Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners

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Czech language courses in the Czech Republic. Where is the best place to learn Czech in Prague?

Currently, there are about sixty Czech language courses in the Czech Republic that have the status of “language school with the right to state examination”. This overview of Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners in the Czech Republic has been compiled on the basis of a download from the register of the Ministry of Education. Questions about the quality of learning the Czech language in Prague, reviews of Czech language courses in the Czech Republic were not considered in this article.

Most Czech language courses for foreign students in Prague only carry out the state exam in the Czech language. Learning the Czech language in Prague for admission to a Czech university is not carried out. Attention. There is no czech language course for foreigners that provides preferential admission to a Czech university.

When choosing courses in the Czech Republic, you should first find out what kind of visa and other support for students in Prague is provided by the best Czech language courses in the Czech Republic.

Work permit in the Czech Republic for a student

Features of Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners at state universities

1. Previously, the main Czech language courses in the Czech Republic – UJOP was the only Czech course in Prague that taught Czech for foreigners for admission to a Czech university. But times are changing. And now almost every university in the Czech Republic has some preparatory Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners.
2. Supervision in learning the Czech language in Prague is not a strong point of preparatory courses in the Czech Republic at state universities. And no one is interested in the further fate of a graduate of courses in the Czech Republic.
3. To study the Czech language in Prague, courses for foreigners at universities place their students in their dormitories or hostels of other universities.

Charles university dormitory Prague

4. Annual Czech language courses in Prague for admission. You can find very cheap courses as well as very expensive ones, such as UJOP language courses at UK.
5. To study at courses in Prague at universities, the Ministry of the Interior quickly issues a study visa to the Czech Republic for courses. On the other hand, the staff of the Czech courses does not always fully explain the issues of obtaining a visa to study in the Czech Republic.

Filling out a green application for a visa to the Czech Republic

6. Very often, under the guise of courses in the Czech Republic at the university, there are simply private intermediary firms that have signed a cooperation agreement with one or another Czech university, but have nothing to do with it.
7. Official Czech language courses at universities in the Czech Republic are recommended for those who know exactly what they want from higher education in the Czech Republic, the procedure for studying and entering a university and who are over 18 years old.

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Levels of knowledge of the Czech language

Legal status of Czech students on courses

Almost all university preparatory courses in Prague are organized as “Celoživotní vzděláváni”. “Celoživotní vzdělávání” literally translates as “Learning throughout life”. The purpose of language courses is the commercial activity of university departments.

Students studying the Czech language in courses in Prague are not “official students” of the Czech Republic on the basis of paragraph 60 of the law on higher education in the Czech Republic. Almost all major courses at public universities provide only services for learning the Czech language in the Czech Republic. Here you will not find specialist training (special terminology), or training in specialized subjects in the Czech Republic for passing exams at a Czech university. However, there are exceptions, for example, the Czech UJOP courses in Prague and some other course that teach czech.

Reviews of UJOP Czech language courses

Registration with the Czech police and the Czech Ministry of the Interior

UJOP – study in Prague at the Czech language courses of Charles University

UJOP – the best czech language courses at Charles University in Prague – Univerzita Karlova. Czech for Foreigners at Charles University UJOP. Link to the official UJOP website –

Charles university Сzech language course

Learning Czech for foreigners with UK. The status of this division of Charles University falls under paragraph 60 of the law on higher education – Celoživotní vzděláváni and course participants are not students of the Czech Republic. Language courses in Prague UJOP are a separate division of the UK. Actually, with these Czech language courses in Prague, foreigners began to study in the Czech Republic without knowledge of the Czech language for admission to universities.

Review of studying in Prague at the university of Economics

UJOP language courses in the Czech Republic have several preparatory centers with their own specifics. Most of the Czech UJOP courses provide training in specialized subjects and a specialist of the future faculty. Upon completion of the UJOP courses, students take a certification exam in the Czech language for admission to a Czech university. At Charles University, Czech courses for foreigners are the best and most expensive way to learn Czech for admission to universities in the Czech Republic!

Charles university course contract

Czech technical university in Prague courses teaching czech

Learn Czech in Prague in courses at – České vysoké učení technické (CVUT).

Faculty of Transport Sciences, Faculty of Languages ​​and Humanities CVUT Preparatory courses of the Czech language for foreign citizens. Courses “Celoživotní vzděláváni” of the office at the transport faculty of the Technical University of Prague, profile preparation for admission to a Czech university is possible.
Faculty of Civil Engineering CVUT
Intensive czech language course for foreigners “Celoživotní vzděláváni” of the office at the CVUT Faculty of Civil Engineering, perhaps profile preparation for entering the Czech Republic at the university.

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The Czech language preparatory course at FIT is actually a “joint venture” between CVUT and the private Czech language school in Prague “ICJ”, possibly specialized training.

Visa Charles University. UJOP visa. Visa courses Charles University

Czech Republic language course at universities

Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze – University of Economics in Prague (VŠE).
Teaches the Czech language in the Czech Republic at the preparatory courses in Prague “Celoživotní vzděláváni”. Profile preparation for admission to a Czech university is possible.

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích – University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (JU). Language courses in Czech Republic “Celoživotní vzděláváni” at the Faculty of Philosophy, preparation for the OSP exam is possible. Czech language courses in the Czech Republic –

Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně – Tomas Bata University in Zlín (UTB). Courses “Celoživotní vzdělávani”. Czech language courses in the Czech Republic –

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni – University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (ZČU). Annual courses in the Czech Republic in Plzni “Celoživotní vzděláváni” for learning the Czech language. These courses provide specialized training for the admission of foreigners to a Czech university. Note. In the description of Czech courses: perhaps Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, for some programs, issues a student visa to the Czech Republic. Czech courses in the Czech Republic –

Scholarships in Czech Republic for international students

Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners to obtain permanent residence

Study in Prague. Study in the Czech Republic for foreigners on a monthly Czech language course in the Czech Republic only to pass exams for obtaining permanent residence. Studying the Czech language in Prague at the level of knowledge of the Czech language A1-A2:


Czech language levels. Levels of knowledge of the Czech language

Czech language courses in Prague for foreigners at different levels of training. Studying in the Czech Republic

Studying in Prague. There are annual courses of the Czech language in the Czech Republic, which provide learning in the Czech language in Prague at all levels of Czech language training, focused on foreigners living in the Czech Republic:

How I passed the entrance exams to the University of Economics in Prague

Czech courses for residents of the Czech Republic

Study in Prague at the preparatory courses of Czech in the Czech Republic, which were originally created for Czechs and for foreigners already living in the Czech Republic:

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Benefits of studying in the Czech Republic for foreigners

Student expenses in the Czech Republic

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