Transport logistics in Czech universities. Where to study logistics in the Czech Republic

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How to get a logistician specialty in the Czech Republic. Logistics training in Czech universities

Logistics is the search for the most effective ways to promote goods from producers to consumers. In the modern sense, the concept of logistics means the theory and practice of planning, management and control of the movement of material, labor, financial, energy and information resources. What does a Czech logistics specialist do today? Manages material and transport flows from the primary source to the final consumer, and with minimal costs! Logistics in Czech universities.

What do logisticians do in the Czech Republic?

Logisticians work at enterprises (in a warehouse or in the logistics department), in transport and logistics companies. It is thanks to logisticians that the circulation of goods and transportation takes place every second and continuously all over the world. Therefore , within this industry , there are:

  • Transport logistics
  • Warehouse logistics
  • Commodity logistics
  • as well as foreign economic activity.

As a science, logistics studies methods of optimizing the transportation of goods and people. The task of each transportation process, no matter how long it is, is to make sure that goods or passengers are delivered:

  • at the right time
  • to the right place
  • in the right quantity
  • with the declared quality and service
  • at the lowest cost

Logistics plays a key role among the strategic factors affecting the competitiveness of the company. The basis of success in business is the human factor, so even in the logistics industry there is a growing need for capable university graduates. In addition to obtaining basic knowledge about technology, management and economics, an integral part of the training program in this area is also focused on reducing the negative impact of logistics operations on the environment, including managing the flow of goods and waste in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. Next, we will tell you at which universities in the Czech Republic you can get an education in the field of logistics.

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Transport logistics in Czech universities

Transport logistics in Czech universities

The fundamental link of the logistics chain is the establishment of uninterrupted transport support between the main points. Road transport is most often involved, less often rail, sea and air. Logistics in its various variations and directions is available at five Czech universities.

Czech Technical University in Prague ČVUT

Faculty of Transport

Bachelor’s degree program: Logistika a çízení dopravních procesu

Logistics and management of transport processes. Conditions for admission to the specialty you can find

For admission, foreign applicants take tests in the Czech language and mathematics.

Logistics in Czech universities. Thanks to its active research and educational activities, the Czech Technical University is the best technical university in the Czech Republic and occupies a serious position in the European market of educational services. In the world ranking of THES-QS universities in the category of technical sciences, CVUT occupies 121 place, in the category of natural sciences – 246 place. The fact that PMT has surpassed many great universities in Western Europe, Scandinavia and Japan clearly demonstrates the technical excellence of one of the best universities in the Czech Republic. In addition, CVUT in Prague became the owner of the prestigious Diploma Supplement Label certificate 2010-2013. This certificate is issued in order to improve international “transparency” and facilitate academic and professional recognition of graduate qualifications.

Specialties close to logistics at the Czech Technical University can be found at the Faculty of Vehicles. At the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, you can study in the specialty “Logistics and management of transport processes”.

There is also a master’s degree in the direction of “Transportation and Logistic Systems”. Training in this area takes place in English.

CVUT is one of the best technical universities in the Czech Republic and around the world. Information for the applicant

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University of Pardubice – Univerzita Pardubice

Faculty of Transport

Bachelor’s Degree program: Technologie a management v doprave 

Technology and management in transport. Specializations:

  • Dopravní management a marketing / Transport management and marketing
  • Technologie a çízení dopravy / Technology and transport management
  • Logistika / Logistics

Admission conditions on the website.

The University of Pardubice is one of the leading Czech and European universities offering technical and economic education, conducting applied and fundamental research and providing the necessary professional, consulting and expert services for industry, construction, finance and banking.

At Pardubice University, logistics can be studied both undergraduate and graduate at the Faculty of Transport Systems, specialty “Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics”.

Studying as a logistician in the Czech Republic at the bachelor’s degree is aimed at obtaining basic theoretical and practical knowledge in such areas:

  • mathematics;
  • operational research;
  • informatics;
  • logistics and transport;
  • vehicles;
  • infrastructure.

Later, the theoretical foundations of economic disciplines in the field of transport, management and marketing and their use in solving problems of transport processes are added.

Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích

Bachelor’s Degree program: Technologie a çízení dopravy – Technology and Transport Management

Become a logistician in the Czech Republic. Specializations:

  • cargo transport
  • passenger transport

Conditions of admission to the university by the link.

Tomasi Bati University in Zlin

Bachelor’s Degree program: Aplikovaná logistika – Applied Logistics

You can see the conditions of admission to the university here.

Students planning to study logistics in Czech universities will study subjects such as:

  • Basics of logistics
  • Computer Science
  • Procurement logistics management
  • Management
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Operations management
  • Project Management
  • Fundamentals of operational research
  • Production systems
  • Logistics of production and sales
  • Freight transportation technology and intermodal transportation
  • English

Logistics in Czech universities – Higher School of Economics

The Higher School of Economics in Prague is one of the main educational institutions in the Czech Republic providing higher economic education. The University provides its students with a high standard of education quality in combination with innovative approaches in teaching, being the only state university dealing exclusively with economic and managerial issues. The University turns 100 years old in 2019, and over the century of its existence, it has proved its importance in the educational and research system not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout Europe.

