How to rent flats in the Czech Republic for a long term student

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Long term rental in the Czech Republic apts for a student – search, selection, contract, utilities, payments, departure

To search for long-term rental apartments in the Czech Republic for a student, the website is most suitable – https: //

How to rent flats in Prague for a long time

Rent apartment in Prague no commission student. Its advantage is that it publishes ads directly from apartment owners, that is, without realtors. But in this case, you need to be in the Czech Republic to call the owner, see the apartment and sign the contract. But working with unverified Czech realtors is sometimes much more expensive both in terms of finances and in terms of cons of an apartment, which you will learn about after signing an apartment rental agreement in Prague.

Long term accommodation in the Czech Republic for student. A guarantee of protection against dishonest owners when renting an apartment in Prague is a well-drafted apartment rental agreement in the Czech Republic. An extract from the cadastre is a document that absolutely anyone can take at any post office and it costs 100 CZK. If the student is not yet 18 years old, he cannot rent an apartment himself, because. does not have the right to sign a lease agreement. A power of attorney from the parents is required, issued to someone who will sign the contract in the Czech Republic for the student. How to rent flats in Prague for a long time student?

Search for an apartment in the Czech Republic

for a student for a long term we conduct on websites:

How to choose an apartment for a student in the Czech Republic

Renting an apartment in Prague, you will never check who lives next door: you will not go to the entire entrance to visit them to look them in the face! And you know, anyone can live there. Maybe noise from neighbors at night because of children, dogs, cats, TV, etc., maybe a pensioner who calls the cops immediately after your music crosses the decibel boundary perceived by her ears. Further, noisy trams, trains, cars, construction sites in the neighborhood, etc. can also serve as neighbors. There are many options, and almost none of them you can do anything with. You can complain to the owner, but you yourself signed the contract, and he cannot shut up the neighbors, this can also be understood. Therefore, it is advisable to somehow try to take a closer look at the apartment that you want to rent in Prague, and not run headlong to sign a rental agreement in the Czech Republic.

Bank account and card in the Czech Republic

Housing lease agreement in the Czech Republic

How to rent flats in Prague for a long time. What you need to know

Expats apartment in Prague student. It must be borne in mind that when signing a contract, you are unlikely to have any command of the Czech language, not to mention the level of Czech language sufficient to understand legal documents. Of course, you can rely on the responsibility of a realtor, who, in principle, can speak a foreign language, and in theory will have to translate all the conditions for renting a studio in Prague to you.

But do not forget that the realtor’s main interest is to rent an apartment in Prague and get his provisions. And he may simply not pay attention to some things, because he will be in a hurry to get his reward and leave to rent out the next apartment. As a result, most people hope for a chance and sign a rental agreement in Prague, not knowing its content.

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How to rent flats in Prague for a long time for student. And the point is not even that the owner can slip unfavorable conditions into the contract of residence in the Czech Republic and keep silent about them (this happens extremely rarely), but that some rental conditions that are common in the Czech Republic can take you by surprise.

Examples: some may include in the contract the obligation to repaint the apartment before moving out at the expense of the tenant, referring to the fact that this has long been accepted in the Czech Republic or Germany. They may oblige you to give 3 months notice about leaving the apartment, otherwise you will be fined and have problems. Therefore, the contract must be read long and tedious until you are 100% sure that you understand its meaning to the smallest detail.

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Rent a flat in Prague long term for multiple students

For example, three people came to your apartment. And you signed the contract. Here you live happily and everything seems to be fine. As time goes by, you and your cohabitants get to know each other better, and problems begin. They almost always start. One always listens to music at night, the second leaves behind dirty dishes for a month, the third sits in the bathroom for an hour and a half, and so on. And this is not because you are so bad, but simply everyone is used to living differently. And here on you, it is necessary to live together. In short, you are on knives, and there is nowhere to run from the ship. But that’s not the worst.

