Registration for change of residence in the Czech Republic

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1. Registration when changing an apartment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The law on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic, which entered into force on July 31, 2019. Registration when changing housing in the Czech Republic. Amendments to Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic. From now on, it will not be necessary to change the biometric card when changing the address, BUT notice of a change of address must, as before, within 30 days. A stamp with information about the new address will be placed in your passport. Registration for change of residence in the Czech Republic.

Registration when changing accommodation in Prague – when moving into a dorms or renting an apartment, you must sign the “Accommodation Agreement” in a new place (Smlouva o ubytování číslo …) Your data is indicated in the agreement. It is advisable to sign the contract in Czech so that there are no problems. We need the original contract itself, its certified copy from a notary and a passport. When you change your place of residence, you have 30 working days to go and register  at the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Registration for a change of residence in Prague. An overview of the addresses (workplaces) of the Ministry of the Interior of the Asylum and Migration Policy Department in the Czech Republic, telephone numbers and working hours can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic here –

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Registration for a change of residence in the Czech Republic  – you can make an appointment by phone at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During a telephone conversation, indicate your full name and that you want to change the address of residence. You will be offered a date and time, in about a week, they will make an appointment. Make an appointment at OAMP CZ on the internet

2. Registration with the police when changing housing in Prague

If you do not have a residence permit in the Czech Republic, you must register a change of housing in the Czech Republic with the Police for Foreigners. Service addresses, phone numbers and opening hours are listed on the website of the Czech Police –

Registration with the Prague police when changing apartments. There is a Neplatné (Invalid) stamp on top of my registration stamp, since I moved and registered at a different address.

The law on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic

Proof of residence in an apartment in the Czech Republic to extend

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