Podcasts for international students in the Czech Republic
Listening to Czech speech
When I graduated from language courses, where our teachers pronounced words in a clear, even voice, pronouncing each letter, I was very surprised that, it turns out, not all Czechs speak like that.
Almost on the very first day of student life in the Czech Republic, I encountered the fact that the librarian at the faculty spoke indistinctly, chewing Czech letters, and I needed to somehow understand him in order to take the book.
You need to be prepared for the fact that the speech of ordinary Czechs may differ from the speech of Czech language teachers and prepare yourself for this in advance.
Czech language levels. Levels of knowledge of the Czech language
What Podcasts You Should Listen to When Learning Czech?
Zdeňkův český podcast.
Zdeňek Lukaš teaches English at the ÚJOP study center in Podebrady (where students are prepared for admission to engineering-related specialties). As he says, he is a big fan of the podcast genre, so a few years ago he started recording his own podcasts in English. And in 2017, he began recording podcasts in Czech for students. He claims that his podcasts would be a good option for those who have reached the B1 level. In my opinion, for Russian-speaking students of ÚJOP, December is the time to start listening to these. As for now, there are 88 episodes on the list, and the newest one has been released just a few days ago. https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/zdenkuv-cesky-podcast
Eliška is a Czech language teacher. She records podcasts on a whole variety of topics. A special feature of her releases, as the name implies, is that she speaks rather slowly. In everyday speech, Czechs can speak so quickly that without proper preparation it might be impossible to grasp the meaning of what has been said. https://ceskypodcasting.cz/podcast/detail/slowczech/10
Czech student podcasts
Podcasts for foreigners in Prague. The best podcasts for learning Czech and listening to it:
Učíme se česky – Jana Hudečková
Podcast from one of the language schools in Prague, suitable for beginners and for those who have been learning the language for a long time. Issues are divided by level (A1 – B2) and topics. Czech speech is clear, rich, measured – it’s a pleasure to listen to.
• apple podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/ru/podcast/u%C4%8D%C3%ADme-se-%C4%8Desky/id1503999790)
• other platforms (https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/ucime-se-cesky)
Podcasts for learning Czech. Cheština’s Michalem

Podcasts for learning Czech
• podcast about learning the Czech language, about 500 episodes, each 10-15 minutes long
• apple podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/ru/podcast/%C4%8De%C5%A1tina-s-michalem/id1508366819)
• other platforms (https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/cestina-s-mihalem)
Read Czech Podcast
Vinohradská 12 podcast.
If you listen to podcasts and learn Czech, you should definitely subscribe to the podcast of the Czech radio Vinohradská 12. The podcast comes out almost every day, lasts about 40 minutes, during which the host, Lenka Kabrhelová, discusses one of the hottest topics with guests. If you don’t have time for the news, but want to be aware of the most important issues, Vinohradská 12 podcast will allow you to catch up with the events, opinions, names and trends of the Czech Republic.
The podcast team Vinohradská 12 podcast transcribes the speeches of all interlocutors, which makes each episode an invaluable tool for language learning. https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/vinohradska-12
Why read a podcast?
By listening to and going through the transcribed text in Czech, you can:
- see beginnings and ends of the phrases – this is especially useful at the very beginning of learning, when the entire Czech speech, due to specific melodics, seems like an endless stream of sounds without pauses;
- practice your own pronunciation and mind your intonation, length of dlouhé samohlásky and the sound of Czech letters;
- notice the difference between the spoken Czech (hovorová čeština) and the standard one (spisovná čeština). Even if a guest uses colloquial Czech, the decoders rewrite the speech according to the standard language. Of course, such exercise is suitable for a more advanced level.
If you are learning Czech, listening is one of the most important methods of language learning. Listen, even if you do not understand everything, your brain will do the work for you.
Podcasts in the Czech Republic for foreigners. Tělo & Duse
• a podcast for those who are interested in the topic of health, fitness and self-development
• apple podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/ru/podcast/t%C4%9Blo-du%C5%A1e/id1505380778)
• other sites (https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/telo-duse)
Podcasts for learning Czech. Opravdove zlociny
• true crime podcast for level B1+
• apple podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/ru/podcast/opravdov%C3%A9-zlo%C4%8Diny/id1497468246)
• other platforms (https://ceskepodcasty.cz/podcasty/opravdove-zlociny)
Idea for podcasts in the Czech Republic: you can, for example, listen to one episode of a podcast on the way home/work/study, in this way you will develop a habit of listening to the Czech language and just imagine how much you can learn if you listen to one episode of a podcast in a day).
Grammar is the foundation of the Czech language. It is necessary to know grammar well in order to pass the language exam and to communicate fluently in Czech. Recommended textbooks where grammar is well written: “český krok za krokem”, “čeština pro cizince”. Knowledge of Czech grammar is a skill that is acquired gradually, it is impossible to learn all the rules one day before the exam, you need to constantly disassemble it, go through it again and again, make sentences, communicate, in a word – do not learn “on the table”. In order for the information to be fixed, it must be constantly used. Podcasts for learning Czech. Ppodcasts for students in Prague.
A Czech language teacher whose blog has a lot of useful information and tips for learning Czech, as well as grammar tests in stories.
Here is her inst blog: czech_kat