Contract czech language courses CU – sample – Information about preparatory courses. Charles university course contract.

Charles university course contract
on the provision of a preparatory program for entrance examinations for Czech universities in the school year _____
o according to the provisions of § 1746 paragraph 2 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., As amended, § 1746 2 № 89/2012 Coll.
1. Contracting parties
1.1. Charles University, with its registered office at Ovocný trh 5, 116 36 Prague 1, Department of Language and Vocational Training, with its registered office at Vratislavova 29/10, 128 00 Prague 2, represented by PhDr. Ivan Dušek, Director of the Institute of Language and Vocational Training (hereinafter referred to as “ÚJOP UK”).
1.2. Participant of the preparatory program for university studies /: Name and surname, Date and place of birth Citizenship Number of travel document (passport) № Address of residence (hereinafter referred to as “Participant” / “”)
Rules for studying at Charles University courses UJOP UK
2. Subject of the contract and conditions of performance.
2. 1. The subject of the contract is the agreement of the contracting parties on the conditions of study at ÚJOP UK in the preparatory program in the Czech language for entrance examinations for universities in the Czech Republic, under the following conditions: e,: university program according to §64b of Act 326/1 999 Sb. on the stay of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic. Type of study program T bachelor – economic fields / – Study Center _________ / Price in EUR 5 340.
2. 2. The study will be provided under mutually agreed and further specified conditions in the range of 35 Czech and professional subjects per week (at the beginning of the study 30 teaching hours per week of the intensive adaptive orientation course of Czech) according to valid curricula ÚJOP UK and according to the valid study schedule.
2. 3. The participant acknowledges that he / she will be included in a study group corresponding to his / her level of knowledge.
2. 4. The study is considered to have started if the Participant uses the residence permit obtained on the basis of the confirmation of admission to study at ÚJOP UK. This also applies in the case of an application for an extension of a residence permit, even in a situation where the decision will be granted only after the start of the program or course.
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3. Contract UJOP UK czech language courses in the Czech Republic. Price and method of performance

The cost of courses at Charles University. Charles university course contract
3. 1. The price for the provided study in the selected type of study program according to Article 2 of this contract is agreed by mutual agreement according to the provisions of Act no. No. 526/1990 Coll., on prices, as amended.
The price for the agreed study program is specified in Article 2.1 of this contract. The price is payable non-cash to the ÚJOP UK account specified in Article 2.1. of this contract, before issuing a confirmation of acceptance of the Participant into the program, unless the parties agree otherwise.
3. 2. Payment shall be deemed to have been made at the time the amount referred to in 2.1 is credited. of this contract on behalf of ÚJOP UK. Any arrears will be paid according to the instructions of ÚJOP UK.
3. 3. Part of the price specified in 2.1. of this contract is a registration fee of 120 EUR. This fee is non-refundable, even in the event of early school leaving. With the withdrawal of the Participant from this contract before the start of the course, the Participant is entitled to a refund of the tuition fee. This does not include the registration fee and other costs that ÚJOP UK incurs in connection with the cancellation of the study.
A necessary condition for refunding tuition fees is that the Participant sends back the issued documents or proves by canceling the residence permit already received.
3. 4. The Participant acknowledges that in the price agreed in accordance with 2.1. This contract includes only the costs associated with the provision and professional provision of its studying in Czech, including the semester and final exam, and the cost of basic teaching materials.
Charles university dormitory Prague
4. Contract for studying in Czech language courses. Rights and obligations of ÚJOP UK. Charles university course contract
4. 1. To provide the Participant with education according to the specifications stated in Article 2 of this contract, in accordance with generally binding transcripts, the Rules for the organization of studies and the Disciplinary Code.
4. 2. Provide basic learning materials.
4. 3. To ensure all operation and equipment of the school with appropriate technical and material equipment.
4. 4. To issue a certificate of completion to the graduate stating the results of the examinations (the condition for issuing the certificate is successful completion of the examinations of the given study program).
4. 6. Provide assistance in ensuring the nostrification of the Participant’s previous education.
ÚJOP UK cannot guarantee successful nostrification.
4. 7. To provide assistance leading to the conclusion of health insurance for foreigners with a selected insurance company in the Czech Republic, if the Participant requests this service in the application for study in the program.
4. 8. In case of expulsion from the study, ÚJOP UK is obliged to report this fact to the relevant department of the Police of the Czech Republic – the Alien Police Service and the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
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5. Rights and obligations of the Participant

