UJOP visa – Charles University
Attention. This document is for informational purposes only and is not an official document for your activities. Only the text of laws and regulations of the Czech Republic is legally binding.
Visa types for Charles University courses
The legal act that determines the conditions for the entry and stay of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic is Law No. 326/1999 Coll. In connection with the latest amendments to this law, a number of important changes have occurred in it, which we would like to inform you about.
More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.mzv.cz (information for foreigners) and on the website of the Ministry of the Interior: http://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/sluzby-pro-verejnost-informace-pro – cizince-informace-pro-cizince.aspx (information for foreigners) or consult the Czech embassy in your country.
“Annual preparatory courses of language and vocational training for further study at the university in accredited programs” (Czech language plus specialized subjects) are organized by the training centers Poděbrady, Marianske Lazne, Prague-Kristall, Prague-Hostivar, Prague-Voršilská.
Charles university Сzech language course
Students (with the exception of students from the European Union or students with a permanent or long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic) who come to UJOP UK courses for more than 90 days ” or “intensive courses of the Czech language”) can apply for a long-term annual visa or for a long-term stay in the Czech Republic – a residence permit.
Visa Charles University. Czech visa appointment
The purpose of the stay is indicated only in the visa application form. Students of “one-year preparatory courses of language and vocational training for further study at universities in accredited programs” register for a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic – (the purpose of the stay in the visa application form in the Czech Republic is “study”). Students of “intensive courses of the Czech language” can only apply for a long-term visa to the Czech Republic (in the black form indicate the purpose of the stay “the rest”).
Scholarships in Czech Republic for international students
Visa Charles University. Czech Long-term Visa for Study
For a long-term student visa to the Czech Republic, both students registered for “annual preparatory language and vocational training courses for subsequent study at a university in accredited programs” and students of “intensive Czech language courses” or exchange programs can apply if the terms of these courses exceed 90 days.
Only students of annual preparatory courses must indicate “study” – “studium” as the purpose of their stay (this course is subject to the requirements of § 64 of the above law).
Students of intensive courses of the Czech language indicate “other” – “ostatní” in the column for the purpose of their stay.
Validity of the Czech visa: according to a new amendment to the law dated 12/18/2015, a Czech long-term visa of this type can be issued for a period of 12 months.
UJOP visa. Students of “intensive courses of the Czech language” can obtain a visa for a period of 5, 7, 10 or 12 months.
Charles university course contract
Attention – visa Charles University! Students of Prague study centers apply for an extension of their visa to the Czech Republic or stay at the new office of the OAMP for students in Prague 6 – GLADKOV. Recording by prior telephone agreement.
When applying for a long-term visa, it is necessary to pass an interview at the embassy of the Czech Republic.
Visa Charles University. Registration with the Czech Migration Police
Students of all study centers must register with the Czech Migration Police within 3 working days from the date of arrival in the Czech Republic. More detailed information can be obtained upon arrival at the study centers or at the Central Student Office in Prague.
Filling out a green application for a visa to the Czech Republic
Czech student visa – residence permit in the Czech Republic
Only students enrolled in “annual preparatory courses of language and vocational training for subsequent study at universities in accredited programs” can apply. This type of course meets the requirements of §64 of the law on the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
Validity of long-term stay in the Czech Republic. A long-term residence permit is issued for a period of 12 months.
When applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic, it is necessary to pass an interview at the embassy of the Czech Republic. The interview is in Czech. The applicant shall ensure the presence of an interpreter at his own expense.
General conditions for living in dormitories of Charles University
Registration with the Department of Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic OAMP
Before arriving in the Czech Republic, a student receives a visa for a period of 60 days at the Czech Embassy (D/VR/23/…). Upon arrival, each student is required to register with OAMP within 3 working days from the date of arrival in the Czech Republic. At OAMP, the student presents a passport and biometric data is taken from him. Within 60 days, the student is called to issue a plastic card. In this case, an administrative fee of 2500 CZK is charged.
Registration with the Czech police and the Czech Ministry of the Interior
Visa Charles University. The procedure for obtaining a long-term stay in the Czech Republic – a residence permit is regulated by the legal acts of the Czech Republic. Consideration of documents for this type of visa may be suspended if the OAMP (deals with the issuance of long-term visas) requires the provision of new, or requiring additional certification, documents or calls the student for an additional interview.
The term for consideration of documents for long-term residence (residence permit in the Czech Republic) is 60 days, however, in some cases, the review procedure may take 3-5 months, so we recommend applying for this type of visa only if there is a sufficient temporary reserve. Representatives provide assistance with a Czech visa.