Nostrification in the Czech Republic. Recognition of equivalence and nostrification of secondary school certificates issued by foreign schools
Nostrification in the Czech Republic is the recognition of the achieved level of foreign education (basic, secondary, higher vocational or university) by domestic authorities. Nostrification of secondary school certificates.
Nostrification in the Czech Republic is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 385/1991 Coll., On the recognition of equivalence and conditions of nostrification of certificates issued by foreign schools, as amended by Decree No. 332/1998 Coll. and Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Socialist Republic No. 95/1982 Coll., which lays down more detailed conditions for the nostrification of diplomas and other documents on university studies issued by foreign universities and the procedure for doing so).
Bad and good nostrification schools in Prague
Recognition of foreign education in the Czech Republic
Procedure for settling a case
The Departments of Education, Youth and Sports of Regional Authorities (in Prague, the Department of Education of the City of Prague) issue on the basis of § 108 et seq. Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (School Act), as amended, and Decree No. 12/2005 Coll., on the conditions for recognizing equivalence and nostrification of certificates issued by foreign schools , as amended, a certificate of recognition of the equivalence of a foreign certificate in the Czech Republic or a decision on recognition of the validity of a foreign certificate (nostrification) in the Czech Republic.
Legalization of educational certificates. Nostrification of secondary school certificates
Unless the international agreement stipulates otherwise, the authenticity of signatures and stamps on the originals of foreign certificates and the fact that the school is recognized in the country where the foreign certificate was issued must be verified by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. of the State in which the foreign school which issued the certificate is established or by a notary in the territory of such State. The application shall be accompanied by an officially certified translation of the education documents into the Czech language.
Certificate of recognition of equivalence
Certificate of recognition of equivalence of foreign certificates is issued by the Departments of Education, Youth and Sports of regional authorities (in Prague, Department of Education of the City of Prague) in cases where the Czech Republic is bound by an international agreement on recognition of equivalence of education certificates with where a foreign school is established and recognized. If the content and scope of the subjects taught are not apparent from the foreign certificate, the applicant shall also submit the general content of the education in the field in which he / she obtained the education.
Letter to the faculty in the Czech Republic upon admission to the university
Documents for nostrification in the Czech Republic
Documents nostrification of secondary education in the Czech Republic. If the Czech Republic is not bound by an international agreement to recognize a given foreign certificate as equivalent to a certificate of education issued in the Czech Republic, the Departments of Education, Youth and Sports of Regional Authorities on nostrification on the basis of an application containing in the annex:
- completed application for recognition of equivalence,
- legalized original (or its officially certified copy) and a diploma (certificate or certificate) of completed education translated by a Czech court interpreter into completed Czech language
- legalized original (or its officially certified copy) and a Czech court interpreter translated into Czech a document on the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school – an overview of subjects with an hourly allowance for individual years of study,
- proof that the school is recognized by the state of the Code, a foreign certificate was issued, as part of its educational system, if from a foreign certificate
- proof of payment of an administrative fee in the amount of CZK 1,000.
6. Power of attorney to represent the applicant (this is mainly the representation of persons under 18 years of age – the power of attorney is signed by the legal representative of the minor or the person who is represented),
Note: If the state in which the foreign certificate was issued with the Czech Republic (see above), legalization of education documents is not necessary.
Note: for students of Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan – legalization (apostille) is optional, since the legal equivalence of documents is valid (Hague Convention) For Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan – an apostille is needed. For students from Kazakhstan, even before arriving in the Czech Republic, it will be necessary to make an apostille of a certificate of secondary education. It is not necessary to apostille the certificate of hours.
Nostrification process in the Czech Republic
Documents for nostrification in the Czech Republic
Proof of residence. This may be a pass to the hostel where you live.
If at the time of submitting documents for the nostrification of a certificate in the Czech Republic you are under 18 years old, then you need to have a power of attorney for the person who will represent your interests in the Magistrate or Kraisky Urzhad. Nostrification application forms are different for different departments of education.
We certify copies for nostrification in the Czech Republic by a notary. Certification in the Czech Republic is done by notaries or Czech POINT points for the provision of public services: copying documents, certifying signatures, copies, issuing certificates of good conduct in the Czech Republic, extracts from the cadastre. Notary services take about 40 minutes. If you go to a notary at the post office, then you just need to take a coupon and sit out the electronic queue.
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Nostrification test in the Czech Republic
If the content and scope of education in a foreign school differs in part or the applicant does not submit complete documents from which the content and scope of taught subjects is evident, the relevant department of education, youth and physical education of the regional office will order a nostrification examination, whose successful composition is a prerequisite for issuing a decision on the recognition of foreign validity certificate in the Czech Republic (nostrification).
Topics and tickets for nostrification exams in the Czech Republic
The application is submitted for processing at the relevant Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Regional Authority (in Prague in the registry office of the City of Prague (Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1 – ground floor of the Škoda Palace).
The amount of the fee for accepting an application for recognition of validity or issuing a certificate of recognition equivalence of evidence of basic, secondary or higher vocational education acquired in a foreign school is stipulated by Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on administrative fees (item 10 d), as amended, amounts to CZK 1,000.
The process of appointing exams nostrification in the Czech Republic
Deadlines for settlement
after fulfilling the requirements 30 – 60 days (according to the Administrative Procedure Code). A nostrification certificate in the Czech Republic is needed for admission to any Czech university. But you can enter a university in the Czech Republic without nostrification exams.
Nostrification of secondary school certificates. Contacts – Prague:
Magistrat hlavniho mesta Prahy
- Jungmannova 35/29, 111 21 Praha 1
- Mgr. Martin Fucik, č. door: 628, tel.: 236 005 214
- Mgr. Daniela Kulhava, c. door: 628, tel.: 236 005 235
- bc.Lenka Kalalova, c. doors: 628, tel.: 236 005 240
Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic. Where to apply for nostrification
Preparation of the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic