Documents for nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic

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Documents for nostrification of higher education in the Czech Republic

Nostrification of a diploma of higher education (bachelor’s degree) for further study in a master’s program. Documents for nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic.

The sequence of nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic

1. Take the diploma with all the inserts, which indicate the subjects passed, the number of hours listened to and the marks for the exams, and make several certified copies. It can be done:

  • with a notary who speaks the language in which the diploma was issued – necessarily from the official list of the Czech Notary Chamber;
  • in the municipality (obecní úřad) with an official who deals with certification (ověřovaní);

Attention! When picking up copies, make sure that all the text and printing are clearly visible: the sheets are not very dark, the binding does not overlap the text anywhere, otherwise the documents will not be accepted later.

2. Translate copies into Czech with an official court interpreter listed by the Czech Ministry of Justice.

If your diploma is in English or in two languages, one of which is English, no translation is required. You need a state license if you graduated from a private educational institution.

Important! Translators do not check whether you have brought the correct documents – all responsibility for errors lies with you. This also applies to an apostille (a special stamp of authenticity) or super-legalization, which must be put in advance if you received a diploma in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia or Azerbaijan. In other CIS countries and in Ukraine, an apostille is not required.

3. Write an application for nostrification in Czech. Usually, universities post a ready-made form on their websites, but if there is none, then the letter can be drawn up in any form. The main point is:

  • your full name, date of birth and nationality;
  • permanent place of residence and the address to which you want to receive an answer about nostrification;
  • the full name of the graduated university, specialty and study program in Czech, the legal address of the university;
  • date of receipt and issue;
  • why do you need nostrification (want to work or continue education);
  • date of completion of the application and signature.
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Tip: provide an additional link to the official website of the institute where you studied in order to increase the chances of successful nostrification.

4. With an application, a translated diploma and its supplements, apply to any Czech university where the curriculum of the same specialty as yours is accredited. Documents can be submitted in person or by registered mail (doporučený dopis) in an A4 envelope. It does not matter which university it is – the main thing is that the same specialty with a similar curriculum is studied in it. Having received a request, the university verifies the authenticity of your diploma, sends a request to the university where you studied, studies the list of subjects in your specialty, the number of hours for them, and decides on issuing a certificate.

Tip: do not send original documents, as not all universities return documents back.

Documents for nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic

Documents for nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic

1. Original and certified copy of the Diploma and Diploma Supplement in two copies (“Diploma Supplement”). Results in all disciplines for each year of study.
2. It is also recommended to bring with you (sylabus) – a description of the content of individual subjects (some faculties require this).
In some cases, it is required to provide additional information about the accreditation of your university (this mainly applies to private higher education institutions).
We also recommend that students bring their high school diploma with them in case the bachelor’s degree is not nostrified by the university and they have to reapply for the bachelor’s program. All documents must be translated into Czech (we advise you to do translations in the Czech Republic) and legalized as indicated above.
3. 3 000,- kroons – payment to the university for the examination of documents.

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Translation of documents for nostrification of a diploma

All documents for nostrification must be translated into Czech and certified by a court translator (we strongly recommend that translations be made in the Czech Republic). You will have to translate the document in your country only if the original document is in a rare language and there may be difficulties with its translation in the Czech Republic. If the translation was made abroad, it must be certified by a court interpreter at the Czech embassy.

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Legalization of documents

Documents for nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic. All documents must have an appropriate degree of legalization. In some cases, the stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a given country or the Ministry of Justice – an apostille is required, and in some countries super legalization is required, that is, additional certification of the document by the embassy of the Czech Republic. For detailed information on this issue, consult the Czech Embassy in your country.
Note. For students from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan – legalization is optional, since the legal equivalence of documents is valid, regulated by bilateral agreements between states.
For Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan – an apostille is needed. Hague Convention

Within 2 months, an answer will come to the mail. If the diploma is confirmed, then the letter will be accompanied by a certificate of nostrification with the seal of the university that considered the application. From now on, your diploma is considered nostrified and it is these documents that you will then carry to the university when you successfully pass the entrance exams.

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