Filling out the Czech application for a long-term visa

Time to read: 5 minutes

Filling out a black application form for a visa to the Czech Republic

Download the form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Print it out and complete the form by following the instructions below.

Filling out the Czech application for a long-term visa. Student visa requirements for the Czech Republic.

– Fill out the application form for a long-term visa to the Czech Republic clearly, cleanly, legibly, without blots in printed CAPITAL letters of the Latin alphabet. If possible, it is better to fill out the application form for a long-term visa to the Czech Republic in Czech. The application for a visa to the Czech Republic is filled out only by hand with a blue pen so that you can make additions.
– Czech Republic student visa requirements. Personal data (names and surnames) are always written in accordance with the foreign passport!
– If the required data does not fit in the designated cells, it is allowed to add the text in the Czech questionnaire next to or below.
– The name and number of educational institutions (schools, universities) can be written as an abbreviation using Latin letters.
– At the end of the questionnaires for a student visa to the Czech Republic, you must write the city of submission of documents for a Czech visa (in Latin letters), the date of submission of documents for a student visa to the Czech Republic, then a signature without decoding.
– Czech long term visa application form. When writing the place of birth, it is enough to indicate the city, it is not necessary to prescribe the region, as in the passport.
– Phone numbers (mobile and landline) are always written with a “+” sign and a country code, for example, “+38”, without spaces and any other signs, except for the “+” at the beginning.
– In all points for the address, the address is written according to the registration, except for paragraph 38 of the black questionnaire to the Czech Republic for Czech language courses, there you need to write the actual address of residence!

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Filling out the Czech application for a long-term visa

Filling out the Czech application for a long-term visa

– Filling out the Czech application. Wherever “nationality” is written, it means citizenship, not nationality.
– For underage students, only students put their signatures in applications for a visa to the Czech Republic, the signature of their parents is not required!
– Czech visa application form. The surname, name and patronymic of the parents should be written according to the foreign passport.
– point 26 – Czech short-stay visas for the last 3 years. The visa number is written (indicated in the Czech visa in the upper right corner), then the start date and the expiration date in the format “day, month, year – day, month, year”. It is necessary to indicate the dates of validity of the visa to the Czech Republic, and not the actual stay on these visas.
– point 27 – Schengen visas, except Czech ones for the last three years.
– Filling out the Czech application. Paragraphs 38, 39, 40 – it is very important to write clearly and understandably, according to these data, the embassy will contact you with a message on a visa to the Czech Republic! Mistakes are not allowed! It is necessary to write the contact, that is, the actual address of residence.
– How to fill out a black form for a student visa to the Czech Republic. On page number 4, you need to write “NEMÁM” – married and have children (I don’t have, I don’t have).
– How to fill in the Czech questionnaire – point 38 and point 19 you need to write the address in reverse order: street, house and apartment number, city, postal code and country code. The address must be entered starting with the street name.
– clause 21. Visa application in the Czech Republic. Place of residence abroad (i.e. outside the Czech Republic) – your address of permanent residence at home.
– point 21. The postal code of your residence at home, add the sixth digit to the right.
– 23. Filling out the Czech application. Address of residence in the Czech Republic – the address of your residence in the Czech Republic, according to the confirmation of residence in the Czech Republic.
– 24. Leave blank
– point 35. Indicate the date until which the insurance is valid in the Czech Republic. If there is no Czech insurance, leave it blank.
– Czech Republic visa requirements. At the end of the training questionnaire for a visa to the Czech Republic, write the city of application and the date of application for a Czech visa.

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Czech Republic study visa requirements. The contract of study in the Czech Republic and residence in the Czech Republic must be signed. The home address in the application for a visa to the Czech Republic and contracts for studying in the Czech Republic in the Czech language courses for admission to the university must match. The original contracts for studying in the Czech Republic and proof of accommodation in the Czech Republic must be sent to you by mail.

Registration with the Czech police and the Czech Ministry of the Interior

Czech student visa requirements. Filling out the Czech application for a long-term visa

Questionnaire for a long-term visa to print on a sheet on both sides or each sheet separately?

Filling out the Czech application. You can fill out an application for a visa to the Czech Republic from two sides, you can from one. As you prefer. To have fewer sheets, it is better to print on both sides. The application for a visa to the Czech Republic is looked at only by the Czech Embassy (for a superficial check) and then by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. On the website of the Ministry of the Czech Republic, there is no indication of a double-sided printing of an application for visas to the Czech Republic. One-sided printing of the questionnaire to the Czech Republic is often used by students, there are never any problems with it.

Code of the country of your birth. See the correct spelling of the three-letter codes on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic:

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The application has to be filled out in advance, before meeting an embassy worker in person. It has to be submitted in person at the embassy/consulate general of the Czech Republic.

If you do not have enough space in the corresponding boxes, state the information in a separate attachment. Take an A4 sheet of paper, title it “Zvláštní příloha k tiskopisu žádosti o vízum k pobytu nad 90 dnů”. Indicate the number of the section(s) where there was not enough space, and write all the necessary information. Do not forget that you need to write in Czech (block Latin alphabet letters). Write the date and sign the attachment.

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