Rules for studying at Charles University courses UJOP UK

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UJOP UK courses at Charles University

Rules for studying at Charles University courses.  This instruction regulates the rules of studying in lifelong learning programs at the Institute of Language and Vocational Training of Charles University (hereinafter referred to as UJOP UK).

Charles university Сzech language course

General provisions

1. The applicant becomes a participant of the Lifelong Learning Program (according to $ 60 of Act No. 111/1988 Coll.) Of the Institute of Language and Vocational Training (hereinafter referred to as the “student”) after fulfilling all conditions associated with its admission to the selected lifelong learning program. .

2. The study program for a given type of study in the lifelong learning program (hereinafter referred to as “study”) is specified in the study plans, which stipulate the weekly number of hours, the total number of hours of individual subjects and the form of verification of the study result.

3. The beginning of the teaching, the studies of the examination period and other details concerning the division of the academic year are determined by the director of UJOP UK by the schedule.

4. Studies take place according to the regular weekly schedule in the study centers of  UJOP UK.

5. The student has the right to complete all lessons according to the relevant study plan of his / her chosen type of study, taking into account the schedule of the relevant academic year, to use consultations and participate in other activities of the study center, obtain credits and pass exams.

6. The student has the right to use the equipment and information technology of the Charles University necessary for the study in accordance with the rules of the Charles University and the rules determined by the director of the study

7. The self-paying student is entitled to basic teaching materials which are intended for the given type of study and which he / she will receive at the beginning of the study. Teaching materials are provided to scholarship students for a fee. Some teaching materials may be provided in the form of a loan.

8. UJOP UK courses at Charles University. The student can buy additional teaching materials, CDs, DVDs, etc. according to his / her own interest or needs.

Application for Charles University courses

Rules for studying at Charles University courses. Study

Rules for studying at Charles University courses UJOP UK

1. The main types of study at ÚJOP UK are

a) preparatory program for studies at universities in the Czech Republic, b) long-term (annual, semester) courses in Czech as a foreign language, c) specialized study of specialized subjects in English for students of foreign universities, d) short-term (six-week, summer, etc.) Czech language courses as a foreign language, e) foreign language courses that are not part of other courses listed here, f) other courses (eg online courses, preparatory courses for standardized exams, etc.).

2. Specific principles for study in the preparatory program for study at universities in the Czech Republic:

a) Students are assigned to study groups according to the chosen future field of study at the university, b) The student submits a written request for a change of field of study to the director of the study center no later than the end of November, unless the study is subject to other regulations; the director of the study center will send the request with his / her opinion to the director of ÚJOP UK for a decision. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic will decide on scholarships.

c) UJOP UK courses at Charles University. The student has the opportunity to make a written request to interrupt the study. The application is submitted by the student to the director of the study center, who sends it with his / her statement to the director of ÚJOP UK for a decision. The director of ÚJOP UK will decide on the application within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. The study can be interrupted only after fulfilling the study obligations for the first part of the study (I. semester). During the first semester, the study may be interrupted only in very exceptional cases. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic will decide on scholarships.

d) The study may be interrupted for a maximum of two years so that after the interruption the student enters the study at the stage when he / she interrupted the study. In this case, the self-payer does not pay any difference between the original and the new price of the course. After two years from the interruption of studies, the student’s right to re-enroll in the course expires, he loses the right to exhaustion or return of funds, and in case of his interest in studying, he is treated as a new applicant.

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e) The condition for completing the study program is the fulfillment of all study obligations, obtaining credits and taking all exams prescribed by the study plan. The director of the study center may, in justified cases, make an exception and waive the fulfillment of certain study obligations,

f) After graduating the study program a student will receive a certificate of completion of all study obligations prescribed by the study plan, stating the results achieved in the final exams. The evaluation of the final exam is stated on the certificate both verbally and in percentages.

g) A student who does not fulfill the study obligations prescribed by the study plan, does not participate in the final examination or does not pass the final examination will not be issued a certificate, but a confirmation of participation in the study program. The results of the final exams and the percentage of attendance will be stated on the confirmation. A student who passes the final exam in Czech, but does not pass in any other subject, will be issued a certificate of completion of the language exam in Czech of the completed level with the overall evaluation in percent.

3. Specific principles for study in long-term courses in Czech as a foreign language: The provisions set out in Article II, paragraph 2, letter c) to g).

4. Specific principles for specialized study of specialized subjects in English for students of foreign universities: The study is based on agreements or contractual relations with foreign universities or with institutions that represent these universities in the Czech Republic.

5. UJOP UK courses at Charles University. Studies in the types of study referred to in Article II, paragraph 1, letter d) to f) are governed by the general provisions of these Study Rules. Graduates of this type of study will be issued a certificate or endorsement.