At the Prague Higher School of Economics you will not be able to find a purely logistics specialty in the Czech Republic, but there is a Department of Logistics at the Faculty of National Economy. All subjects at the university related to logistics are taught by teachers from this department, and an additional specialty “Logistics — international transportation and forwarding” also belongs to it.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in full—time in Czech, English or Russian – The High School of Economics in Prague, the direction of “Logistics” in the specialty “Business Management”:

Logistics in Czech universities – Technical University in Liberec

The prerequisite for the creation of TUL was the urgent need for competent construction personnel. To solve this problem, in 1953 the government opened a Higher Construction School, which was supposed to train machine builders, specialists in working with textiles, ceramics and glass.

The beginning of the 90s was marked by the addition of 4 departments, and in 1995 the university received its current name and status. At the moment, TUL has more than 115 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs, some of which are English-speaking. The institution is certified by ECTS Label and DS Label, which indicates the quality of knowledge and the value of graduating students in the personnel market. Foreigners have no obstacles to admission to the Liberec Technical University.

At the Liberec Technical University, logistics can be studied at the faculties of Mechatronics, Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Sciences, in the bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Logistics.

Logistics at the Technical University in Liberec. At the bachelor’s degree, students receive basic theoretical and practical knowledge, which they can later use in their work. For three years, within the framework of logistics issues, they have been studying:

  • information systems;
  • modeling;
  • information technology.

Unfortunately, the specialty “Computer Science and Logistics” cannot be studied in a master’s degree, but the Technical University in Liberec prepares students for a master’s degree in the specialties “Electrical Engineering and Computer Science” and “Information Technology”.

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After defending a bachelor’s degree, graduates can find work in the field of industry, service and finance. The graduate will be prepared to work as a dispatcher, manager or operational engineer in a number of fields.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in full—time and combined forms in Czech – Technical University in Liberec, specialty “Informatics and Logistics”:

Points and knowledge assessments in the Czech Republic

Private logistics training universities in the Czech Republic

The Higher School of Logistics in the Czech Republic

The Higher School of Logistics was founded in 2004 and is located in a small town in the east of the Czech Republic. The Institute of Logistics is a private university and the only one that offers training in Logistics in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

The official website of the university.

The Institute trains specialists in the field of logistics, tourism and information management, in addition to basic knowledge, economic and legal disciplines are included in the training program.

The training takes place in such a way that in the first year all students study the general basics together, and in the following years there is already a distribution in specialties with a bias in the subjects of the profile area.

The cost of studying at the Institute is 1,460 euros per year for undergraduate studies and 1,540 euros per year for graduate studies. You can study at this university either in the city of Przhevor or in Prague. At the bachelor’s degree, you can study “Transport Logistics”, “Logistics Services” and “Tourism Logistics”. The master’s degree program has a specialty with a simple name “Logistics”.

Logistics in Czech universities. After completing your studies in the specialty “Transport Logistics”, you will find a job in a small company or at a large enterprise that deals with shipments and other similar services. You can try yourself as an entrepreneur in the same field.

After graduating from Logistics Services, the graduate will have general knowledge in the field of financial planning, public sector economics, knowledge of the European Community, urban and municipal management, psychology and sociology. His extensive professional experience and language skills are a prerequisite for working in the private sector or in regional agencies.

Graduates of the specialty “Tourism Logistics” will be able to create new offers for travel agencies, find and offer tourist attractions in the Czech Republic. They also find jobs in the field of passenger transport, where they can optimize the use of vehicles. And also in offices and bodies of state administration and self-government in the department of district development. A graduate of the Master’s degree in Logistics will be a specialist in technical management and logistics management.

Feedback about applications to the Czech University in Prague. How and where I applied for admission to the Czech University “Prihlaska”

The only technical university of non-university type in the Czech Republic, fully specializing in the training of logisticians. In February of this year, VŠLG became the 10th member of the Czech Association of Universities offering an MBA program for middle and senior managers.

Bachelor course:
Logistics in transport / Logistika v dopravě;
Logistics in the service sector / Logistika ve službách;
Informatics in logistics / Informatika pro logistiku.
Tuition fee: 19,000 CZK/semester.

High School of Logistics in Prerov

Logistics in Czech universities. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in full—time and combined forms in Czech – High School of Logistics in Prerov, specialty “Transport Logistics”:

Skoda Auto University. ŠKODA AUTO Vysoká škola (SAVS)

Admission and training

The only private university founded by a multinational company, following the latest trends in management, procurement, production, quality control and logistics, trains specialists for the automotive industry. It should be noted that it prepares perfectly – the logistics system of ŠKODA AUTO a.s., received the highest rating “The best European logistics project”.

Bachelor course:
Logistics and quality management / Logistika a management kvality.
Tuition fees:
29,000 CZK/semester.

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