Assessment of knowledge in the Czech Republic – scores and grades

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The system of points and grades in Czech universities and schools. How to evaluate knowledge in Czech universities

Assessment of knowledge in the Czech Republic

Grades in Czech universities. You can get confused in the grades of academic performance in the Czech Republic. Since the knowledge of Czech students is evaluated differently in different universities.

Grades in Czech schools

For example, a regular Czech school uses a 5-point grading system, where 1 is considered the best grade, and 5 is the worst grade in a Czech school. They correspond to the following estimates:

1 = výborně (excellent)

2 = chvalitebně (commendable)

3 = dobře (good

4 = dostatečně (satisfactory)

5 = nedostatečně (unsatisfactory).

Private secondary schools or gymnasiums may use different academic grades.

Assessment of knowledge in Czech universities

Some universities use a 4-point grading system, where 1 is the highest grade and 4 is an unsatisfactory grade. They can also use the text form of ratings in addition to the numerical form: 1 = výborně (excellent), 2 = velmi dobře (very good), 3 = dobře (good), 4 = neprospěl (unsatisfactory).

In standard specialties, higher education in the Czech Republic lasts for 3 years at the bachelor’s degree, in the master’s degree – for another 2 years. Instead of grades, either scores or letters are put. In recent years, many universities have adopted a different system with grades from A to F in the Czech Republic.

Czech universities have adopted the following system of student performance assessments

A — Výborný (excellent). Orientation percentage 90-100%

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B — velmi dobře (very good). Percentage of knowledge 80-89%

C — Dobrý (good). Success rate 70-79%

D— Dostatočný (satisfactory, not bad). 60-69%

E – vyhovující (acceptable or satisfactory). 50-59%

F – Unacceptable — (F) nevyhovující (in case of not passing the exam). 0-49%

Student’s review. In my first session at the Czech university, I received a C grade from one subject and was very upset, thinking that it was a “three”. But it turned out that someone had grades D and E, so C is quite a normal grade in Czech universities for a student.

Grades in Czech universities

Grades in Czech universities

Assessment system in Czech universities for credits:

Credit – (Z) zápočet

Nazachet – (N) nezapočet

University of Economics in Prague – Assessment System

Grades in Czech universities. Some Czech universities use their own system to assess students’ knowledge. For example, here is how knowledge is assessed on exams at Czech universities at the Higher School of Economics in Prague. Use only numbers without letters.

1 – excellent

2 – good

3 – satisfactory

4 – bad, but there is one attempt to retake the exam

5 – unsatisfactory, without retake attempts

Feedback about grades in Czech universities. In general, this system of student assessments in the Czech Republic gives absolutely nothing except a scholarship. You can get a diploma with both student A grades (90-100% success rate) and E grades (50-60% success rate). In Czech universities, the scholarship is small, so I didn’t really care about the letter of the assessment. Only in my favorite subjects I always wanted to get a higher grade in Czech universities.

ECTS credit system in czech universities

Features of studying in the Czech Republic at universities

The next feature of education in the Czech Republic is that there are no groups or classes in Czech universities. A university in the Czech Republic is a big “anthill” where students mix in pairs, and sometimes people from other courses and even other faculties study with you. The thing is that before the start of the semester, you choose your own subjects from the list, make up your schedule as you want – even in the morning, even in the evening. The main thing is to collect and pass the required number of credits.

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How are students’ studies at Czech universities evaluated? Then there is a whole semester of study in the Czech Republic, then there is an examination session in the Czech Republic. For each subject, you need to get at least an E grade – (50-60%) this is a three. If you received an E – everything is fine, the item is counted as completed and you get points – credits. For all your studies at balaquariate, you need to gain 180 credits. When you have typed them, your studies are automatically closed, and you get the opportunity to sign up for a diploma.

Grades in Czech universities. Assessment of the knowledge of Czech students at the 1LF Faculty of Medicine

At the 1LF Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, a curriculum has been drawn up in advance, which must be completed by passing exams in subjects.

Thus, passed exam /credit = credits.

Grades in the Czech Republic from A to D

A — great✅

B — very good✅

S — good✅

D — unsatisfactory❌

Interestingly, there is no “satisfactory” at the Medical faculty of Charles University in the Czech Republic, instead “good”.

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