Documents for extending a visa and obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic

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Obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic

Documents for extending a residence permit in the Czech Republic

A very important point is the requirement to provide a full package of documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic when extending a long-term visa and obtaining a residence permit. In case of submission of an incomplete package, the application will not be accepted, consideration will not be started, and this foreigner will not have a “fictitious validity” of a long-term visa. That is, a foreigner will not be able to stay in the Czech Republic between the last date of validity of the current Czech visa and the start date of a new visa or Czech residence permit. Extending a residence permit.

Green application form

We fill in the green questionnaire (Žádost o dlouhodobý pobyt – long-term residencethe in the Czech Republic ). It can be taken from OAMP in the information window or downloaded by clicking on the link

You can take the green questionnaire at any branch of the OAMP. I advise you to take four pieces at once. A couple in reserve, if you fill in something incorrectly, and a couple as clean-ups – for this and next year, so that you don’t go for it specially next year. The questionnaires are filled in Latin, in capital block letters in Czech.

How to fill out a green application for a residence permit in the Czech Republic

Confirmation of studying

Extending a residence permit. A certified copy of a letter from the university about enrolling in a university (or confirmation of studying at a university) or an agreement and confirmation of studying from a language school or a document of a legal entity about studying in the Czech Republic.

The decision on enrollment “Rozhodnutí o přijetí” is the most important document that, until the moment of enrollment in Czech students, replaces the confirmation of study from the university “Potvrzení o studiu”. Enrollment in students is a very important point, it is from the moment of enrollment that an applicant ceases to be an applicant and becomes a Czech student, receives full student rights in the Czech Republic. It is impossible to obtain confirmation of studying in the Czech Republic before the registration is completed. Since you are not formally studying at a Czech university yet, even if you successfully passed the entrance exams to a Czech university. In this sense, the Ministry goes to meet them: you can apply for an extension of the Czech visa by the decision to enroll in a Czech university, and bring confirmation of studying in the Czech Republic only later, after enrolling as a student.

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Registration to the police in the Czech Republic via the Internet OAMP MV

Confirmation of financial security

Financial security in the amount of at least 110 260 crowns (about 4 457 €) per year. Money is stored on a Czech card or a card of a foreign bank. It is necessary to bring a translation of a certificate from the bank certified by a Czech court interpreter). I took the certificate from the nearest branch of the Česká Spořitelna bank, where I have an account. A reference is an account statement (výpis z účtu) for the current month indicating the balance in kroons, the date of issue of the statement, the signature of the employee and the seal of the bank. Immediately notify the bank that you need not just Výpis z účtu, but with a seal (s razítkem) for OAMP (pro cizineckou policii). I was charged 120 crowns for issuing a certificate.

The amount of financial security for obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic increases from July 1, 2022

Proof of accommodation

Potvrzení o zajištění ubytování. If you rent a house, then bring the lease agreement to the Ministry. As a rule, apartment owners who rent out apartments to students not for the first time are aware of what package of documents is required from them. For example, they may require a written statement from the owner that he does not mind renting out housing to a foreigner. If you are renting an apartment, your landlord’s signature on the certificate of residence must be certified by a notary in the mail.

A certified copy of the residence agreement is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the original remains in your hands.

Proof of residence in an apartment in the Czech Republic to extend

Accommodation contract

The accommodation contract must fully cover the time of your stay in the Czech Republic by dates. Two nuances follow from this.

  1. If the contract is signed for 11 months, then you will be given permission only for 11 months, not for a year.
  2. You may need to bring two accommodation contracts – an expiring one and a new one – in case their dates do not fully cover the time of your stay in the Czech Republic. For example, a new contract with a hostel begins on September 1, and you submit documents in August, when the previous contract is still valid.
See also  The amount of financial security for obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic increases from January 1, 2023

Registration with the Czech police when changing housing

Other documents

  • health insurance in the Czech Republic
  • Kolky (stamps) in the amount of 2500 crowns
  • color photograph 3.5×4.5 cm
  • pink biometric card in case of renewal dlouhodobého pobytu
  • extract from the real estate register
  • Copies – bank card, passport, medical insurance.
  • Other documents as required by the Ministry of Health due to the Covid-19 situation.

Information on insurance and the procedure for submitting documents

Health insurance for a residence permit in the Czech Republic within the framework of comprehensive medical care, as required by the Law on Residence of Foreigners, can be obtained exclusively from the VZP insurance company within five years from the date of entry into force of the amendment to the Law. on the residence of foreigners (i.e. from August 2, 2021 to August 2, 2026).

Extending a residence permit. Attention! When submitting documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, foreigners are required to present the original of the foreign passport, as well as the original documents used on the purpose of stay in the Czech Republic – the original contract with the language school or document about admission to the university and confirmation of training.

You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for extending a Czech visa and obtaining a residence permit on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic:

When extending a study visa in the Czech Republic, when submitting documents, you must inform the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about your absence in the Czech Republic from “such” and “such” dates, and also ask to paste a temporary visa (Czech. Překlenovací vizum) until the end of September.

For up-to-date information about a residence permit in the Czech Republic, the deadlines for applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic and the list of required documents in connection with Covid-19, please visit the OAMP MV ČR website –

The status of the visa application is tracked on the website.

Process of applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic

Biometrics in the Czech Republic when obtaining a residence permit

Registration with the Czech police by phone OAMP MV ČR

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