Appointment of nostrification exams in the Czech Republic
After submitting an application to the magistrate, nostrification exams in the Czech Republic will be assigned to you by the education department of the local municipality. And then a letter came from the magistrate about nostrification. The process of appointing exams nostrification in the Czech Republic.
What to do next? Letters from the magistrate always come by mail. However, the school of nostrification of the certificate, where the exams will be held, can get ahead of the magistrate and already send dates and a list of subjects to your email. In any case, you will need to wait for a paper printed invitation. It is called usnesení.
Appointment of nostrification exams in Prague
1. If the nostrification school is ahead of the magistrate, and the letter has arrived at your email. Then in this case, you write a response email with the phrase: “Termíny zkoušek potvrzuji”. Typically, the letter states that the student has 10 days to submit confirmation. Then prepare for the exams and wait for the official (paper) letter from the magistrate – usnesení. It is it that serves as a pass and an entrance ticket to the nostrification exams.
2. The magistrate will send an official invitation by Czech mail, which will include the following information: in which subjects you have been assigned exams, at which school and when. Your first task is to find this information in the letter. If the dates of the exams are vague, not indicated, you are required to contact the school yourself and agree on specific dates. How to do it? Through any search engine, we find the official website of the school or gymnasium of nostrification of the certificate (it will be indicated in the letter). On the site we find contacts for feedback. We attach a scan (or photo) of the received original letter (usnesení). And we write the following: “Dobrý den, dnes jsem dostal (a) usnesení, scan je v priloze. Prosím Vás napsat přesní termín zkoušek.”
In response, you will receive the exact schedule of nostrification exams. In some cases (which is why it is important to read the letter), it will be necessary to appear in person at the school where the nostrification is being taken in order to agree directly on a specific date for the nostrification exams.
If you are going to go with an interpreter, it is usually enough to warn the school where the exam will take place by adding the phrase: “Chtěl(a) bych upozornit, že budu s tlumočníkem” in the letter.
Important: The interpreter must be licensed to provide these services (not all people who know both languages are eligible to practice this).
How is the nostrification exam in the Czech Republic
The process of prescribing exams nostrification in Prague
Sometimes the nostrification school in the Czech Republic provides a choice. You can choose the dates yourself or you will be assigned. You will be given 3-4 weeks to prepare, and at the same time they will give you a list of topics from which you will be asked questions during the exam. Everywhere is different!
Let’s repeat the process of appointing nostrification exams in the Czech Republic:
A month after submitting the application, you will receive a response in which the gymnasium is assigned, where the exams will take place, the dates of the exams and the subjects that are assigned individually. This is usually three or four high school exams. The sooner you submit documents for nostrification, the sooner the exam date is set. The best months for taking nostrification exams in the Czech Republic are January-March. This is due to the fact that if it is not possible to pass the nostrification in the Czech Republic the first time, then there will be time for a retake. On the appointed day, or days, students come to the gymnasium and take exams. Each exam lasts half an hour.
Bad and good nostrification schools in Prague
Obtaining the results of nostrification and what to do if you have not passed the exams