How to fill out an application to Charles University – sample filling
Each university has its own specifics for filling out “Přihláška”, so always go to the official website of the university and read what is specifically written there. This template only serves as a guide in the process of filling out an electronic application for admission to Charles University. How to fill out an application to Charles University.
To apply to Charles University follow the link –
1.Register as a new user. To do this, press the “Registrovat se” button.
2.Enter your valid email. You will immediately receive an email with an active link. Click on the link in the email.
3.Set the password twice to enter your personal account (minimum 5 characters). Save the password – you will need it in the future to monitor the status of your application to Charles University and the admission process.
4.Enter basic information about yourself: citizenship, date of birth and gender. Click – continue.
5.Select step by step:
- Faculty where you plan to study
- Language – Czech (free of charge) or English (specialties in English on a commercial basis)
- Form of study – Prezenční forma (full-time education in the Czech Republic)
- Studijní program/obor – a specialty at the University of the Czech Republic
Check if the data is correct.
6.Next – scroll down the page and start filling in the basic information:
Jmeno – Name
Prijmeni – Surname
Title(y) – do not fill
Rodné příjmení – fill in only those who changed their surname
Obec narození – country of birth
Okres narození – do not fill out
Stát narození – country of birth, select from the list
Číslo OP – do not fill
Číslo pasu – foreign passport number without spaces
Kontaktní e-mail – valid e-mail address provided during registration
Telefon – valid Czech telephone number
Trvalý pobyt v ČR? – put “Ne”
7.Fill in the columns with addresses.
It is important to correctly fill in the second contact address on the list, to which you will then receive an invitation to the exam and the results of the entrance exams.
Trvalé bydliště (1) – address of permanent residence at the place of registration in your country
Stát – state (choose from those offered)
PSČ – index
Město – city, street and house number
Doručovací adresa (2) – contact address in the Czech Republic where letters can be sent
State – state
Okres – a region, choose from those offered, according to your Czech residence. If this is Prague, then you choose Praha (Hl.m.Praha)
PSČ – index
Město – city, street and house number
8.Fill in the data on secondary education received – Předchozí studium na SŠ
Odkud přicházíte – foreign students in the Czech Republic choose “jíne”
Rock maturity – year of graduation
Stát – the state in which you graduated from high school
Název a adresa poslední navštěvované střední školy – the name and address of the school where you studied. Important – this section is filled in Czech. What is the correct name of your school in Czech can be seen in the translation of the certificate.
How to fill out an application to Charles University
9.Complementing the last section
Volba specializace – select the specialization of study from the list provided
In the box “Požadavky na modifikaci přijímacího řízení z důvodu zdravotního handicapu” check the box only if you have a disability
Next, you need to check the box, agreeing to the processing of data. If you want to receive information in the personal account of Charles University, also put “ano”.
10.Click “Uložit přihlášku”
Further, a letter will immediately fall on your electronics, where it will be said that Přihláška has been issued, but not sent. Check the entered data again and submit the application.
11.To do this, return to your personal account. Click – Odeslat. After that, payment data will be generated.
12.Pay for the invitation.
Unpaid Přihláška is not valid. You can use the online payment in your personal account (payment only with a Czech card) or pay for the application later at the post office or in a Czech bank, but it is more profitable at the post office. Pay attention to the payment dates, each university and faculty sets its own requirements.
13.Click on the “+” on the right side.
To see Přihláška details, status, payment details, ID number.
Here you can also read what exams are required for admission and download the completed application to the Charles University of the Czech Republic in PDF format. If the faculty requires that a printed version be sent or brought to the studio department, then this must be done within the specified time frame.
14.To create a new Přihláška for another faculty, stay in your account, click “Založení nové přihlášky”
15.To re-login, use the mail and password you set initially.
Rules for contacting teachers in the Czech Republic. Academic degrees in the Czech Republic