How to enroll in the VSE in Prague. Personal experience of passing exams in VSE

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How I passed the entrance exams to the University of Economics in Prague. Review of admission to the VSE

Higher School of Economics VSE in Prague. How to enroll in the VSE in Prague

University of Economics in Prague. How to enroll in the VSE in Prague

It all started with applying to the Czech university – “Prihlaska”. I submitted several applications to different universities to be sure that at least somewhere I will definitely enroll. The priority for admission for me was the VSE in Prague.  Therefore, I was mainly preparing for the entrance exams to this university in Prague.

To enter the Faculty of International Relations, I had to pass mathematics, English, a second foreign language (in my case it was French), and also pass Czech separately. The Czech language is not taken into account in the competition during admission to the VSE, because it is only needed by foreign students. The Czech language test must be written at least 60%.

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How to enroll in VSE in Prague?

To try my hand at entering the VSE in Prague, I signed up for a trial exam on the website /.

VSE independently organizes trial exams for admission to the Higher School of Economics in Prague. On the website / You can find a separate page with detailed information. How to enroll in the VSE in Prague

With the help of this site, you can only enter the Vysoká škola ekonomická if you pass each subject for a certain number of points. Each faculty independently sets its own threshold for admission to the VSE. This year, the threshold of 70% was set for the Faculty of International Relations.

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I took the entrance exams to the VSE offline, but all the exams were taken on computers. At the math exam, we were given a piece of paper so that we could solve on it and mark the answers in the computer. The result of the entrance exam is known immediately after passing the VSE exam on the website .

I passed the entrance exams in Prague at the VSE well. I scored 90 points out of 100 in English, 86 points in French and 75 points in mathematics. The next day I received a letter saying that I had fulfilled the conditions for admission to the VSE in the Czech Republic without entrance exams, and therefore, I only had to prepare for the Czech language exam. It sounds easy, but in fact, this exam is very difficult at the VSE, and a lot of students pass the entrance exam in Czech at the VSE poorly.

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University of Economics – admission to the VSE in Prague

How to enroll in the VSE in Prague. Personal experience

How to enroll in the VSE in Prague. Personal experience

How to enroll in the VSE in Prague. This year, the entrance exam in the Czech language at the VSE was held online and consisted of three parts: oral, reading and listening. We were divided into groups of 7 people and sent each a link to a meeting in MS TEAMS, we sat the whole exam with the cameras turned on. In the oral part, everyone had to be asked 3 questions (1 or 2 of them on an economic topic), but if you answer very well, then only 1 can be asked. Here the examiners look not so much at grammar as at the ability to speak Czech, express their thoughts clearly, and of course, Czech vocabulary.

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Passing the VSE entrance exams in Prague

I had the following tactics of passing the entrance exam in the Czech language: I spoke quickly and very much, I did not stop until I was stopped. Then there was reading and the most difficult part – listening, a text on an economic topic and very little time to complete tasks.

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The results of the entrance exams to the Higher School of Economics in Prague were known the next day, I received 62 out of 70 points in the Czech language. After that, I had only to send to the university a certificate of secondary education, an appendix to the certificate with grades and the nostrification of the certificate in the Czech Republic (which I passed earlier in the Czech gymnasium).

I also need to sign an online agreement on the processing of personal data and a promise that I will study well, put a check mark on student enrollment and everything is ready.

I did not pass the main entrance exams, because I entered through the website .

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How to enroll in the VSE in Prague

Note. Now, when applying to the VSE, Ukrainians were allowed to take Russian as a second foreign language (although it was previously impossible), justifying this by the fact that it is not their official language. And, obviously, they wrote it very well, because they know it almost perfectly. Because of all this, the threshold for admission to the Vysoká škola ekonomická in Prague soared from 150 to 240 points, and many did not pass the VSE competition, although they were completely confident in their abilities.

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Preparation for admission to the VSE in Prague- – advice

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2 thoughts on “How to enroll in the VSE in Prague. Personal experience of passing exams in VSE”

  1. Hi, thank you for your sharing. I wonder where you are from. Because your study is so good. I am struggling with my study in VSE in the Czech program. I am so tired of the fact that the professors speak so fast and shorten the words.
    Thank you for your answer

  2. Hey Anna, thank you for your comment and interest about the site. How I passed my summer session.
    In the middle of May, we finished studying. In the summer semester, I had to take exams in six subjects. I took all the exams in writing, but I still had to take three oral exams. I couldn’t pass one exam.
    I didn’t pass it because I didn’t prepare properly, it wasn’t extremely difficult or smth , but I just didn’t have any energy to learn smth that time.
    This was my first failed subject in 2 years of study.
    As far as I got under 50% on the final exam, I couldn’t rewrite it. (We have a rule in VSE: you pass if you have more than 60%, if you have 50-59% – you have one more attempt to write the exam. If you get less – you have to retake the whole subject in the next semester. That’s exactly what I had to do.
    The last exam in the subject Business and law I passed on 20.06 for “2” grade .
    My tips:
    1 – chose dates of your exams wisely, so that you have pauses between them and you can properly prepare
    2 – when you go to oral exams, better go first, don’t wait or you will just get more stressed
    3 – use VSE borec to look for advises from different student for certain subjects (they download their synopsises, different materials, they share questions that they had on the exam etc)
    The only advise I can give to better understand Fast Czech speech is to listen to podcast, watch films in Czech. In this case only practice and practice of listening can help.

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