Preparation for exams for admission to a Czech university – advice

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How to prepare for the Czech University exams – recommendations. Independent training in Czech, mathematics, specialized subjects, online training and textbooks

How to prepare for university entrance exams in the Czech Republic. Personal experience of admission to the VSE in Prague

Preparation for admission to a university in the Czech Republic. Students who are currently studying at Czech language courses in Prague told about the preparation for the entrance exams to universities in the Czech Republic. Preparation for exams for admission. Mind map examples in training. How to make an intelligence map “mind map”

Now, for independent preparation for admission to a Czech university , I am performing the following tasks:

1. How to prepare for exams at a Czech university

I independently solve tests in English and mathematics, which I find on the Internet on university websites. Most of all, I am set up for admission to VSE, so I am currently solving tests from VSE. Here are the links where I find the tests I need:

  • /
  • / (free sample tests)

2. Preparation for admission to a university in the Czech Republic

I downloaded an English textbook to my laptop, which is recommended for preparing for admission to the VSE. I repeat the vocabulary and grammar from this textbook. But so far I haven’t found anything particularly new for myself in it.

Textbook English file Upper-intermediate Student’s book Christian Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden.

Textbook English file Upper-intermediate Student's book Christian Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden.

Textbook English file Upper-intermediate Student’s book Christian Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden.

OSP SCIO test prerequisites for learning with examples OSP exam

Many students are advised to buy a textbook to prepare for the entrance exams to the Czech university – Příprava k přijímacím zkouškám na VŠE” J.Klówfa (collection of math assignments).

Příprava k přijímacím zkouškám na VŠE” J.Klówfa

Příprava k přijímacím zkouškám na VŠE” J.Klówfa

3. Preparation for exams to the Czech university

As special subjects in my Czech language courses there are English and mathematics. I do all the tasks and solve everything that is asked there. I agreed with the English teacher that after each pair I can stay for 10 minutes so that she explains to me the points that I do not understand from the tests that I solve on my own. Mathematics is not so complicated yet, mostly now equations, inequalities and trigonometry. After all, we cannot solve more complex tasks because of the insufficient level of the language.

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Preparation for exams for admission. At this link you can find tests and exam tickets in English and Czech for admission to the Higher School of Economics, CVUT, CZU –

4. How to prepare for exams at a Czech university – recommendations

I also admit the possibility that I will hire a tutor in mathematics, but so far it doesn’t make much sense, because my Czech language is not yet ready for complex algebra and geometry.

Tips for admission to a Czech university. Buy a math book. The textbook is really good, the examples are similar to those on the VSE website.

How I was preparing for admission to VSE in Prague – Review

Preparation for university exams in the Czech Republic – advice

How to enroll in a Czech university. When applying to Czech universities for some specialties in faculties, you still need to take an OSP – an entrance test for general prerequisites for learning. But I decided not to take it, because I talked to familiar students from universities who say that it is very difficult to pass the OSP, and I will simply waste time and nerves, and pay less attention to other subjects.

According to them, it is better to choose a specialty in a Czech university, where you do not have to take the OSP entrance exam. Of their acquaintances, too, few passed. Even many Czechs who have been preparing for it for several years do not pass. It also affects the fact that foreigners and Czechs have different perceptions of this test, because foreign students somehow in their own way most often understand the tasks and look for tricks, and as a result they answer incorrectly.

Effective tips for preparing for university exams. The “3-4-5” method for exam preparation

Preparation for entrance exams in Prague – Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka

Write a letter to the faculty to find out the possibility of online entrance exams and the possibilities of interní evaluace.

Sample e-mail to the student department of the faculty with a request for information about the internal evaluation procedure, as well as the possibility of online entrance exams (if such information is also not available on the website).

See also  List of Public Universities in the Czech Republic for International Students

How to enroll in a Czech university. Please note that in order for your email name to match your real name, use it in official documents and contacts. This will simplify and speed up your communication. You can also write a letter to the student department of the faculty with a request to indicate which certificates of the Czech language the faculty accepts. Some universities (for example, VSE) do not recognize any certificates of knowledge of the Czech language and, therefore, the Czech language exam must be taken when entering a Czech university. You have to pay an additional 600-700 CZK for the Czech language exam.

CZU internal evaluation – Czech Agricultural University

Preparation for the entrance exams to the University of the Czech Republic

Online Czech language training:

  • /– a website that presents demonstration tests in Czech and English at the VSE, Charles University, CZU, etc. All tests are variants of exams from previous years.
  • – At the request and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Czech Television ČT1 is preparing programs “School at Home”. Here you can find video tutorials on Czech and mathematics.
  • / – video tutorials about the peculiarities of phonetics, logic and culture of the Czech language.
  • – video lessons on various topics in the Czech language
  • / – with an explanation of the correct answer. 8756 test questions contains a total of.
  • and – basics of Czech grammar and rules.

Breathing practice “square”- Exercises to reduce stress in exams

Online preparation for university entrance exams in Prague in specialized subjects

  • – within 2 months, the online school has opened free access to all its courses: biology, social studies, history, Czech language, geography and literature.
  • / – programming, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology. Special terminology and a lot of useful materials for preparing for entrance exams to Czech universities and nostrification.
  • – mathematics, chemistry, physics. Tests, videos, explanations of the rules.
  • – a free website where you can find textbooks in all areas: economics, art history, social studies, etc.
  • – free online courses in illustration, animation, photography and video.

Podcasts for learning Czech. Podcasts for students in the Czech Republic

Useful websites for a student in the Czech Republic online training

Apply to a czech university without entrance exams – prague faculties

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