Specialties hotel business, tourism and trade in Czech universities

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Specialties in Czech universities in the field of business, tourism, hotel, restaurant business, spa services

Institutes of hotel business, international trade in the Czech Republic

A student who has studied hotel business and tourism at universities in the Czech Republic can get one or even several of the following professions: a hotel or hotel manager, a restaurant manager, a tourism manager, a tourism marketer, a manager of leisure and entertainment centers, a customer service manager in the hotel and restaurant business, a specialist in the provision of spa services and wellness procedures, an event manager.

The Czech Republic is one of the most visited countries in Europe, in particular, that is why not only universities offer high-quality training in the tourism specialty in the Czech Republic, but also graduates are in demand in their industry, whether it is the hotel or restaurant business, the service sector and tourism as such. In addition, students receiving a wide range of education are able to realize themselves in other related industries — transport and economic. You can study tourism business in the Czech Republic at public and private universities.

Review about studying at VSE

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Faculty of International Relations of the Higher School of Economics in Prague

Business and tourism in Czech universities. Higher School of Economics in Prague – VŠE. Faculty of International Relations. V. Churchill St. 1938/4, 130 67 Prague 3 – Zizkov. Phone number: +420 224 095 241
Web: http://fmv.vse.cz / E-mail: fmv@vse.cz

1. Curriculum: Tourism and regional development

  • Type of study: Bachelor
  • Form of study: full-time
  • Duration of training: 3
  • Specialization: Economic

Program content: the program trains economists with standard knowledge in the field of economics, enterprise economics, law, statistics and mathematics, with knowledge of foreign languages at the highest level, specializing in tourism in the context of a changing global environment. The program is suitable for talented students who want to work in a globalized environment and are interested in tourism both in terms of its impact on regional development and in terms of the business opportunities it offers.
Conditions for admission to tourist training in the Czech Republic: applicants take entrance exams in mathematics and two foreign languages. The list of foreign languages is as follows: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish.
Continuing Master’s degree
– International economic relations (Czech. Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy)
– Tourism (Czech. Cestovní ruch)
Master’s degree exams: Economics, one foreign language and an exam in a specialized subject
Links to information – http://fmv.vse.cz/pro-zajemce-o-studium/bakalarske-studium/

2. Curriculum: International Trade

  • Type of study: Bachelor
  • Form of study: full-time
  • Duration of training: 3
  • Specialization: Economic

The content of the business training program in the Czech Republic: The program trains economists equipped with a standard knowledge system in the field of economics, enterprise economics, law, statistics and mathematics, with languages exceeding the standard ones, and specializes in international trade issues in the context of a changing global environment. The program is suitable for talented students who want to work in a globalized environment and are interested in learning business in the Czech Republic in the broad context of international economic, social, legal and political relations.

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Specialties jurisprudence

Business and Tourism in Czech universities – Silesian University in Opava

1. Hotel business. Hotel management. Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Karvin, Silesian University in Opava. Hotelnictví – Fakultapodnikatelská v Karviné, Slezská univerzita v Opavě.
2. Spa and tourism. Faculty of Philosophy and Science of the Silesian University in Opava. Lázeňství a turismus – Filosoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Slezská univerzita v Opavě.
Admission conditions. Written test of knowledge of economics, mathematics and social studies at the school level. You can enroll without exams using the OSP test.
Exams: A test of knowledge in economics, mathematics and social studies at the school level.
Links to information: http://www.slu.cz/opf/cz/uchazeci/nabidka-oboru-bakalarske-a-navazujici-magisterske-studium

Hotel business training in the Czech Republic. University of Hradec-Kralove

Links to information: https://www.uhk.cz/cs-CZ/UHK/Studium/Studijni-obory.aspx
Tourism management. University of Hradec Králové (Univerzita Hradec Králové). Faculty of Computer Science and Management. Training program: Economics and Management. Specialty: Tourism Management.
Exams: General Knowledge Test, Foreign language test

Masaryk University in Brno

Link to information: https://www.muni.cz/en/admissions
Faculty of Economics and Management. Training program: Economic Policy and Management (Hospodářská politika a správa).
Specialty: Regional development and Tourism Regionální rozvoj a cestovní ruch (bachelor, full-time, three years). This specialty is focused primarily on the economic component of the tourism business. Students in the course of their studies get acquainted with the macroeconomic aspects of tourism and its geographical features. The practical part of the training is aimed at studying marketing and management. Entrance exams are held in the form of a TSP test.

Magistracy. Economic policy and management (Czech. Hospodářská politika a správa) is possible in the following specialties
• State economy and management
• Public administration
• Regional development and governance
• Economic policy

Specialty “Regional Development” – Master’s degree.
1. provides “Faculty of Economics and Management”
2. Type of study – Master continuing Bachelor’s degree
3. form – full-time, combined
4. Duration of training is 2 years
5. The language of instruction is Czech
You can choose one of two specializations: Project Management and Tourism. The specialization “Project Management” focuses in more detail on the opportunities for broader development of cities and regions. The Tourism specialization emphasizes the importance and development of tourism in the regions.