How to rent an apartment to a foreign student in the Czech Republic. It will be worse when one of you muster up the nerve and say that he is moving out. And you will start him about the contract and obligations. And he told you, slamming the door, about the fact that he did not sign anything, and, in general, will not live with animals. It’s time to pay for the next rent of an apartment in Prague, and you divide it not into three, but into two. In a panic, you look for a new neighbor, in the end, take the first one that comes across, which may not be better. In general, your union of cohabitants has a lot of chances to fall apart. And the statistics prove it. It must be borne in mind that, in addition to unnecessary problems, considerable monetary losses can also be incurred from these events. Therefore, simply, whatever the situation, ask your underage friends for a power of attorney from their parents for someone, and sign contracts together.

Important contacts in the Czech Republic for foreigners

Paying utility bills

How to find housing in the Czech Republic and not let yourself be deceived?

We lived, say, six months. Pay your rent regularly plus energy deposits. The owner told you when signing that the previous tenants spent on energy (water, gas, electricity), say, 2000 kroons per month. Well, here you are paying these 2000 crowns in the form of a deposit every month plus the rent. But it is a pledge, not a payment, because the real costs are usually calculated once a year in the spring, according to the readings of the meters. Your testimony was taken and sent to the owner of the account. And then bang! Surprise! He comes running to you with round eyes and tells you that you owe him another 20,000 crowns. You swear, and he gives you accounts and testimony, they say, here, they themselves are to blame. The most interesting thing is that he is right and there is nothing you can do.

How to rent flats in Prague for a long term for foreign student. The vast majority of international students find themselves in this situation, because at home most of them not only did not think about saving energy, but even had no idea how much electricity costs and how much it is consumed per month. From the very beginning, you need to understand that in order not to get into trouble, you need to monitor how much, what and why you spend.

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Features of personal income tax in the Czech Republic

Payment of rent in the summer

How to rent flats in Prague for a long time. What you need to know

Accommodation for international students in the Czech republic. The next aspect is the holidays for which you will certainly want to go home. For example, for the whole summer, i.e. for two months. And it’s not very desirable to pay an apartment when you don’t live. Completing the contract and looking for a new house after arrival? Yes, save money, but what to do with all the clothes, purchased furniture? Where to live after returning until the next option is found?

It’s even worse if your neighbor moves away and simply doesn’t pay rent for two months under the pretext that he didn’t live there. And do not even hope that you will rent it out for the summer to some comrade who needs an apartment for two months? Therefore, plan to leave the apartment in advance.

European mentality in the Czech Republic and reviews of life in the Czech Republic

Departure from an apartment in the Czech Republic

How to rent flats in Prague for a long term for foreign student. Your plans have changed, you have been offered a better housing option in Prague, or you have a girlfriend, and now you want to live together, apart from everyone. We decided, in general, the whole team to disperse. Call the owner, they say, that’s it, we’ll move out from you, give us our deposit, take the keys and goodbye. Two problems may arise here. He comes running to you with a contract and pokes at the point where it is written that you need to warn about the end of your stay in a month (or even 2-3). But you don’t, like, we can’t have another month, we have to move to a new place next week, we won’t pay two housing at once! And you will continue to live in this house. And at this time, other options will disappear, and again a hole in the budget and a lot of grief.

How to rent an apartment for a student in Prague and check the real owner

Furnished apartments in Prague long term for student. Second problem. Your bed is a little wobbly, the kitchen wall is yellow, the bathroom mirror is cracked, etc. etc. Yes, you can’t live a year in an apartment without damaging anything. The owner will calmly calculate all this for you and bill you for broken and worn out, most often for the fact that the previous tenants damaged it. And you will calmly have to pay money for all your jambs, and it will be almost useless to argue if you did not take a full photograph of every corner when renting an apartment in Prague when you settled.

Living space rent in Prague student. So – measure seven times, and then decide how to rent an apartment in the Czech Republic for foreign student. And do not try to look for ideal neighbors, hosts, etc. – they don’t exist.

How to rent an apartment in the Czech Republic without a realtor – personal experience

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