The cost of courses at Charles University
5. 1. Pay the price for the selected type of study program in the amount agreed in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of this Agreement.
5. 2. Pay the price for the agreed health insurance, if this service was agreed through ÚJOP UK (the amount of costs and maturity will be communicated to the Subscriber by e-mail).
5. 3. To notify the director of the study center in writing of the early termination of studies.
5. 4. To compensate ÚJOP UK for the damage caused by negligently or intentionally in accordance with point 6.6.
5. 5. Properly fulfill the prescribed study obligations, follow the instructions of teachers, generally binding regulations, the Rules for the organization of studies and the Disciplinary Rules of ÚJOP UK, including their changes.
5. 6. Attend the agreed lessons to the agreed extent. Compulsory attendance is at least 80%.
5. 7. In the event of a study interruption, the Participant undertakes to notify the relevant department of the Police of the Czech Republic – the Alien Police Service and the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
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6. Agreement preparatory courses of Czech. Other arrangements. Charles university course contract
6. A proportional part of the paid tuition fee will be refunded for the period after the Participant’s departure from the territory of the Czech Republic.
6. 2. The participant acknowledges that the final examinations at the end of the preparatory program are not entrance examinations for study at the chosen faculty and that for admission to the university it is necessary to successfully complete the admission procedure under the conditions set by the faculty. The participant further acknowledges that part of the conditions of study at a university for foreign students is also the presentation of recognition of previous education, without which he cannot be accepted to study at a university in the Czech Republic.
6. 3. The participant acknowledges that in case of serious violation of the rules of good behavior and morals or the principles set by the Rules for the organization of studies and the Rules for the assessment of disciplinary offenses or other internal regulations of ÚJOP UK will be excluded from the study without the right to a refund fees.
6. 4. The participant acknowledges that in case of failure in the final exam organized by the study center at the end of the study program, he will not receive a certificate of completion according to Article 4 4.3, but will be issued a certificate of participation in the study program his absence during the school year.
6. 5. The participant acknowledges that this contract does not include the provision or payment of his health insurance or the payment of any treatment costs that would arise during his stay and study in the Czech Republic. At the same time, he acknowledges that some medical procedures and related services (such as assistance or transport services, emergency medical treatment, etc.) may not always be fully covered by his health insurance. He is hereby urged to find out before the health insurance company the scope of the insurance and whether the insurance company has a contracted doctor or a contracted medical facility in the place of his future studies. The Participant acknowledges that it will cover all costs of provided health care that are not covered by the Participant’s health insurance.
6. 6. At the same time, the participant acknowledges that he is fully materially liable for all damages provably caused to him on the property and equipment of ÚJOP UK resp. study center or on the property and health of third parties. In the case of damage caused, the damage procedure is subject to the internal regulations of Charles University and the valid legal regulations of the Czech Republic.
6. 7. The Participant acknowledges that ÚJOP UK is entitled to enforce outstanding receivables under this Agreement through legal means.
6. 8. By signing the contract, the legal representatives of the minor Participant declare that they agree that their minor son / daughter should study in the study program specified in Article 2 of this contract together with the adult study participants. They further declare that they are aware that ÚJOP UK does not assume any responsibility for 6/9 study participants during additional teaching activities outside the study center and during out-of-school hours.
Czech language levels. Levels of knowledge of the Czech language
7. Czech language course contract. Instructions on the processing of personal data
7. 1. The Participant acknowledges that ÚJOP UK processes the personal data of the Participant specified in this contract for the purpose of providing training, archiving certificates and confirmations and for resolving any disputes arising from this contracts UJOP czech language. The legal basis for processing is the performance of the contract and the protection of the legitimate interests of ÚJOP UK, which means the protection of the property of ÚJOP UK. Personal data is provided voluntarily, as well as the conclusion of this contract is voluntary. The contract cannot be concluded without the provision of personal data by the Subscriber.
7. 2. Personal data will be processed by ÚJOP UK for the duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently for the duration of the limitation period pursuant to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, or subsequently for the duration of the dispute arising from this contract.
7. 3. The participant has the right to request access to his personal data, their correction, portability in machine-readable format and the right to object to the processing for the purposes of legitimate interests, which will cause an assessment of the legality of personal data processing ÚJOP UK so-called balance test. The Subscriber may request the deletion of data only after the expiration of the period specified above, if ÚJOP UK does not do so itself, or if ÚJOP UK processes personal data which it has obtained without authorization. In the above matters, the personal data processing commissioner can be contacted at
The participant also has the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection (Lt. Col. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7,
The first Czech lesson for beginners
8. Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of arranging health insurance for foreigners

Charles university course
8. 1. In the event that the Participant has requested the arrangement of health insurance for foreigners from ÚJOP UK, he has provided consent to the processing of personal data on his health status purposes of filing and other negotiations related to arranging health insurance for foreigners.
8. 2. The data in question will be kept for the duration of the insurance and subsequently for the duration of the limitation period pursuant to Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, or subsequently for the duration of the dispute arising from this contract.
Application for Charles University courses
9. Contract school of Czech language. Final arrangements
9. 1. The contracting parties declare that they have read the contract before signing it and fully understand its content.
They sign it according to their free and real will and declare that the contract was not signed under pressure or under unilaterally unfavorable conditions.
9. 2. This Agreement shall enter into force and effect on the date of signature by both parties and shall be concluded for the duration of the selected program.
9. 3. The relations established by this contract terminate: a) by the proper termination of the study program / course; b) exclusion of the Participant from the study; c) termination of the contractual relationship by withdrawal from the contract of one of the contracting parties.
Premature termination of this contract does not affect the validity of the provisions of the contract, which are to last even after the termination of this contract, especially the agreement on compensation for damage or other harm.
9. 4. This contract with language courses in Prague and the relations established by it are governed by the law of the Czech Republic. According to the agreement of the contracting parties, this contract, the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and their mutual relations are governed by Act No.
89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended.
9. 5. By signing this contract, the participant assumes the risk of a change of circumstances pursuant to Section 1765, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code.
9. 6. This contract for studying in czech language courses in the Czech republic is made in two copies in Czech and _________, which have the same legal validity. One copy will be received by ÚJOP UK, one Participant or its legal representative.
The translation guarantees the understanding of the contract by the Participant or the legal representative. In case of discrepancies, the Czech version of the contract takes precedence.
9. 7. This contract may be amended or supplemented only in the form of a numbered written amendment signed by both parties.
In Prague on /, _____________________ _____________________________PhDr. Ivan Duškov Director of ÚJOP UK / ____________________Participant / _______________________________________________ Legal representative of a minor Participant //
Attention! This is just a sample contract for Czech language courses in the Czech Republic for information. You will receive the actual contract by mail.
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