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How much does it cost to live in the Czech Republic – cost of living for students

How much money do you need to study in the Czech Republic

Student expenses in the Czech Republic by item. When determining the total amount of expenses for studying abroad, it should be taken into account that the main difference in expenses depends on the city of residence and primarily depends on the cost of housing and meals.
To date, in Prague, the costs are as follows:
• In a hostel – from 150 euros per month – in a room with several people (Prices in 90% of hostels increase from September 2022)
• If you rent a room in an apartment – from 400 euros per month
• If you rent an apartment – studio from 600 euros per month
Phone – depending on the tariff, for example, the cheapest student tariff in Vodafone is 20 euros
Entertainment, museums – let’s say 50 euros
Food and dining – for example, a dish + drink in the HSE canteen – about 110 czk, 1 full purchase in the store – about 600 czk
Miscellaneous – expenses for copying services, postage, stationery, sending “invitations” about 70 euros. Costs for nostrification – 1000 czk state fee plus, if taken with an interpreter, for translation up to 2000 czk for each exam.
Total expenses in the Czech Republic for Czech language courses from 600 to 900 euros per month, depending on the needs. Also, do not forget about the annual medical insurance from 800 euros, biometric card -100 euros.

Student expenses in the Czech Republic in detail by expense item


Housing prices in Charles University dormitories: https://kam.cuni.cz/KAM-503-version1-or___stanoveni_standard_cen_za_ubyt_2022_od_162022_cistopis.pdf
Housing prices in HSE dormitories: https://suz.vse.cz/zajemci-o-ubytovani/dokumenty/cenik-kolejneho/#cenik_2022
Pay attention to the location of the hostels, some of them are very far from the center, and whether the toilet and bathroom are in the room or on the floor.
Full-time students of Czech universities receive a “living scholarship” – ubytovací stipendium. This is about 2,000 crowns for three months. Therefore, after enrolling in the university of the Czech Republic, the first thing to do is book a hostel.

Hostel Volha in Prague. How do I live in Volha dormitory in Prague VSCHT

Charles university dormitory Prague

Renting an apartment in the Czech Republic.
Rented room: from 9,000 CZK per month. Students often rent an apartment for two or three. Living in a room in a 3-room apartment will cost an average of 9 thousand crowns, in a room in a 2-room apartment – from 11 thousand crowns. Keep in mind that when renting an apartment, unforeseen expenses may arise. Utilities are paid in advance and recalculated at the end of the year. The amounts of underpayment are considerable.

How to rent an apartment in Prague for a student in the Czech Republic

Studying in the Czech Republic – visa

Biometric card – 2,500 czk per year or 100 euros. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic issues a student visa – a residence permit on the basis of providing confirmation of training. Universities provide such certificates for one academic year or six months, respectively, and a visa (biometric card) is issued for this period. For the issuance of a biometric card, each time you need to pay 2,500 czk.
Living expenses in the Czech Republic – insurance. After the introduction of the pVZP monopoly – from 17,000 czk. To obtain a student visa, one-year medical insurance is required.

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Extending a student visa in the Czech Republic – residence permit  

Food expenses in the Czech Republic

Food expenses in the Czech Republic from 6,000 czk per month. From 250 euros – up to 350 euros, the Czech Republic subsidizes meals in student canteens. On average, for 100 crowns, you can dine with soup, main course and salad. In the building of the Higher School of Economics, in addition to the usual dining room, there is a healthy food cafe, a pizzeria and a restaurant. Lunch menu in the restaurant (soup, main course, dessert) costs 110 CZK. Lunch at a healthy food cafe costs 120–140 czk.Eating in a Czech restaurant (in Czech – hospoda) is a little more expensive. For example, students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University often dine at the legendary U Rudolfina located not far from the faculty. Also a student pizzeria is Einstein (with an ISIC card) 2 pizzas or 2 salads – for the price of one.

Review dormitory Gostivarzh

How much does it cost to live in the Czech Republic for a student reviews

Student expenses in the Czech Republic: “The cost of a main meal in the dining room at the ChVUT for a mere mortal (without a university card) turned out to be the same as in a business lunch in a restaurant.” “I also really counted on cheap food at the university, but then the first time I realized that it wasn’t there, when rice with chicken for 110 czk came out about.”

