Long-term study visa to the Czech Republic – Types of study visas

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Czech study visa

Find your consulate on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic , check the requirements for registration to apply for a visa and register.

Be sure to check the document requirements on the website of the embassy/consulate where you are applying for a visa. Your international passport has to be valid for at least 3 more months after the expiration date of the long-term visa for which you are applying.

Long-term visa to the Czech Republic and residence permit

Long-term study visa to the Czech Republic. Vízum k pobytu nad 90 dnů (dlouhodobé) – visa to the Czech Republic for foreigners planning to stay in the Czech Republic continuously for more than 90 days, type D – national visa. The application is submitted in the foreigner’s home country or in the country where the applicant has a residence permit. The maximum validity period is 1 year, you can switch to a residence permit in the Czech Republic immediately after the course. The visa is issued for the purpose of ostatní (other) or stadium (study).

For the purpose of “study”, you can apply for both a “long-term visa” to the Czech Republic for the purpose of “study”, and for an “application for a long-term residence permit” (residence permit) for the purpose of “study”. This applies to students of accredited state courses such as UJOP, they are applied for long-term visas to the Czech Republic for the purpose of studying for one year from September 1 to August 31.
Type of visa to the Czech Republic: purpose – Czech “study” visa. In this case, you can apply for two types of visas:

A – long-term visa to the Czech Republic or residence permit to the Czech Republic. Before arriving in the Czech Republic, a student receives a visa for a period of 60 days at the Embassy of the Czech Republic (D/VR/23/…). Upon arrival at the courses, each student is required to register with OAMP within 3 working days from the date of arrival in the Czech Republic. At OAMP, a student presents a passport and biometric data is taken from him to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Czech Republic for non EU citizens. Within 60 days, the student is called to issue a temporary residence in Czech Republic plastic card. A black and green application form for a visa to the Czech Republic is being filled out.

B – Long-term visa to the Czech Republic. Vizum k pobytu nad 90 dnů (dlouhodobé). Only a black application form for a visa to the Czech Republic is filled out.

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In connection with the coronovirus situation, from 2020 it is only necessary to apply for a visa or residence permit for the purpose of “study”.

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Types of study visas to the Czech Republic

1. 23 type D visa Czech Republic. D / VC / 23 from the point of view of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, you are a full-fledged student of the Czech Republic or study for free in secondary schools in the Czech Republic, participate in educational activities for free, train in the Czech Republic for free.

2. 24 type D visa Czech Republic. D / VC / 24 You are a student of various educational courses in the Czech Republic, according to paragraph 60 of the law on higher education in the Czech Republic, or you go on paid internships, study for a fee in secondary schools in the Czech Republic and for university students.

3. 99 type D visa to the Czech Republic. D/VC/99 – Long term student visa in the Czech Republic. You are in the Czech Republic for the purpose of “carrying out educational activities in the Czech Republic”. For example, to study in the Czech Republic in a private school of the Czech language. Type of visa to the Czech Republic: purpose “other” or “other” – ostatní.

Explanations on the types of visas to the Czech Republic for studying can be found on the website: https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/vizum-k-pobytu-nad-90-dnu-dlouhodobe.aspx?q=Y2hudW09MTM%3d

Long term visa application in the Czech Republic

Differences in types of visas for studying in the Czech Republic

1. For 23 and 24 types of visas to the Czech Republic, your time of study in the Czech Republic is taken into account in your length of service for permanent residence in the Czech Republic only by half. For type 99 visa to the Czech Republic, your time is taken into account in full.
2. For type 99, the time for consideration of the “first visa to the Czech Republic” is up to 120 days (usually less, but by law they can keep you for 120 days). For other types of visas – up to 60 days. But at the same time, in connection with the adoption of a joint memorandum of the three ministries of the Czech Republic, the review time for types 23 and 24 of visas to the Czech Republic will be reduced.
3. For the 99  type of visa to the Czech Republic, it is necessary to prepare for a more biased interrogation or interview for a visa to the Czech Republic, a little more documents for a visa to the Czech Republic are needed. You should also know that an interview for a visa to the Czech Republic for applying for a 23 or 24 type of visa is conducted only in Czech.

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Note. You can take an interpreter into the Czech language with you for an interview for a visa to the Czech Republic, and the interpreter must have a passport with him.

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Obtaining a residence permit of the Czech Republic upon admission to the university

Long-term study visa to the Czech Republic

Residence card to the Czech Republic. On July 31, 2019, amendments were made to the law on foreigners in the Czech Republic, according to which it is allowed to apply for a residence permit in the Czech Republic for the purpose of 23 (“study at universities” in the Czech Republic, according to paragraph 42) on the territory of the Czech Republic to the OAMP authorities, having holding a visa for an “other” purpose other than the purposes issued under paragraphs 33 and 43.

Visa 99 (purpose “other, other”) is issued in accordance with paragraph 30. Thus, from July 31, 2019, holders of a long-term study visa in the Czech Republic for the purpose “other” have the right to immediately apply for a residence permit in the Czech Republic upon admission to a Czech university . Within 60 days after the submission of biometric data, you will receive a temporary residence permit from the Czech Republic.

Arrival for courses in the Czech Republic with a residence permit

Those who have a residence permit approved in their home country come to the Czech Republic for Czech language courses on a single long-term D / VR visa with a validity period of 60 days and the possibility of entering the Czech Republic within 6 months. Upon arrival in the Czech Republic, students come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic within three days for registration and for submitting biometric data and obtaining a biometric card.
With the end of the Czech language courses, students with long-term visas extend their visas for a residence permit in the Czech Republic, and students who came with a residence permit to the Czech Republic renew their residence permit. The procedure for extending a residence permit  in the Czech Republic for students and the list of documents are exactly the same.

The amount of financial security for obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic increases from July 1, 2022

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