How to rent an apartment in Brno for a student, family without commission

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Search for apartments for a foreign student, family in Brno for a long time


– this is part of the rent that covers your utility costs (gas, water, energy, cleaning of common areas, etc.). Depending on the desire of the owners of the apartment, the so-called Poplatky are transferred to you, i.e. in the services you will be listed as a payer for gas, for example. But here you should always be on the alert. Dishonest landlords after your departure from the apartment in Brno do not rewrite these services back to themselves or to new tenants, and then pay you. Therefore, be careful and always pronounce these moments as soon as the need arises!

Or, in the best case, Poplatky will be paid for by the landlord himself, and you will only transfer money to him for this. It was this option that always came across to me, which I was incredibly happy about. By the way, in June of each year there always comes a recalculation of the use of water, gas, energy, etc., and if you have overpaid any amount, it will be returned to you (of course, if it is specified in the employment contract).

Rent – Nájemné

This is the net rent for renting a flat in Brno. By the way, there is one point here: the amount of a possible increase in the amount by a certain percentage may be prescribed in the rental agreement in Brno. So be sure to read this moment carefully, so that you will not be surprised when you are asked to either pay more or move out.

The amount of the deposit – Kauce

The most interesting part of the amount for a rented studio in Brno. This is the amount of the deposit. As a rule, the amount of the deposit is equal to the amount of one lease (+/- the amount of Poplatky). But there are also such apartment owners who estimate the amount of Kauce both 2 and 5 times more than the net rent.

My explanation for this is that people take an apartment on a mortgage. Therefore, the rental prices in Brno are higher than the amount of the monthly mortgage payment itself. The owner furnishes it with new furniture and rents apartments in Brno to expats. The amount to equip the entire apartment is clearly not less than a month’s rent. The owners are afraid that you will damage something and then refuse to pay, and the amount of the withheld deposit will not be enough for them to cover the expenses.

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Where to find housing for rent in Brno?

Ideally on Facebook or on the website

Recently on the site also occasionally ads began to appear directly from the owners of apartments in Brno.

There are hundreds of groups with such topics on Facebook. People post ads, and then dozens of people want to fly into these ads at the speed of light. But I will still leave a couple of links to the groups here:

How to find an apartment for a student in Brno for a long time? My housing search option is

A 3-month subscription with a basic tariff plan cost me 99 CZK, but you can also make a premium account. I must say right away that I didn’t need it, people already answered in 80% of cases.

Next, you need to create a profile on this site, where you can specify your photo (of your family), write if you have animals, do you smoke, etc. In general, the better your profile is designed, the more likely it is that you will be answered.

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Recommendations. How to find a studio for rent in Brno for a student, family?

After all the information is filled in, look for accommodation in Brno on the website according to your criteria and write. I would also advise you to compose a letter in advance with a brief description of you, your family, and pets. Don’t hide this fact! For many, this is a big stumbling block and not everyone is ready to let an animal even into a rented apartment. Also write whether you smoke or not, for many this is also a very important point.

If you are still lucky, and the landlord responds, already arrange to view the apartment and sign the contract.

What do the symbols “1+1”, “1+kk” mean”, “1+0”, “2+ kk”, etc. in the apartment specification

The first figure is the number of living spaces in the apartment. The second means either the presence of a separate kitchen (“1”), or a kitchen corner in one of the rooms (“0” or “kk” — “kuchyńský kout”). For example:
1+kk or 1+0 — studio apartment, living room combined with kitchen;
1+1 is also one—room, but the kitchen is in a separate room;
2+kk or 2+0 is a two—room apartment, one of the rooms is combined with a kitchen. The area of the living space in which the kitchen is located, according to the law, must be at least 12 square meters, only then this apartment can be classified as type 2 + kk (otherwise it will be type “1 +1”);
2+1 — one-bedroom apartment with a separate room for the kitchen;
3+kk or 3+0 — two-bedroom apartment with a kitchen combined with one of the rooms;
3+1 — two-bedroom apartment with a kitchen in a separate room.

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Czech terms when drawing up a rental agreement

• Nájemní smlouva — a contract that confirms that a person has the right to rent a room.
• Realitka is a realtor who does not act as an intermediary.
• Kauce is a pledge, it burns out only if the tenant has left behind debts.
• Pronajímatel — owner.
• Nájemce — a person who rents a house.
• Na dobu neurčitou / Na dobu určitou — lease terms indicating an unlimited or finite period. This point is negotiated in advance.
• Nájemné — the cost of housing without utilities and other expenses.
• Provide / Provide — the commission of the agency or service through which the parties were able to meet, sometimes they amount to 200% of the monthly rent.
• Poplatky — expenses that the tenant undertakes to reimburse. These utility bills do not include gas and electricity, they are accounted for separately.
• Bezrealitka is the name of a transaction that takes place without a realtor.

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