How can a foreigner independently register with the Czech police
Czech foreign police registration
All tourists and foreigners in the Czech Republic must register with the Police for Foreigners in the Czech Republic – Cizinecká policie within 3 working days from the moment of arrival. Hotels, boarding houses and hostels provide data on residents themselves, but you should clarify this issue at the hotel or hostel.
Prague – registration of foreigners in the foreign police in the Czech Republic
For tourists in the Czech Republic who rent accommodation on their own, it is necessary to contact the tourist police in the Czech Republic themselves to register their place of stay.
A fine of up to 3,000 CZK is provided for failure to notify citizens of non-EU countries of their place of residence. There may be problems with obtaining the next tourist visa, long-term visa or residence permit. Duties of foreigners in the Czech Republic and fines
If you arrived on Friday, the deadline for tourist registration with the foreign police of Prague is Tuesday.
Important: “Third-country nationals are obliged to report their place of stay in the territory of the Czech Republic to the relevant department for foreigners in the police at the place of stay in the Czech Republic.”
In Prague, the Police for Foreigners is located at Olšanská 2176/2.
Phone numbers and opening hours are listed on the Czech Police website at the link.
Registering with foreign police Czech Republic. Department of Foreign Police in Prague – Oddělení pobytových agend.
Tourist registration in the Czech Republic on a short term visa and schengen visa
Police of the Czech Republic – KŘP of the capital city of Prague.
Olšanska 2176
130 51 Prague 3.
tel.:974 820 229fax:974 820 069.
Registration of a tourist with the foreign police in the Czech Republic. Opening hours in Prague:
- Monday 08:00 – 17:00
- Tuesday 08:00 – 15:00
- Wednesday 08:00 – 17:00
- Thursday 08:00 – 15:00
- Friday closed

Entrance to the Tourist Police department in Prague Olšanská 2176/2.
In order to register in Prague with the foreign police at the address Olšanská 2176/2, you need to take a ticket.
You can select the desired language in the number issuing machine. Then you need to select the item “Registration of tourists” in Prague. At the counter right behind the vending machine, you need to take a form for registration with the police in the Czech Republic in Czech-English and fill it out.
Important contacts in the Czech Republic for foreigners
How to fill out the form for registration of tourists in the Czech police

Form for registration of tourists in the Czech police
1. Stay from (arrival date) to (departure date, can be assumed)
2./3. Surname, first name (as in a foreign passport)
4. Date of birth in numbers. For example, 08.11.200
5. Three-letter country code. For example, UKR
6. Passport number
7. Visa number. For visa-free entry (for citizens of Moldova, Ukraine), the actual dates of stay are indicated, and the field with the visa number remains empty.
8. Address of permanent residence abroad (at home). It is necessary to write in Latin, indicating the country code.
9. Purpose of stay. You must specify the code:
- 01 (obchodní) – business,
- 02 (kulturní) – cultural,
- 03 (návštěva rodiny nebo přátel) – visit family and friends,
- 04 (pozvání) – by invitation,
- 05 (oficiální (politický)) – official (political),
- 07 (sportovní) – sports,
- 10 (turistika) – tourist,
- 11 (studium) – study (courses, internship),
- 27 (zaměstnání) – work, 99 (jiný) – other.
10. Surname, name of the lessor or the name of the legal entity.
11. Address of actual residence in the Czech Republic.
12. Signature
Prague – registration of foreigners in the Czech Republic. Now it remains to wait for the issued number to be displayed on the electronic scoreboard (it can take from 15 minutes to several hours). In the office, the police officer for foreigners will require to present a completed form, passport, medical insurance, invitation (if any) and proof of residence (must be provided by the landlord of the apartment or organization).
Registration of foreigners in the tourist police in Prague
The employee can ask about the place of residence, home address, duration of stay, purpose of the visit and in general anything that comes to his mind. As a result, the employee must put a stamp on registration in the Czech Republic in the passport, indicating the address of actual residence in the Czech Republic.

There is a Neplatné (Invalid) stamp on top of my registration stamp, since I moved and registered at a different address.
List of police stations for other Czech cities by link:
Attention. The police for foreigners in the Czech Republic does not deal with any biometrics and extensions of visas and residence permits.
Registration in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic OAMP upon arrival
How to use public transport for a foreigner in the Czech Republic