanský! Thank you for taking the time to write a comment.
    I graduated from the Czech language courses at Charles University. I am a 2nd year student at the HSE in Prague. Therefore, I cannot thoroughly know all the subtleties of studying in an IT specialty. I collected information bit by bit from students with whom I had contacts. I consider it my goal to provide the information I have received or found. I want to help different students to go to a university of the Czech Republic. Please keep in mind that admission conditions change every year. What was relevant yesterday will not be relevant tomorrow.
    In any case, you are helping to make the site better. If you have relevant and useful information about higher education in the Czech Republic, you can provide it to us for posting on the website in the form of a separate post. Other students who want to study in the Czech Republic will be happy to thank you.

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