Obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic – Law on foreigners, fines

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Law on foreigners in the Czech Republic and fines. Alcohol, smoking and silence at night

Obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic - Law on foreigners, fines

Obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic – third-country nationals, including foreign students in the Czech Republic, are required to report changes within 3 working days: name / surname, personal status (marriage, divorce, widowhood), passport data, including its exchange , data of a document issued in accordance with the Law on the Residence of Foreigners (for example, in a residence card).

During your studies, you must observe and fulfill the following

obligations as foreigners in the Czech Republic by law

  • Always have a health insurance card and a valid residence permit card (or international passport) with you. From 02.08.2021, all foreign citizens are required to insure only with the PVZP insurance company. The exception to this rule is: holders of European EHIC and British GHIC policies.
  • Within 30 working days you are obliged to report a change in the place of stay in the Czech Republic, if you are the holder of a long-term visa, then this obligation applies to you only if the change of place of stay will be more than 30 days.
  • Report the loss, destruction, damage or theft of a document within 3 working days from the day the event occurred.
  • Report the loss or theft of your passport to the police immediately.
  • To hand over, no later than 3 days before the end of the stay in the Czech Republic, a confirmation of residence in the territory of the Czech Republic, the foreigner is obliged to hand over the document to the authority that issued this document to him.
  • Renew your visa on time, have a biometric residence permit card.
  • Return the residence permit card immediately after its expiration date.

The law on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic

Fine in the Czech Republic for foreigners

A fine of up to 10 thousand kroons in case of violation of the obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic:

A foreigner is obliged to appear for the removal of biometric data when the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic makes a positive decision on the issuance of a residence permit or permanent residence, within the prescribed period, but not more than within 60 days, receive a biometric card.

See also  The rights and duties of foreigners with permanent residence in the Czech Republic. Deprivation of permanent residence

In case of violation of the following obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic, a fine of up to 5 thousand crowns is imposed in the Czech Republic:

– to return, after the expiration date or filling in marks, the documents issued in accordance with this Law No. 326/1999;

– within 3 working days from the moment of the incident, report the loss, theft or damage to documents issued in accordance with this law or a foreign passport; the foreigner is also obliged to report the discovery of his documents, previously declared as lost or stolen;

– stay in the country with an invalid passport and visa (does not apply to cases of delays in considering an application for renewal);

– not intentionally destroy, damage or alter documents issued in accordance with this law;

– transfer the state to the institution any found documents issued by the police of the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic to foreigners (cards of a residence permit / permanent residence, a relative of an EU citizen, etc.);

Where to extend a visa to the Czech Republic – long term residence permit

How to use public transport for a foreigner in the Czech Republic

Fine in the Czech Republic for foreigners up to 3 thousand crowns

Fine in the Czech Republic for foreigners

The most minor offenses in the Czech Republic under this law relate to the violation of the following obligations:

– immediately leave the territory of the Czech Republic if he was denied entry to the country or the transit visa expired;

– within 120 days or 90 days before the expiration date, apply for an extension of a residence permit in the Czech Republic or, accordingly, an extension of a long-term visa to the Czech Republic;

– within 3 working days after entering the Czech Republic or changing the address of residence, register if it is a short-term visa and this registration was not carried out by the lessor;

– provide the landlord with a passport, a residence permit / permanent residence card for registration with the police in the Czech Republic and fill out and sign the registration card yourself, with the exception of children under 15 years old;

– at the request of a state body in the Czech Republic, provide medical insurance and an identity card or a residence permit or permanent residence card in the Czech Republic;

– within 3 days to report a change in the surname in the Czech Republic, marital status, data in the passport or documents issued in accordance with this law;

See also  Requirements for permanent residence in the Czech Republic - pr process

– to report only truthful and complete data when considering documents.

Registration with the Czech police by phone OAMP MV ČR

Registration to the police in the Czech Republic via the Internet OAMP MV

Law on foreigners in the Czech Republic

Law on foreigners in the Czech Republic

Other obligations of foreigners in Prague and the Czech Republic can be found in section 103 of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
If any of the above is not clear to you or you have any questions regarding your stay for the purpose of studying in the Czech Republic from abroad, do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Ministry of the Interior regarding the “Entry, stay, etc. of foreigners on territory of the Czech Republic” by e-mail: pobyty@mvcr.cz. Phone: (+420) 974 832 421, (+420) 974 832 418

Useful information for foreign students in the Czech Republic can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic at the link

Process of applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic

Alcohol, smoking and silence at night in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has a smoking ban. The ban applies to smoking in public places, namely: at public transport stops, railway stations, airports, vehicles, cultural and medical institutions, children’s playgrounds, sports fields, etc. Smoking in the Czech Republic is prohibited in all indoor areas grocery stores.

Obligations of foreigners in Pilsen and the Czech Republic. In some open places, especially in the center of the capital, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, except for restaurant terraces / gardens and some social events. The sale of alcohol and tobacco products in the Czech Republic to persons under the age of 18 is punishable by a large fine. When driving (including cycling or Segway) there is a zero tolerance policy for alcohol.

Persons who violate the peace of citizens and the regime of silence in the Czech Republic at night, which is set in the Czech Republic from 10 pm to 6 am, face a fine.

The law on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic

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