Specialty ecology

Transport logistics

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Business and Tourism in Czech universities – Mendelov University in Brno

Faculty of Production and Economics

The program “Economics and Management”.

Specialty: Management in tourism. The faculty trains future entrepreneurs in the field of tourism. The basic subjects are entrepreneurship in tourism, management, regional development of the industry. Training involves practice in travel agencies, hotel management, state departments of tourism. For admission, you must pass an entrance exam in mathematics and one of the foreign languages, or score at least 50% on the NSZ test.

There is no Master’s degree.

Hotel business and tourism at Mendel University

The Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies is the most popular. 450 students are recruited annually, while more than 1,000 people submit documents. The competition consists of almost three applicants for a place, the admission rate is about 39%. Before enrolling, you will have to pass a test for “aptitude” – TSP, the purpose of which is to determine the applicant’s readiness to assimilate complex material. The test consists of blocks with a question and five possible answers. Your task is to mark the correct answer, for which 1 point is awarded. In addition, language proficiency tests (one to choose from) have been prepared for future businessmen: English; German; French. Competition of 1.5-2 people for a place at the faculties of Business and Economics (51% of enrollment). Holders of the master’s degree are more in demand.

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Full-time Bachelor’s degree in Czech – University named after MENDEL: www.pef.mendelu.cz/cz (http://www.pef.mendelu.cz/cz/studium/bakalarske#CR )

Exams. Links to information: http://www.pef.mendelu.cz/cz/studium/bakalarske ?tag=65#EM

Academic titles in the Czech Republic after graduation

Specialties of business and tourism in private universities of the Czech Republic

The Institute of Entrepreneurship in Ostrava

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in full-time and combined forms in Czech www.vso.cz


  • Bachelor’s degree – 22.500,- CZK per semester
  • Master’s degree – 25.000,- CZK per semester

Exams: None. Links to information: http://www.vso.cz/studijni-obory/

University of Hotel Management in Prague. Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze (VŠH)

vsh.cz This is a highly specialized private university. One of the most popular in the field of tourism. Tuition is paid, enrollment takes place by the decision of the rector, however, applicants are required to have a confident school knowledge of Czech and English in order to pass the distributive testing. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in full-time and combined forms in Czech and English.

Bachelor course:

  • Hotel business in the Czech Republic;
  • Tourism;
  • Marketing in tourism.


  • Management in the hotel and resort business;
  • Tourism management;
  • Marketing in the field of tourism and hotel business.


  • testing in two foreign languages (Czech and English)
  • interview.

Tuition fee per semester:

  • Hotel business — 32 500 CZK
  • Specialization Tourism in the Czech Republic — 22 500 CZK
  • Marketing in the service sector — 22,500 CZK
  • Specialty Hotel management in the Czech Republic — 39 500 CZK


  • 32.500,- Kč/semester — full-time form – bachelor’s degree
  • 39.500,- Kč/semester – full—time form – Bachelor’s degree in English (approximately EUR 1600/semester, depending on the current course EUR/CZK)
  • 20,000,- Kč/semester — combined form – Bachelor’s degree
  • 32.500,- Kč/ semester — full-time and combined forms of master’s degree

Bachelor’s and Master’s Exams: English and Czech Language Test for foreigners

Links to information: http://www.vsh.cz/cz/prijimaci-rizeni-nav48/

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Newton College / NEWTON College (private university)

Bachelor’s degree in combined form in Czech www.newtoncollege.cz

Tourism Management / Management cestovního ruchu. An economic education corresponding to a bachelor’s degree. Students study such fields as: marketing in tourism, business creation and management in the Czech Republic. Enrollment without entrance exams based on an interview. Cost of annual training: 59,000 CZK.

Links to information: http://www.newtoncollege.cz/sekce/dalkove-studium/globalni-podnikani-a-management-specializace-management-cestovniho-ruchu-1

Pros and cons of studying in the Czech Republic for foreigners

University of Trade and Hotel Business in Brno | VŠOH (private university)


Bachelor course:

  • Gastronomy, hotel business and tourism / Gastronomie, hotelnictví a cestovní ruch
  • Management of hotel business and tourism / Management hotelnictví a cestovního ruchu.

Enrollment takes place without exams based on an interview with the admissions committee. Tuition fee per semester: 45,900 CZK.

Metropolitan University. Metropolitní univerzita Praha (MUP)


Bachelor course: Tourism / Cestovní ruch

Exams: Foreign language test (English, German, French or Spanish)

Cost of annual training: 57,000 CZK

University named after Jan Amos Komensky in Prague

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in full-time and combined forms in Czech www.ujak.cz

Exams: None

Links to information: http://www.ujak.cz/studium/pro-zajemce-o-studium/magisterske-studium/management-cestovniho-ruchu/

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