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Sick student in the Czech Republic. Where to call if you get sick in Prague

What to do in case of illness in the Czech Republic. Under an agreement with an insurance company in the Czech Republic, you must first pay for emergency treatment from your own money, keep receipts, then fill out a special form and send it in one package, or take it personally to the office of the insurance company in Prague. Money from an insurance company in the Czech Republic is reimbursed within 3 months. What to do if a student falls ill in the Сzech Republic?

If you have an account in a Czech bank, it is more convenient to receive reimbursed money for insurance and pay for applications to a Czech university.

From 02.08.2021, all foreign citizens are required to insure only with the PVZP insurance company. The exception to this rule is: holders of European EHIC and British GHIC policies.

A prerequisite for obtaining a student visa to the Czech Republic and further extension of a residence permit in the Czech Republic is the availability of a valid medical insurance issued by the Czech insurance company PVZP. To do this, you must provide Czech comprehensive health insurance with insurance coverage of 1,500,000 Czech crowns (60,000 euros).

Health insurance in the Czech Republic works as follows

– Your case must be emergency or urgent (you got sick or broke something).
– Chronic or non-serious diseases will have to be treated at your own expense. The degree of urgent emergency care is determined by the doctor.

Only emergency dental care is covered. If the doctor considers it an emergency at the time of the visit, it will be covered by the insurance company.

Sick student in Prague. You must go to certain doctors with whom the insurance company has an agreement. You will either be given a list of doctors when concluding a health insurance contract in the Czech Republic, or you will need to sign up through a hotline, where you will be directed to the nearest specialist. Insurance payments cannot exceed a certain amount (determined by the insurance company).

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Where to call if you get sick in the Czech Republic?

You must first call the phone number on your insurance card!
What to say and how to use insurance in the Czech Republic is described in the articleHow to use medical insurance for a student in the Czech Republic

What to do if a student falls ill in the Сzech Republic?

1. Illnesses of a student in the Czech Republic

Diseases can be divided into two types: when you can go to the doctor on your own and when you can’t. A sore throat, flu, SARS happened to you – what to do?
If you want the insurance company to cover your costs for a doctor, then you need to select it from the list of the company and call the insurance company!
If you have an “urgent case” (akutní případ), then the cost of medicines in the Czech Republic will also be covered by the insurance company if you provide copies of the prescription.

2. What to do in case of illness in Prague – emergency cases

You (or your loved ones) call an ambulance, which takes you to the hospital. If there is a threat to your life, then the insurance company takes care of all the costs.
But it is important to know two things: if your health and life are in danger through your fault, the insurance company may refuse to pay. For example, the treatment of injuries sustained while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is almost never paid. An ambulance can only be called if there is a threat to life. Otherwise, this ambulance call will cost you CZK 5,000.
Moreover, you yourself can not always determine for yourself whether there is a threat or not.

Phone in the Czech Republic – Emergency medical services – 155


“One girl with kidney stones, dying from severe pain, gathered her strength into a fist and called an ambulance. There was no threat to her life, and therefore the hospital refused to treat her or simply give her painkillers until she paid 5,000.” Nobody will stand on ceremony.

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3. Illness of a student in Prague – fractures, dislocations and sprains

In this case, you go to the emergency room. Again, either choose it yourself from the list, or the call center operator will direct you to the nearest branch. At the trauma center in Prague, you will have to wait in line.
They are taken in order of severity of damage. The rule about “harm through one’s own fault” works here too. You will definitely be asked how you got injured in the Czech Republic.

A student in the Czech Republic fell ill – what is important to know

What you absolutely do not need to do with health insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic is long-term treatment. All insurance companies determine in advance the total amount of payments during the insurance period, and it is calculated only for urgent cases. If you decide to take the chance and be treated in a European clinic, the amount will very quickly exceed the limits of a reasonable one, and the insurance company will refuse to pay.

What to do if a student falls ill in Prague. Therefore, it is important to find a good therapist in the Czech Republic that you can rely on. And all this sounds quite intimidating in words, especially when you are still constantly worrying about how not to fly out of the university. In fact, Czech medicine, like studying, is not at all scary. There are really clean and tidy hospitals here, and the staff are sympathetic and considerate. Just enjoying it on a student visa will not work. In the future, when you get a job and can get a decent salary, Czech medicine will show itself from a completely different, better side.

So that any expenses while studying abroad at a Czech university do not hit your wallet hard, you can find a part-time job for students. This will give you pocket money, make you feel independent, and possibly gain experience in your field.

How to use medical student insurance in the Czech Republic?

Important and emergency telephone numbers in the Czech Republic for foreigners

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