How to get databox in the Czech Republic – Datová schránka for foreigners

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The process of registration of datová schránka. How to use datova schranka for a foreigner – instruction

How to get databox Czech Republic

Any owner of real estate in the Czech Republic from time to time receives official letters from state institutions, receipts for payment of taxes. You can receive them in paper form at the post office, then store or scan them. And you can use “datova schranka” (Czech. Datova schranka). Direct translation into English – databox in the Czech Republic.

 How to use datova schranka for a foreigner

The data box in the Czech Republic is especially important for those who do not live in the Czech Republic permanently and have a foreign contact address in the real estate cadastre. In this case, the Tax Inspectorate will not send a receipt for tax payment. You need to find out about the amount of tax for the current year by phone or with the help of a trusted person.

Databox in the Czech republic is a state electronic document management system created in 2009 as a result of the entry into force of Law 300/2008 Sb. “On electronic services and authorized document conversion”. The system is mandatory for use in document flow between state institutions and legal entities. For example, a legal entity cannot file tax returns in paper form — only through datova schrank or otherwise electronically.

Individuals or individual entrepreneurs can also create a mailbox on a voluntary basis — this article is aimed specifically at individuals. The possibility of document flow between legal entities is legally fixed, but they prefer classic e-mail.

If an individual has created a datova schranka for himself, then all state institutions are obliged to send documents through it, and not by paper mail. Moreover, you can submit applications, notifications and other documents to state institutions via databox.

Datova schranka online

If you have a Datová schránka, then you can file a declaration for a new property via the Internet. You go to the portal of the tax service, fill out the declaration, confirm your identity by entering the Datová schránka and everything is done! Emails in the data box in the Czech Republic do not contain any text. Only the recipient, the subject of the appeal is indicated, and a PDF document is attached. Everything that you would send in paper form, you see in this PDF document.

The datova schranka addresses of all entities in the Czech Republic are available in the official directory —

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How to get a Czech Republic data box number online

Czech point datova schranka. For registration of datova schranka, as an individual, it is enough for you to contact any post office in the Czech POINT window — the single contact point of public services in the Czech Republic.
How to get a datova schranka number. If you have a biometric residence permit card, permanent residence or even an ID card of a Czech citizen, then everything is as simple as possible. You provide it to the mail employee, the operator himself fills out an application for datova schranka. You only need to provide an email address to receive the activation code, as well as sign it.

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In parallel with this, a letter for activating the mailbox drops to your email. In this letter, you are asked to check that the application number that begins with REF in the subject of the letter matches the identifier in the printed application. If yes, then follow the link from the second point to the data box in the Czech Republic website –

In the first field, we write the envelope code from the paper application, which begins with PWD, and in the second your personal schranka identifier, which is written in the paper application. We press a single button and get a login, password.

How to get a Czech Republic data box number. Please note that the login differs from the address of your mailbox. At first, many people try to use the mailbox address as a login.

Go to the main page, and we log in with the specified username, password and CAPTCHA.

No electronic certificates, no USB keys. Login and password only. Immediately after logging in, we see a warning. Messages are only saved for 90 days!

How to register data box Czech Republic online. For long-term storage of messages, the service “Datový trezor” (Data safe) is offered for an additional fee, but none of my friends uses it. If you receive an important email, then just attach the document to your local drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, NAS or other secure location. Of course, we click on “Ne” and refuse the paid service.
The system  datová schránka immediately offers us to change the password. We specify the old password once and the new one twice.

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Instruction databox Czech Republic. Now we need to configure receiving notifications about new emails in the Czech Republic data box. Agree, you will not manually log into the datová schranka system even once a month, but something very important may come. Therefore, we go to the “Nastavení” using a huge gray button (Settings), “Notifikační centrum” (Notification Center).

There are two types of notifications about new messages — either by email (free of charge) or by SMS (CZK 3 per piece). The column about system messages concerns users of paid storage. I always set up datova schranka email notifications. This is more than enough for 99% of users. If you check your mail very rarely, you can set up receiving SMS to a Czech phone number.

We specify the email address for notifications, put three checkboxes (we want to receive all types of messages) and the switch on the right — to the advanced version of notifications.

Immediately after saving the settings, a confirmation will be sent to your email.
This completes the creation and configuration of the data box in the Czech Republic.

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How to use data box in the Czech Republic for a foreigner

Using a datova schranka online is easier than using e-mail. In fact, you will only use the section with incoming messages (chesh. Dodané zprávy).

By clicking on the title of the letter, you get to a page with information about it: who sent it, when sent it, what is attached to the letter. Click on the link in the “Příloha” section and the receipt in PDF is saved to your computer.

Who does not have a residence permit card, permanent residence or a citizen of the Czech Republic. For example, these are foreigners who own real estate in the Czech Republic, but come here on tourist visas. They submit any identity card at the Czech POINT post office, but the application is considered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs manually, as a result, a registered letter with a login and password is sent to the contact address in the Czech Republic.

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Faq data box in the Czech Republic

I’ve lost my login details! How can they be restored?

Contact any email in the Czech POINT window. Upon presentation of your identity card, your password will be restored.

Databox in the Czech Republic is absolutely free?

Yes, you pay absolutely nothing. Only SMS notifications and long-term storage are paid.

For example, what documents can I receive?

How to issue a datová schránka. The most important type of documents are receipts for paying the apartment tax. If you have a foreign address specified in the real estate cadastre, then you will not receive a paper receipt at all.
The second common category of documents for individuals are notifications from the Construction Department (Czech. Stavební úřad). Someone in neighboring houses decided to make a reconstruction — you will be notified about it, given the opportunity to get acquainted with the case materials, apply for changes to the project, or even come to a public hearing.

I found out that a letter about tax arrears came to me in databox in the Czech Republic, but I didn’t see it. How can I prove that I didn’t know about her?

No way. Delivering a message to datova schranka is legally equivalent to delivering you a paper letter with a delivery notification.
A similar situation occurs if you have left, do not check the mailbox, and you receive a notification of a registered letter from the court. After the expiration of the storage period, the letter is thrown into your mailbox and is legally considered delivered personally into your hands. Thus, it is impossible to avoid non-receipt of letters from the tax service, the court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other institutions.

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How to issue a Datova Schranka online for a foreigner

Is it possible to submit documents to state institutions in the Czech Republic through datova schranka online?

Yes, with the help of datova schranka you can submit a variety of requests to institutions. The letter sent by datova schranka legally has the same force as the one signed by you with notarization.
For example, a foreigner lives in your apartment and he needs proof of residence to extend a residence permit. You can send the completed confirmation electronically to the datova schranka of the relevant department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I need to translate a document from datova schranka into paper form. Is it easy enough to print it out?

No, not enough. To convert an electronic document into a paper one, you need to click on the message page “Konverze přílohy” (Convert attachment) and then contact any Czech POINT with the received identifier. They will print the document themselves, put down all the seals.

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