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Rules for studying at Charles University courses UJOP UK

1. The study ends with graduation, leaving the study or expulsion from the study.

2. The student notifies the director of ÚJOP UK in writing through the director of the study center of any abandonment of the study on his / her own initiative. Scholarship holders also report this fact to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The student ceases to be a student on the day when the written statement on leaving the study of ÚJOP UK was delivered. ÚJOP UK informs the Aliens Police of the Czech Republic about the reason for graduating from ÚJOP. The student acknowledges to the self-payer that if he / she leaves the study prematurely due to reasons, he / she loses the right to a refund of a proportional part of the payment. To eliminate the harshness of this principle, the director of ÚJOP UK may, on the basis of a student’s request and on the recommendation of the director of the study center, exceptionally allow the refund of a proportion of the course fee. ÚJOP UK reserves a period of thirty days for processing the request.

ÚJOP UK has the right to take into account all costs incurred in connection with the early termination of the student’s studies.

3. At the request of the student who left his / her studies, a confirmation of the course of study will be issued.

4. A student may be excluded from studies according to the Rules for the Assessment of Disciplinary Offenses of the Institute of Language and Vocational Training, Charles University. The day of termination of studies is the day when the decision on expulsion from studies came into legal force.

5. ÚJOP reserves the right not to re-admit to the study a student who has been excluded from the study of ÚJOP or has not fulfilled his / her study obligations.

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Knowledge testing, testing and classification

1. The course and results of the study are checked in the following forms:

a) continuous examination in writing or orally

b) credit

c) exam – semester

– final.

2. Requirements for examinations and credits and the method of their evaluation shall be determined by the director of the study center after consultation with the relevant specialist departments of ÚJOP UK, in the case of fields exceeding the center by mutual agreement.

3. The student will take the credit from those subjects of the study plan which do not end with an examination.

Credit can be done in written or oral form.

4. Exams are oral, written or a combination of these forms.

5. The final exam in Czech in the preparatory program for studies at universities in the Czech Republic consists of the written part of the exam (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Language and Writing) and the oral part of the exam (Speaking). A total of at least 60% must be achieved for the “pass” evaluation, even in individual subtests, while only 50% can be obtained in one of the written subtests. If the student fails the written part of the exam, the oral part of the exam does not pass.

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6. The test results are given in whole percentages:

excellent (1) 90-100%

very good (2) = 77-89%

good (3) = 60-76%

failed (4) = less than 60%

7. Exam dates are announced by the director of the study center. The dates of the semester and final exam in Czech are announced by the Research and Testing Center of Czech as a Foreign Language on the basis of the ÚJOP UK schedule.

8. The composition of the examination commission is determined by the director of the study center.

9. The semester exam in Czech in the preparatory program for studies at universities in the Czech Republic is diagnostic, the student continues to study, even if he fails the exam or in some part of it. He does not take a corrective test.

10. UJOP UK courses at Charles University. The student has the right to request one corrective date of the final exam in professional subjects; its date and date will be determined by the director of the study center.

11. A student in the preparatory program for studies at universities in the Czech Republic has the right to one corrective term of the final examination in Czech; its date will be determined by the Research and Testing Center of Czech as a Foreign Language on the basis of the ÚJOP UK schedule. If the student has successfully passed the written part of the exam but failed the oral part, he / she repeats only the oral part of the exam in the corrective term.

12. If a student fails the re-examination, he / she can register for the Certified Examination in Czech for Foreigners (CCE), which is charged.

13. Extraordinary and special adjustments to the exam (eg extraordinary dates, adjustments to assignments for students with disabilities) are decided by the Deputy Director of ÚJOP UK for study matters, based on the student’s request submitted through the director of the study center.

14. A student who does not appear for the exam without a proper excuse is classified as “failed” and loses the right to all corrective terms.

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Duties of the student. UJOP UK courses at Charles University

1. The student is obliged to take a responsible approach to the fulfillment of all study obligations, to regularly participate actively in teaching, to adhere to the timetable, not to disturb teaching by late arrivals, to follow the instructions of teachers and the director of the study center.

2. The student is entitled to holidays and leave in the scope and dates given by the schedule of the academic year in accordance with Article I, paragraph 3.

3. Students who are accommodated in the accommodation facility of the study center are obliged to comply with the General Accommodation Conditions of the respective center.

4. Absence will be tolerated up to 20% of the total number of hours taught in the period from the beginning of teaching. Cases of long-term illness of the student will be dealt with individually.

5. In case of absences over 20% or non-fulfillment of other study obligations, the student loses the right to consultations to supplement the missed material and may be excluded from the study according to the Rules for the Assessment of Disciplinary Offenses. If he wants to continue his studies, he must pass a commission exam. If he does not pass the exam, he will be excluded from the study,

6. UJOP UK courses at Charles University. A student who is not accommodated in the study center facility is obliged to inform the director of the study center of the address for the delivery of documents.

7. The student is obliged to appear at the summons of the director of ÚJOP UK or the director of studies of the center to discuss issues related to the course or termination of his studies.

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