Charles University courses. Preparatory centers in the Czech Republic
The Institute of Language and Preparatory Studies, Charles University, in Czech – Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy Univerzity Karlovy v Praze /UJOP UK. Link to the official website of Charles University courses:
Czech Language Courses for Foreigners UJOP UK is part of the Charles University and is focused on preparing foreign students to study in the Czech language.
Rules for studying at Charles University courses UJOP UK
General information about Charles University courses
Charles University preparatory course is an annual Czech language course and professional preparation for entrance exams to Czech universities. There are also courses in UK universities for foreign students who want to study undergraduate in the Czech Republic, master’s or doctoral studies.
Charles University’s czech language courses are intended primarily for beginner students who do not speak Czech. Courses are held in several student centers in Prague – Hostivar, Krystal, Voršilská. There are two centers outside of Prague – Podebrady, Marianske Lazne.
Preparatory courses assist in applying to Czech universities, help in the process of recognizing a document on previous education. Confirmation of documents on previous education (nostrification) is one of the main requirements for admission to universities in the Czech Republic. Full information about Charles University Czech courses can be found on the UJOP UK website at each study centre.
Application for Charles University courses
Course centers of Charles University
Center Prague – Hostivar. Czech courses
- Economics COMPLEX
- Economics FAST
- Program for Students with Typologically Distant Language
Center Prague – Hostivar is designed for students from China, Vietnam and other countries (including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh). Specialization – economics and technology; level of training – bachelor’s degree, master’s degree in the Czech Republic. Types of preparatory Czech courses for studying at a university:
• Combined preparatory course “Economic specialties COMPLEX”
• A special preparatory program for students from linguistically distant countries. Teaching Czech to Chinese and Vietnamese students in the Czech Republic
• Economic specialties COMPLEX
• Economic specialties FAST
Charles university course contract
Center Prague – Krystal. Czech courses
- Humanities, Arts and Architecture COMPLEX
- Humanities, Arts and Architecture FAST
- Humanities and Arts FLEXI
- King Charles College 22-week Pre-med Course FEBRUARY ENTRY
Czech Charles University courses for foreigners. The Prague Educational Center Krystal offers intensive study of the Czech language and preparatory courses for studying at universities in Prague as various bachelor’s specializations – from law and humanitarian specializations, ending with architecture and design, as well as master’s degrees in the humanities in the Czech Republic.
Visa for Charles University courses. Visa Charles University. UJOP visa.
Center Prague – Vorsilská
Educational Center of Charles University:
- Czech language for doctors
- Czech language courses for foreigners levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
- summer Czech language courses for foreigners
- Czech language exams for foreigners
Distinctive features of Czech courses in Prague Voršilská:
• knowledge of the Czech language for everyday life, work and study in the Czech Republic
• obtaining a certificate of completion of the Czech course at level A1 – C1
• preparation for various types of examinations in the Czech language for foreigners
Prague (Voršilska). Charles University course catalog:
• Czech for Foreigners – Evening Course
• Two-Semester Czech for Foreigners
• One-Semester Czech for Foreigners Course
• Six Weeks Czech Course for Foreigners
• Individual Czech for Foreigners Course
• Bespoke Czech for Foreigners Course for Groups
• Online Course Two-Semester Czech for Foreigners
• Online Course One-Semester Czech for Foreigners
• Online Course Six-week Czech for Foreigners
• Evening Online Course – Czech for Foreigners
Charles university dormitory Prague
The Podebrady Center offers Czech courses
- Engineering COMPLEX
- Engineering FAST
- Economics in English COMPLEX
- Medicine in English COMPLEX
Charles University language courses. Educational Centers of Charles University in Podebrady. Courses in UK universities and preparation for admission to technical, economic and other specialties in Czech and English. Level of training – bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral studies. Charles University courses in English. The Poděbrady Educational Centers is located approximately 50 kilometers from Prague and provides preparatory courses for studies in Czech in technical specialties and in English in technical and economic specialties and in medical faculties.
Levels of knowledge of the Czech language
Preparatory Center Marianske Lazne
- Medicine and Natural Science COMPLEX
- Medicine and Natural Science FAST
Czech language courses in the Czech Republic at Marianske Lazne. Charles University courses prepare for admission to medicine, veterinary medicine and natural sciences; level of training – bachelor’s degree, master’s degree. The Preparatory Center can offer close links with the first medical faculty of Charles University. During the one-year preparatory course, you will gain the knowledge of the Czech language necessary for a smooth study of the natural sciences at the university. Provides for the acquisition of specialized knowledge in the subjects required to pass the entrance exam to a Czech university.
Each type of Charles University czech language course is designed for a different group of foreign students in the Czech Republic and has its own specific rules for registration. Study Czech language in Czech Republic. The most popular are Charles University preparatory courses, so there are more administrative requirements for enrolling in these courses.
How to learn czech faster. My experience of learning Czech
Charles University language courses
Preparatory course program of Charles University
The program of preparatory Czech language courses at Charles University in Prague for admission to the University of the Czech Republic consists of:
- from lectures on the Czech language in the Czech Republic. Language training (Czech courses – 35 hours per week)
- special subjects to prepare students for entrance exams in Czech to any university in the Czech Republic
- special terminology for the profile of future education at a Czech university.
Charles University’s courses of czech for foreigners help students to pass the nostrification of their previous education, give advice on choosing a Czech university, help with adaptation upon arrival in the Czech Republic, help to find a supervisor for doctoral students in the Czech Republic, and organize a cultural program.
Students of UJOP UK courses can also apply to private universities in the Czech Republic if they fail the entrance exams to public free universities in the Czech Republic. In the Czech courses of Charles University, you can prepare for admission to the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in the Czech Republic.
The system of higher education in the Czech Republic
Czech courses for a bachelor or master in the Czech Republic
Czech language courses corresponding to a master’s in the Czech Republic are possible only in some subjects and only on condition that the bachelor’s degree of the applicant student is accepted by the relevant faculty of the Czech Republic. In case of rejection of the diploma, the candidate must register for a general bachelor’s or master’s program in the Czech Republic, in accordance with the current offer of the Czech university.
Admission to universities after the completion of the preparatory courses is not automatic and depends on the degree of preparedness of the student for the entrance exams and the ability to present the knowledge he has gained!
How long to study for free at a university in the Czech Republic
Charles University language courses. Note: Some free Czech universities, for some programs, offer the possibility of admission without entrance exams (usually in less attractive professions) or the goal of their strategy is to admit more students in a given academic year, so that all first-year students are assessed at the end of the year . According to the academic results of the first year (whether the student meets the requirements of the curriculum), it is decided whether he / she can continue his studies in the second year of a Czech university.
Reviews of UJOP Czech language courses
Studying in English at Charles university. Prague universities in English
Student’s work in Prague – feedback from a 1st year VŠE student