“If you are not satisfied with the canteen, organize meals in restaurants (Hospůda), which are numerous in any Czech city. Most of them offer a menu of choice during the daytime (in Russia this is often called a set menu/business lunch). This offer is called Denní nabídka and is valid during the daytime. The cost of such a menu in Prague (soup, second course and bread) is approximately 150-200 CZK .. Secondly, you can eat in proven Chinese / Vietnamese restaurants. But only in those in which a large number of people regularly dine, they can be eaten without fear. Most often, in such eateries, it is enough to take only one dish (the cost is 150-200 czk on average).”

Filling out a green application for a visa to the Czech Republic

Travel to study in the Czech Republic – other expenses

Students of Czech universities under the age of 26 use public transport at reduced rates. The cost of a student pass (for all types of transport): for a month – 130 czk, for 3 months – 360 czk.
Student expenses in the Czech Republic for cellular communications.

From 400 czk to 700 czk per month. There are three main mobile operators in the Czech Republic – O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone. You can choose the most favorable tariff using the www.tarifomat.cz service. Many students do not use cellular communication, as there is Wi-Fi.
Do not enter into contracts with Vodafone at first (make a deposit of about 5000 czk) and you will be provided with more favorable conditions. In addition, be sure to pay all invoices on time. If you delay the payment, and the delay is more than the allowed period, then you will be fined on top of the debt. Relations with this company generally need to be kept on the pulse, otherwise then money and nerves will not be enough.
You can normally connect / disconnect services on Vodafone without any contract for a regular credit SIM card. It is enough to download the application and remove / add additional services when you need. And never mess with contracts. The contract is updated automatically, once a year. And, of course, no one will warn about this. Just like any initially free services. It is enough to turn off their automatic updating on the site / in the application and not worry. Well, we don’t trust consultants. The default PIN is 1234.

See also  Things to the Czech Republic for a student for Czech language courses

How much money does a student need in the Czech Republic

Costs for laundress (30 EEK/wash), ironing (30 EEK/session) and drying (30 EEK/dryer). Let’s take 4 times a week, it turns out 360 CZK per month.
Sport. Subscription to the gym – from 750 czk per month. Czech universities have their own sports centers and playgrounds. Lessons are cheaper there.

Living expenses in the Czech Republic for a student in Prague. Entertainment:

1. A trip to coffee with a cake costs about 200 czk – 8 euros (if in STARBUCKS it is more expensive)
2. A glass of beer costs 50 crowns almost everywhere – 2 euros
3. A ticket to the skating rink from 60 czk + rent of skates on average 150 czk – 2.5 euros + 6.25 euros
4. A trip to a cafe (1 dish + drink) from 300 czk – 12.5 euros
5. Cinema from 200 czk – 8 euros
6. Haircut 600 czk – 25 euros
7. Dance master class 1 hour – 250 czk – 10.5 euros
8. A cocktail in a bar costs from 120 crowns – 5 euros
9. Pass to the club about 200 czk – 8 euros

The ISIC student card is a 50% discount on many cultural events, 5-20% discount on various goods and services.
Student expenses in the Czech Republic for educational materials. expenses for the purchase of teaching materials – 2,000 czk per semester. In the largest bookstore in Prague, luxor, students receive a 10% discount upon presentation of ISIC.

Etiquette in the Czech Republic – code of good manners and rules of conduct in the Czech Republic

Mail. To make a notarized copy of a document, you do not need to look for a notary. You just come to the post office, press the button “Ostatní služby”, then press the button “Czech POINT. Datové schránky, Ověřováni listin a podpisů”, get your number in the queue and in a few minutes approach the post office employee, who will quickly prepare the requested documents for you. The Czech POINT service operates in most Czech post offices throughout the country. In addition to the “certification of copies” service, you can also receive certified extracts from various Czech registers in a matter of minutes. All information on the service (services, prices, etc.) is available on the Czech Post website: www.ceskaposta.cz/sluzby/egovernment/czechpoint. And on the website www.czechpoint.cz

ISIC card in the Czech Republic

How to get a work permit in the Czech Republic for foreigners

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