Long term visa application in the Czech Republic

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Apply for czech visa

Long-term visa

All documents must be presented in original or as a notarized copy made from the original, AND with one plain photocopy of each document  (i.e. one long-term visa application file contains two complete sets of documents).

All documents (except the travel document or ID card, debit/credit card, and bank account statement and notarizations, if written in English) must be written in Czech or accompanied with a certified translation into the Czech language.


Consulate is authorized to interview the applicant for long-term visa or long-term residence permit. By law, the interview with the applicant is conducted in the Czech language. The record of the interview is written in the Czech language and is signed by the applicant and the Consular Officer. In case you do not speak Czech you may hire and bring aVisa application process

Long-term visas are approved by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, not by the Consulate. Without the approval, the Consulate is not authorized to issue the visa. The Consulate is unable to expedite or fast-track the visa process. Therefore, the Consulate encourages applicants to submit their applications well in advance.n interpreter with you at your own expense for the interview.

Long term visa application in the Czech Republic. Students who come to Czech language courses on a long-term visa to the Czech Republic for study have the opportunity to move freely within the Schengen area within 90 days within 6 months. A long-term visa to the Czech Republic for study has a maximum validity of one year, the number of entries to the Czech Republic on a long-term visa is not limited. The Consulate strongly recommends that the applicants do not travel to the Czech Republic without a valid visa. Incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant. A set of documents and terms for issuing a student visa to the Czech Republic must be found on the website of the Consulate of the Czech Republic in your country.

Charles university Сzech language course

Features of a visa to the Czech Republic for studying for different language courses

A visa to the Czech Republic for studying in Czech language courses is issued in two versions:

1. “Long stay visa” type D is a national visa for study in the Czech Republic with a stay of more than 90 days. Long stay visa in the Czech Republic. The purpose of the stay is “other” or the purpose is “learning”. The purpose of the visit is indicated in the black application form for a visa to the Czech Republic “ostatní” or “studium”.

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2. “Long-term residence permit” (“Residence permit in the Czech Republic”) – a long-term visa to the Czech Republic for the purpose of “studying” “studium”. Filling out a black and green visa application form for the Czech Republic.

What type of visa to apply for, you need to find out from your language school in the Czech Republic or from representatives who will help you get a Prague visa.
For the purpose of “other” “ostatní”, you can apply to study in the Czech Republic in Czech language courses only for a “Long-stay visa” type D in the Czech Republic.

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Study visa to the Czech Republic for study. Features of obtaining Czech temporary residence

For the purpose of “studying”, you can apply to the Consulate as

1. “czech long term visa” type D to the Czech Republic for the purpose of “training”, and for
2. “application for a long-term residence permit” (residence permit in the Czech Republic) for the purpose of “study”. With registration of a residence permit in the Czech Republic and obtaining a czech residence permit for non eu citizens already upon arrival at the Czech courses.

Student visa interview for Czech Republic

When applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic, the interview takes place in Czech (you can take an interpreter with you, the interpreter must have a passport with him).

“Application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study” (Czech temporary residence), is sent to the Czech Ministry of the Interior for a decision. In case of a positive decision, the consular department issues a “Visa to the Czech Republic for the purpose of obtaining a long-term residence permit” on the territory of the Czech Republic.
After arriving in the Czech Republic, you must appear within 3 working days at the Ministry of the Interior to obtain a “Permit for long-term residence for the purpose of study” with a czech residence card.

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Applying to the Consulate of the Czech Republic

In this case, a questionnaire is submitted to the Consulate of the Czech Republic in your home country – an application for permission for a long-term stay in the territory of the CZ (green questionnaire), and the documents are the same as for the “questionnaire for a long-term visa”. When applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic, two forms of the questionnaire are filled out and submitted – green and black. On the basis of the green application form, you are issued a Czech temporary residence, and on the basis of the black application form, a long-term D / VR visa is pasted to the Czech Republic to enter the Czech Republic for courses for further biometrics and issuance of a czech residence card.

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If you are interviewed when you apply for a visa/long stay, you can ask for a copy of the transcript after the interview.

Czech Republic student visa interview questions 

Czech Republic student visa processing time

The maximum validity of any type of “long-stay visa” for studying in the Czech Republic is one year. The second time a long-term visa type D to the Czech Republic is not extended! After entering the university of the Czech Republic, you must apply to the migration service for a Czech temporary residence and receive a biometric card in the Czech Republic. A residence permit in the Czech Republic can be extended an unlimited number of times.

Attention. If you apply for a visa to the Czech Republic and receive a long-term stay – a residence permit in the Czech Republic, then after arriving in the Czech Republic, you must issue a biometric card. The fee for issuing a czech residence permit is 2500 kroons.

Arrival for courses in the Czech Republic with a residence permit

Those who have a residence permit approved in their home country come to the Czech Republic for Czech language courses on a single long-term D / VR visa with a validity period of 60 days and the possibility of entering the Czech Republic within 6 months. Upon arrival in the Czech Republic, students come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic within three days for registration and for submitting biometric data and obtaining a biometric card.
With the end of the Czech language courses, students with long-term visas extend their visas for a residence permit in the Czech Republic, and students who came with a residence permit to the Czech Republic renew their residence permit. The procedure for extending a residence permit  in the Czech Republic for students and the list of documents are exactly the same.

Amendments to law 326/1999 Coll. “On the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic”

From 02.08.2021, all foreign citizens are required to insure only with the PVZP insurance company. The exception to this rule is: holders of European EHIC and British GHIC policies.
The obligation does not apply to foreigners who participate in the national health insurance system, receive compensation for medical care based on an international agreement, or have valid EHIC and GHIC health insurance cards. In addition, this obligation does not apply to citizens of the European Union, their close family members

The amount of financial security for obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic increases from July 1, 2022

Czech visa status check

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