Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic. Where to apply for nostrification

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Where is an application for nostrification accepted in the Czech Republic?

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic. Where to apply for nostrification.

  1. In each administrative unit of the Czech Republic, it is these officials who determine the procedure and procedure for nostrification, and they accept documents from you.
  2. Each administrative unit has its own requirements and its own characteristics. The requirements for nostrification are somewhat similar, but there are many nuances, we can say that each region has its own rules.
  3. Apart from the nostrification officials mentioned below, no one has anything to do with the nostrification of school education in the Czech Republic!

Nostrification of secondary school certificates in the Czech Republic

Nostrification addresses in the Czech Republic

I publish the contact details of almost all officials who are involved in the nostrification of secondary education in the Czech Republic:

Prague and Central Bohemia

Prague and Central Bohemia

Magistrat hlavniho mesta Prahy

Jungmannova 35/29, 111 21 Praha 1

Mgr. Martin Fucik, č. door: 628, tel.: 236 005 214

Mgr. Daniela Kulhava, c. door: 628, tel.: 236 005 235

bc.Lenka Kalalova, c. doors: 628, tel.: 236 005 240

In Prague, the building of the magistrate is located in the center, at the address: Department of Education, Youth and Sports Jungmannova 35/29 (Jungmannova street), 111 21 Prague 1.

By calling 236 005 214, you can pre-arrange the time of the visit. You need to bring all the necessary documents and submit them on the first floor, in one of the windows, which is called “Podatelna”. These boxes are numbered 9 and 10. Do not forget to attach the nostrification application to the package of documents. You can take an empty nostrification application yourself in the same building, on the 6th floor, next to the office of Pan Martin Fucik. The administration fee for accepting the nostrification application in the amount of CZK 1,000 must be paid at the City Hall’s cash desk.

See also  Nostrification process in the Czech Republic

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South Moravian Region (BRNO)

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic

Krajský úřad Jihomoravského kraje

Ing. bc. Dagmar Kostrhunová, MBA,

C_206, Cejl 73, Brno,, +420 541 653 527.

The institution that is authorized to make decisions on the conformity of education received in another state, in other words, the organization that deals with nostrifications in Brno, is called Krajský úřad Jihomoravského kraje.

The Regional State Administration of the South Moravian Region is located at ul. Ceil 73, 602 00, Brno. Responsible person – Ing. bc. Dagmar Kostrhůnová”), her work number is 541 653 502.

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Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic. Pilsen Region (Pilsen)

Consultations on nostrification only by prior arrangement: phone: 377 195 524


Nostrification process in the Czech Republic

Kralove Hradec Region (Hradec-Kralove)

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic

Krajský úřad Královehradeckého kraje

Pivovarské nam. 1245 500 03 Hradec Kralove

Mgr. Alena Kosinková 495 817 266.702 209 341—uznani-zahr-vzdelani–44021/

Ustetsky region (Usti-nad-Labem)

Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje

Mgr. Sárka Oberländer tel.: 420 475 657 280,


Obtaining the results of nostrification and what to do if you have not passed the exams

Pardubice Region (Pardubice)

Krajský úřad Pardubického kraje Komenského nám. 125 532 11 Pardubice

Mgr. Markéta Linková, telefon 466 026 206


Where to apply for nostrification in the Czech Republic? Land of Vysočina (Jihlava)

Krajský úřad Vysočina

odbor školství, mládeže a sportu Krajského úřadu Kraje Vysočina, Věžní 28, Jihlava

JUDr. Eva Herzanova (, te

l.: 564 602 956)

See also  Preparation of the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary Region (Karlovy Vary)

The situation is such that nostrification is not accepted in this territory, since there are no gymnasiums that can conduct nostrification exams.

Documents are forwarded to the Ministry of Education and you are assigned a school.

Olomouc Region (Olomouc)

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic

Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje

Olomoucky kraj Jeremenkova 40a 779 11 Olomouc

Contacts of the only employee whose position is somehow related to nostrification:

Mgr. Lucie Staflova

posuzováni zahraničniho vzdělávaní

oddělení krajského vzdělávání, Odbor školství a mládeže

585 508 551

Jeremenkova 40b, 779 11 Olomouc, patro 10.p, office: 1003

Contacts of officials of the Department of Education:

How is the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic. Zlin Region (Zlin)

Krajský úřad Zlínského kraje třída Tomáše Bati 21 761 90 Zlín

Mgr. Michal Duda, tel.: 577 043 768, e-mail:,

or Ing. Marcela Došlova, tel.: 577 043 729, e-mail:

Moravian-Silesian Region (Ostrava)

Krajský úřad – Moravskoslezský kraj 28. října 117 702 18 Ostrava

Ing. Pavel Šveda, office F 322, tel. č. 595 622 424, e-mail:

Ing. Pavlina Kadrnková, office F 322, tel. č. 595 622 144, e-mail:

Ing. Michaela Bystroňová, office F 322, tel. č. 595 622 236, e-mail:

South Bohemian Region (Ceske Budějovice)

Krajský úřad Jihočeského kraje

Bližší informace na telef. č. 386 720 837 (JUDr. Eva Oušková) nebo na telef. č. 386 720 939 (Mgr. Gabriela Žíttová), odbor školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Krajského úřadu Jihočeského kraje (pracoviště v ul. B. Němcové 49/3 – 2. patro, č. dveří 333 nebo 3. patro, č. dveří 431 – nejlepe po předchozí telefonické dohodě).[id_v]=190..

Liberec Region (Liberec)

Nostrification officials and addresses in the Czech Republic.

Ing. Exnerova Vera

metodička stredniho vzdělávání, nostrifikace

Oddělení vzdělávaní a organizace školství

Phone: 485226230


The process of appointing exams nostrification in the Czech Republic

Preparation of the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic

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