How to pass the nostrification in the Czech Republic of school education on your own
Where to apply for nostrification in the Czech Republic?
Nostrification process in the Czech Republic. Documents for nostrification are submitted to the Magistrate if you live in Prague or to Krajský Úřad if you live and are registered in another city. Where you are registered in the Czech Republic, in the Magistrate or Kraisky Urzhad of that city and submit documents for nostrification of secondary education.
Here is the complete list of addresses for applying for the nostrification procedure in the Czech Republic.
Attention! When submitting documents, we give only certified copies of the translation. The originals of both the documents and at least one set of translations remain in the hands of the students.
Nostrification procedure in Prague
In Prague, the building of the magistrate is located in the center, at the address: Department of Education, Youth and Sports Jungmannova 35/29 (Jungmannova street), 111 21 Prague 1.
By calling 236 005 214, you can pre-arrange the time of the visit. You need to bring all the necessary documents and submit them on the very first floor, in one of the windows, which is called “Podatelna”. These boxes are numbered 9 and 10. Do not forget to attach the nostrification application to the package of documents. You can take an empty nostrification application yourself in the same building, on the 6th floor, next to the office of Pan Martin Fucik. Fees. The administration fee for accepting an application in the amount of CZK 1,000 must be paid at the City Hall’s cash desk.
Authorized persons: Mgr. Office of Martin Fucik No. 628 tel.: 236 005 214
Mgr. Daniela Kulhava, office No. 628, phone: 236 005 235
How to do nostrification in the Czech Republic in Brno
Nostrification process in the Czech Republic. The institution that is authorized to make decisions on the conformity of education received in another state, in other words, the organization that deals with nostrifications in Brno, is called Krajský úřad Jihomoravského kraje.
The Regional State Administration of the South Moravian Region is located at ul. Ceil 73, 602 00, Brno. Responsible person – Ing. bc. Dagmar Kostrhůnová (pronounced “Dagmar Kostrhunova”), her work number is 541 653 502.
Attention! If you are under 18 years old, when submitting documents, you must indicate in the application not only your name, but also the name of the person who will be responsible for you and who puts his signature under the application (zástupce).
Who can apply for nostrification in the Czech Republic?
- person (applicant) who has submitted an application for recognition of the equivalence of his foreign education
- legal or authorized representative of the applicant
Procedure for nostrification in the Czech Republic
The magistrate considers the application for nostrification in the Czech Republic within a month (maybe more) and after that appoints exams. You will receive a letter in the mail at your zástupce address with a decision that contains information about the exams, in which gymnasium they need to be taken and in what time frame this needs to be done.
Nostrification process in Prague
By law, the magistrate has 60 days to review the nostrification application and schedule examinations. They may decide earlier.
The decision will contain the exams scheduled for you, and the place where they will be held, but there will be no date, you must independently go to the gymnasium-school you need, and there get the dates from the secretary, or the person responsible for nostrification. If you’re lucky, you can choose the dates of the exams yourself if you have enough time. Keep in mind that in each case and place it may be different. If you apply through a language school, then the school receives all the documents and passes them on to you. The language school can extend the time for submitting documents and you will not have a chance of not retaking the nostrification exams in the Czech Republic.
How is nostrification in the Czech Republic
Nostrification process in the Czech Republic. The dates will be written to you on the same sheet that you received at the magistrate, and after receiving the date, you must return with this sheet to the magistrate, to the same office where you received this sheet, give it, and receive a copy instead, with seal that it is a copy.
After that, you can consider that the exams, the time and place have been assigned to you. On the appointed day written in this application, you need to appear for exams at the school that is listed there, and in which you were already when you received information about the time for taking the exam. After the appointment of the exams, start active preparation for the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic and take the nostrification exams at school.
Website dedicated to the process of nostrification: