Duration of free education in the Czech Republic at a university for foreigners
Study in the Czech Republic for international students free – law on universities
Terms of free education at the universities of the Czech Republic for foreign citizens. You probably know that free education in universities in the Czech Republic is possible only in the Czech language. Duration of free education in the Czech Republic.
In the Czech Republic, education in pre-school, school and higher educational institutions is free for both Czechs and foreigners. But the term of study in universities is not infinite, therefore, in paragraph 2 of § 58 of law 111/1998 Sb. “About universities” is fixed:
(3) Studuje-li student ve studijním programu déle, než je standardní doba studia zvětšená o jeden rok v bakalářském nebo magisterském studijním programu, stanoví mu veřejná vysoká škola poplatek za studium, který činí za každých dalších započatých šest měsíců studia nejméně jedenapůlnásobek základu; do doby studia se započtou též doby všech předchozích studií v bakalářských a magisterských studijních programech, které byly ukončeny jinak než řádně podle § 45 odst. 3 nebo § 46 odst. 3…
Duration of free education in the Czech Republic. Loosely translated, it sounds like this: (3) If a student exceeds the standard period of study in a bachelor’s or master’s program by more than one year, the university will set a tuition fee for him, which will be at least one and a half base costs for each subsequent 6 months of study; all previous undergraduate or graduate studies that have not been successfully completed in accordance with § 45 para. 3 or § 46 para. 3 are included in the study period…
ISIC card in the Czech Republic
Terms of free education in the Czech Republic for international students
Accordingly, you can study for free at the University of the Czech Republic in undergraduate and graduate programs for no more than a standard period plus one year. In many bachelor’s programs, the standard term is 3 years, and in the master’s program – 2 years, therefore, you can study in total in all bachelor’s programs in the Czech Republic for free for a maximum of 4 years, and in the master’s program – 3 years. In Prague for foreign students of Masarykov and Palacky – that’s 4 years counted, then the Czech bachelor’s degree is only paid by you.
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Duration of free education in Prague at a university for foreigners
In the last couple of years, among graduates of Czech language courses in the Czech Republic, it has become popular to enroll in universities in Prague for foreign students at once in several faculties. They enroll in the universities of Prague for foreigners all over the circle where they entered and then choose where to study for free in the Czech Republic at the university.
“Well, studying at the university in Prague has not yet begun, until September I will be expelled from the university.” Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: you live in Prague as a student, the Czech Ministry of Higher Education starts paying the faculty for you. Therefore, if you are expelled from the University of Prague, you may have a number of problems in the future.
How much can you study in the Czech Republic for free? Of the most obvious problems, it is worth noting the reduction in the period of free higher education in the Czech Republic for foreigners. Although the Czech Republic allows you to receive higher education for free in Prague, you cannot study indefinitely and for free at the best universities in Prague for foreign students or, in general, receive more than one free higher education in the Czech Republic at one stage. It is good that bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Prague and the Czech Republic are considered different levels of higher education in the Czech Republic.
Scholarships in Czech Republic for international students
Terms of free education in Prague at a university for foreigners. The second main problem may be the deprivation of benefits, scholarships in Prague for foreign students – after all, you will be marked everywhere in the databases of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Czech Republic as a bad student in Prague. Say, they studied at the University of Prague in one place, then they were expelled and entered the State University in Prague at a different faculty.
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