Czech university diploma – review. How to write and defend a Czech graduate work

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How to write and defend graduate work at a Czech university. Personal experience and feedback about a diploma in the Czech Republic

Review – how to write a diploma to a student in the Czech Republic

Diploma defense in the Czech Republic. Already in November, in the 3rd year, we could choose the final topic of the graduate work at the Czech university. The topic of the diploma could be chosen from the suggested ones (from statistics to marketing), or the topic could be invented by yourself. Then it was necessary to choose a presenter and ask to work with him. Some presenters regularly schedule meetings, and some barely respond to messages, so you need to take the choice of a presenter seriously.

Graduate work requirements in the Czech Republic

In order for us to properly issue the diploma of the PMT in Prague, we were sent design templates and logos. When the text of the graduate work was ready, you take the pdf text and university templates and give them to print. The university needed only one copy of the diploma in the form of a “book”, but if desired, you can order more copies in print for yourself.

Personal experience – how to write a Czech diploma?

As for the template for writing a diploma, the university did not provide it to us. Apart from the size, font type and margins, we were given nothing. And this part of me, to be honest, is incredibly amazing. The fact is that there was no exact regulation on how many pages a Czech university graduate work should have, what type of citation should be used, how to do the questionnaire correctly, what size inserts should be, how chapters and text should be moved. And for many students from our stream, it turned out that the presenter was absolutely satisfied with the work, but there was no opponent.

We had a case when a student wrote a diploma in the Czech Republic for 40 pages, and the moderator approved it, and two months later on the day of defense, for no reason, the commission did not count the student’s work, because 40 pages seemed to them not enough. There was another case when one student was evaluated by a presenter and an opponent for A job, and some left-wing chairman of the commission for F. The chairman found fault with part of the interview, as in his opinion, the student violated the GDPR by publishing the respondents’ full names.

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Is it really so difficult to issue one document that could list all the requirements for the registration of a Czech graduate work? So that professors do not have a desire to subjectively evaluate works on the principle of like / dislike?

This leads to another problem of education in the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, it also happens that the presenter and the opponent, instead of evaluating the Czech diploma, measure their intelligence among themselves. For example, an opponent does not get along with the presenter, he may give a low grade for a graduate work to a student in Prague just to settle scores with the presenter.

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How is the diploma defense in the Czech Republic

Czech university diploma

Czech university diploma

So, the very process of defending graduate work in a Czech university takes place after you close the last session, submit the paper version of the Czech graduate work to the university and the pdf version of the Czech diploma to the system, and receive feedback from the moderator and opponent. When all this is ready, you will be sent the date and time at which you must appear for the defense of your graduate work in the Czech Republic.

The defense of the diploma project consists of state exams plus the presentation of the graduate work at a Czech university. State exams are published on the university’s website a few months before graduation in the Czech Republic. We had 60 questions from different subjects that we were supposed to complete in 3 years of study. But, of course, there was confusion here too: we saw about a dozen questions for the first time, so we had to look for answers on the Internet – the questions were thoughtlessly copied to us from last year.

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How to get a diploma in the Czech Republic

Our diploma defense process at the University of the Czech Republic. Our group went into the office, we showed our ID cards and left our bags against the wall. Then, each in turn was given white envelopes with a bunch of numbers, so that we blindly chose three questions from the list. Then we sat down to write answers to the questions, we were given 15 minutes to answer all 3 questions. After the time was over, the members of the commission invited us to their table, where they evaluated our answers. Then one student stayed in the office to make a presentation of the diploma, and the rest went to the next office to wait for their turn.

Protection of the Czech diploma

Unfortunately, I noticed that there is also a human factor at the defense of the Czech diploma – the assessment of your answer depends entirely on who you get to, what mood the member of the commission will have and his attitude towards you. Alas, if he wants to take you down, he will easily do it. Or, some commissions may give the group good grades and let the students go after an hour, and some commissions may ask questions to each student for 40 minutes. The administration does not check it, it all depends on the harmfulness of teachers.

Another unpleasant fact is that neither the presenter nor the opponent, who should leave you a review about thegraduate work in the Czech Republic, do not read your work. And, in fact, half of the students receive completely different diploma grades in the Czech Republic. So, for example, students from our stream photographed the received reviews of their diplomas in Prague for fun, shared them among themselves and evaluated who received the most “delusional” review. So the content of the reviews may not reflect your diploma from the word at all, it also happens that the presenter gives you an A grade for the work, and the opponent an E grade.

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Review – how to defend a diploma at a Czech university

I took the writing of the Czech diploma extremely seriously, read a lot of books, thought about the structure for a long time – and, frankly, I regret it a little, because no matter how interesting you wrote the diploma, there is hardly a teacher who will pick up your diploma and really read it.

In addition, during the presentation of the diploma, you may or may not be listened to. In my case, half of the commission was leafing through some documents for all 15 minutes of my speech, and the other half of the commission was typing something into computers. At the end of the defense, you are required to answer the commission’s questions, if any. In my case, there were no questions.

Diploma defense in the Czech Republic. The grade for a diploma in PMT is calculated as the average of the following grades:

-evaluation of the work of the presenter (who did not read the work)

-evaluation of the opponent’s work (who also did not read the work)

-three scores on three tickets

-assessment for the presentation of the diploma in the Czech Republic (and again hardly anyone looked at your slides)

Moreover, I noticed that on the assessment sheet next to the name of each student, his average score for three years of study was written. As I understand it, to simplify the evaluation procedure. Those who have a high average score for studying in the Czech Republic were given A and B grades for the answers and defense of the Czech diploma, and those with a lower average score were given lower grades.

At the end of the diploma defense procedure in Prague, the commission signs the grades, and you put your signature as a sign that you agreed with the grades.

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Where the Czech diploma is quoted

The diploma of the University of the Czech Republic is appreciated all over the world. All countries of the world, including the USA and Canada, recognize the validity of a Czech university diploma. The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union. The borders of more than 120 countries of the world (including the USA, Brazil, Australia) are open to you — you can train, work or just travel. The offices of the world’s leading companies and organizations are located here, which just lack qualified personnel. After receiving a diploma in the Czech Republic, you can stay to work and get citizenship after a certain time.

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