Academic titles in the Czech Republic after graduation

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Academic titles in the Czech Republic. Degrees from universities in the Czech Republic. How to write a letter to teachers at a Czech university

Academic titles in the Czech Republic. Degrees from universities in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, every university graduate has a title that he can use not only in any documents (up to bank documents, where a separate column is provided for indicating the title), signs, business cards, but also wherever his name is mentioned. The title becomes part of the person’s name until the end of life. It is not possible to ascribe a title to yourself – their use is protected by Czech law and liability is provided for unauthorized use.

Academic titles in the Czech Republic

Prefixes appear before a person’s name. For example, “Mr. Dana Antonová” and the most popular are academic ones, because they are given to all graduates of universities in the Czech Republic. The lowest title is Bachelor. Students receive a bachelor’s degree, and with it the title “Bc.” (Bachelor) or “Bc.A” (Bachelor of Arts) upon completion of a bachelor’s program. However, this is the only title that is not used in circulation and the graduate receives a diploma in the Czech Republic.

The system of higher education in the Czech Republic

Titles after graduation from the Czech Republic

After completing a master’s program in the Czech Republic in technical, economic and agricultural specialties, a person receives the title of engineer (“Ing.”). The title of students of architectural universities has a clarification: “Ing. arch.” (engineer-architect). Graduates of creative universities are awarded the title “MgA.” (Master of Arts), the rest use the title “Mgr.”, i.e. Master.
Mgr. – magister (master)
MgA. – magister artis (master of arts)
Ing. – ingénieur (engineer, master of technical program)
Ing. arch. – ingerum architectus (architectural engineer, master of technical architectural program)
Students of medical universities upon graduation receive the title “MUDr.”, which stands for “Doctor of Medicine”. Medical students receive a diploma from a Czech university.

IT education in the Czech Republic

Degrees from universities in the Czech Republic

If a student who has completed a master’s program wishes to continue his studies in doctoral studies, then after successfully defending his dissertation, he is awarded the academic title of doctor. It should be noted that students of doctoral studies in the humanities receive the title of the type “PhDr.” (Doctor of Philosophy), and students who complete doctoral studies at the University of Law are rightfully given the title “JUDr.” (doctor of law).
Scientists, that is, students who graduated from universities in the Czech Republic in the specialties of natural sciences, are awarded the title “RNDr.” (Doctor of Natural Sciences). There are also two separate doctoral titles: “ThDr.” – Doctor of Theology and “PharmDr.” – Doctor of Pharmacy. Czech university diploma.

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Titles at the university of the Czech Republic

JUDr. – juris utriusque doctor (doctor of law)
ICDr. – juris canonici doctor (doctor of ecclesiastical law)
MD Dr. – medicinae dentalis doctor (doctor of dentistry)
MUDr. – medicinae universae doctor (doctor of medicine)
MVDr. – medicinae veterinarinae doctor (doctor of veterinary medicine)
PharmDr. – pharmaciae doctor doktor farmacie (doctor of pharmacy)
PhDr. – philosophiae doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
RNDr. – rerum naturalium doctor (Doctor of natural sciences, i.e. physics, mathematics, chemistry)
RSDr. – rerum socialium doctor (Doctor of social and political sciences)
RCDr. — rerum commercialum doctor (Doctor of Economic Sciences)
RTDr. – rerum technicarum doctor (Doctor of Technical Sciences)
ThDr. – theologiae doctor (Doctor of Theology)
ThLic. – theologiae licentiatus (Doctor of Catholic Theology)
ThMgr. – theologiae magister (master of theology)

Scientific and academic titles in the Czech Republic

Only Th.D. titles are currently in use. (Doctor of Theology) and Ph.D. (philosophiae doctor, Doctor of Philosophy), awarded to graduates of doctoral programs.
The strange awarding of the title “Doctor of Philosophy”, for example, to Czech IT specialists is caused by the tradition of existence in the Middle Ages at universities of four faculties – theology, law, medicine and philosophy. Therefore, at present, doctors are divided according to these 4 areas.

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Contacting a university teacher in the Czech Republic

A scientific and academic title is written after the name – Mgr. Dana Antonová, Ph.D. All of the above Czech degrees are written before the name of the person and indicate that he has completed a bachelor’s or master’s study program. But if you see them after the name of a person, then you have a doctoral graduate who received a Ph.D. (Doctor) or Th.D. (Doctor of Theology). You need to address him in accordance with the highest academic degree: pane doktore / paní doktorko.

If someone has several titles next to their name, we always call the biggest (senior) title. For example: professor > associate professor > doctor > master.
For women, we always put the word paní before the title, regardless of whether she is married or not.

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Scientific and pedagogical titles and academic titles in the Czech Republic

These titles can only be found among academic workers.
doc. – docent, associate professor, for obtaining it is necessary to write a paper and pass the so-called. “habilitation” (Czech. Habilitace)
prof. – profesor, issued for great merits in science.

Professor (abbreviated prof.) – the highest title in the Czech Republic, which can only be obtained for a serious contribution to science. Therefore, if the name of a teacher in the Czech Republic has the abbreviation prof., you should only refer to it as pane profesore / paní profesorko if doc. – pane docente / pani docentko.

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In general, the system of scientific and academic titles in the Czech Republic is quite confusing, it is very difficult to figure it out. For daily use, it is enough to know:
MUDr. — doctor of medicine,
JUDr. — doctor of law,
Ing. – technical master,
Mgr. – Master of Humanities,
bc. Bachelor’s degree, lower level.

How to write a letter to teachers at a Czech university

Appeal is an important part of every letter and is often the biggest challenge.
In an academic environment, it is necessary to know the title or titles of the teacher and use the highest one. Usually, in this context, the appropriate title is added to “Vážený pane” or, in the case of women, “Vážená pani”. But never apply with all titles at once.
Academic degrees of bachelor and master in the Czech Republic. If you are writing to a person whose name is preceded by the abbreviation “Bc.” and therefore this is a bachelor, then do not address him by this title, but use his last name.
In the case of the ranks “Mgr.” and “Ing.” it is quite appropriate to address “pane magistře” or “paní magistro”, as well as “pane inženýre” or “paní inženýrko”.
Academic doctoral titles at the University of the Czech Republic. For titles such as RNDr. and Ph.D. It is appropriate to use the address “pane doktore” or “paní doktorko”. Even though these titles are at different levels, they are addressed the same way.
Scientific titles of associate professor and professor in the Czech Republic. You may also find the abbreviation “doc.” before the name, which indicates that he is an assistant professor, so address him as assistant professor. The same applies to the abbreviation “prof.”, which denotes the highest academic teaching title, so address him as a professor, i.e. “pane profesore” or “paní profesorko”
You should not write “děkuji za kladné vyřízení” or other phrases that imply that you expect your request to be granted. More suitable words might be, for example, “s přáním hezkého dne” or “s pozdravem”.
The farewell should be in a separate paragraph, separated from the main text of the letter. Your name should also be under the farewell.

Important contacts in the Czech Republic for foreigners

Obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic – Law on foreigners, fines

Etiquette in the Czech Republic – code of good manners and rules of conduct in the Czech Republic

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