How to use public transport in Prague for foreigners
The public transport network of Prague includes: metro, trams and buses, the Prague river bus. They go strictly according to the schedule, day or night. How to use public transport for a foreigner in the Czech Republic. How to use public transport in Prague.
Upon arrival in Prague, immediately download the IDOS application to your phone or use its next online version on your smartphone

IDOS application
IDOS is an excellent search engine for traveling around Prague by public transport and a convenient search for metro routes, trams in Prague, buses in Prague, trains in the Czech Republic. You enter the necessary stops A and B on your smartphone, the program plots the route to the nearest minute of departure and arrival. r IDOS shows public transport transfers in the Czech Republic.
Also on the IDOS website you can find the schedule of electric trains to cities neighboring Prague.

IDOS website
How to use Prague public transport for foreigners
Tickets for public transport in the Czech Republic
You can buy a metro ticket in Prague at the metro stations at the box office, or at a machine where you can select the language you need. And you can buy immediately at the exit from the Prague airport, if you get to the city by bus. Travel tickets in Prague are the same, therefore, when buying a metro ticket, you can quite afford to ride on other types of public transport in Prague. You can buy a ticket for public transport in Prague for 90 minutes, for a day and for three days. P.S. Modern fare ATMs accept payments with Czech banknotes and bank cards and you can choose a menu in the desired language.
For public urban transport you will need a ticket, which can be bought from newsstands or from orange vending machines located in metro lobbies and at some tram and bus stops.
The ticket price for an adult for one journey is 32 kroons (travel within 90 minutes) or 24 kroons (30 minutes).
110 kroons – 24 hours or 310 kroons – for 72 hours.

Modern fare ATMs accept payments with Czech banknotes and bank cards

Tickets for public transport in the Czech Republic
How to use metro in Prague in the Czech Republic
The Prague metro consists of 3 lines:
- green (Linka A);
- yellow (Linka B);
- red (Linka C).
There are no turnstiles at metro stations in Prague. Instead, there are yellow validators, with which you need to validate your ticket for Prague meters. For the lack of a metro ticket in public transport in Prague, a serious fine of about 60 euros is provided.

Turnstiles at metro stations in Prague
Important contacts in the Czech Republic for foreigners
You went down to the subway. Above your head you see a sign with the inscription kolej 1 and kolej 2.

METRO in Prague – how to navigate the platform
The station where you are will be marked with a thick dot with left and right arrows, as in the photo.

From the point with the Flora arrow to the left, then your platform is 1.
Now we are at Mustek station. And we need, for example, on Floru. From the point with the Flora arrow to the left, then your platform is 1. We go and wait for the train. On weekdays, the interval of trains is 3-5 minutes, on weekends up to 10 minutes.
Etiquette in the Czech Republic – code of good manners and rules of conduct in the Czech Republic
How to use public transport in the Czech Republic
Doors in the metro, buses and trams in Prague do not open automatically. You have to press a button to enter or exit.

You have to press a button to enter or exit.
The schedule of buses and trams in Prague is available at every stop. Let’s take a look at how to use the public transport schedule in the Czech Republic for foreigners.
Bank account and card in the Czech Republic
How to use the tram and the bus in Prague in the Czech Republic

Bus in Prague

Tram in Prague in the Czech Republic
This is the timetable for tram 14 in Prague. There are 4 columns here. The first one contains all tram stops. The stop you are at is highlighted in bold. In this particular case, this is the Albertov stop. Everything below is where the tram will go next. If you need to go to Václavské náměstí, then you are on the right track, if you need to go towards the Horky stop, then go to the opposite side of the road and find the nearest stop.

This is the timetable for tram 14 in Prague
- Pracovní den – working week (from Monday to Friday)
- Sobota – Saturday
- Nedele – Sunday
How to use public transport for a foreigner in the Czech Republic. Please note that night public transport in Prague runs on a different schedule. The numbering and the route are radically different from the daily route. Therefore, before you jump, make sure that you get to the right place, and even better – get directions in advance.

Night public transport in Prague runs on a different schedule
In trams and buses, composters are located on the handrails, in the metro – in front of the escalators. Just insert the ticket with the right side (the arrow points to it) into the composter and you will hear a click – this is the date and time of the start of the trip. Now you need to meet the 30 minutes (90 minutes, 24 hours, 72 hours) allotted by the ticket to get from point A to point B and safely leave the transport.
How to use a taxi in Prague for foreigners
To travel by taxi in Prague.
Bolt Taxi: (there is an app).
Obligations of foreigners in the Czech Republic – Law on foreigners, fines
European mentality in the Czech Republic and reviews of life in the Czech Republic