Real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic: checking apartments and organizations, obtaining an extract. Online service
If you need documentary proof of ownership of your property in the Czech Republic, your landlord or even a third party, you can get it in a couple of minutes at any post office, from any notary or the mountains. Administrations in the unified state system Czech POINT services. In what cases can information from the cadastre be useful?
How to use public transport in Prague.
Rent an apartment
Cadastre of real estate in the Czech Republic when renting an apartment. The most common case will be checking the ownership of the rented apartment. If you rent an apartment or a house, then the full address of the property is enough for you. If you rent an apartment in an apartment building, you need to know the apartment number.
Foreigners in the Czech Republic also need to check the type of real estate, be sure to rent a house with the value “Byt” in the field “Zpówsob využití”. Unfortunately, in some cases, non-residential premises are rented, in which it is extremely problematic for a foreigner to make a residence permit. It can be quite an ordinary-looking apartment, with a bathroom, toilet, windows and other attributes of the apartment, but in the cadastre it can be recorded as non-residential premises (office, studio, etc.).
It will not hurt to check the form of ownership of apartments in the Czech Republic. I advise you to stick to apartments in private ownership, in this case, the first and last name or the name of the company is indicated in the “Vlastnické právo” field, no “Bytové družstvo”.
Housing in the Czech Republic can be either privately owned (Czech. Osobní vlastnictví) or in a partnership (Czech. Družstevní vlastnictví, Družstvo). In the first case, everything is very simple, the property belongs to a certain person or company, he can freely dispose of it himself. The partnership, in turn, is an association of persons with shares in the partnership. The comrades all own the whole house together, and therefore the consent of the partnership and the contract with the actual owner is not enough to rent an apartment in such a house.
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How to check real estate in the Czech Republic when buying
Checking in the real estate cadastre of the Czech Republic when buying an apartment. First. In no case should you purchase a Czech apartment for a foreigner directly with the owner. An unprepared foreigner can get into a mess. However, it is catastrophically difficult to find a good apartment directly to a foreigner, even on real estate websites in the Czech Republic, many good apartments are not posted, information about them passes from mouth to mouth of realtors.
Checking an apartment in the Czech Republic when buying
Among the above parameters, when buying Czech housing, you should first check the absence of entries in the section “Omezení vlastnického práva”. Most often you can see a lien in it (Czech. Zástavní právo), which is usually caused by a mortgage, but an apartment in Prague can be mortgaged for other purposes. So it is quite possible to buy a Czech apartment with a mortgage, the seller will “disappear” and the bank will put your apartment up for auction.
Checking Czech real estate for foreigners. Do not forget to check the absence of enforcement proceedings. There should be no “Exekuce” in the section “Omezení vlastnického práva”. If there is, then the apartment will be put up for sale through an auction for the debts of the owner. For apartments sold at auctions (Czech. Dražby), this is a common thing, but when buying a studio in the Czech Republic, this should not be the case.
Safe purchase of housing in the Czech Republic for foreigners. When buying a Czech apartment, there may be an encumbrance (Czech. Věcné břemeno), the ideal is the absence of encumbrance in the section “Omezení vlastnického práva”. If there is one, then check with the seller what kind of encumbrance we are talking about, ask for supporting documents. It may well be that together with the apartment you will receive a pensioner who has the right to live out her days in this apartment (Czech. Věcné břemeno dožití) or city communications can pass through the plot you bought.
Tips for buying real estate in the Czech Republic
The data in the Czech Real Estate cadastre is not updated instantly and the data viewed may be irrelevant. When viewing a housing card in the Czech Republic, pay attention to the absence of a seal on the entry. If there is one, then at the bottom of the page there will be a red note “Objekt je dotčen změnou právního vztahu”, followed by the case number and a link to it. It is not worth buying a Czech apartment for foreigners in this unclear situation, because the area, share, owner and any other data may change.
Registration for change of residence in the Czech Republic
Checking partners in the Czech Republic for foreigners
A fairly objective impression of an organization can be made in absentia when using the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic for foreigners.
For students, the Czech cadastre may be useful first of all when choosing Czech language courses. Any solid organization has at least a legal address in a building belonging to it, in the case of long-term business plans, invests money in its own dormitories and other specialized real estate.
It’s quite another matter when it comes to a tiny one-day company that owns nothing and bought a legal address in someone else’s building along with hundreds of other firms. Data on the company, including annual financial statements, can be viewed online by the name of the company on the website of the Ministry of Justice, and data on the real estate of the Czech language school can be found at the legal address of the company, the address of the school and dormitories.
Reputable organizations publish their data in the Czech Cadastre, the Register of Legal Entities of the Czech Republic and other public registers (Czech. Veřejné rejstříky).
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How to get information from the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic
In the cadastre or through the paid section of the cadastre website, you can get an extract for all real estate objects of a given individual or legal entity. They are not given on ordinary CzechPoint, and when they are issued, the full data of the person who received the statement is recorded in the system.
Obtaining a paper extract from the Czech Real Estate Cadastre
In some cases, you may need to obtain an extract from the cadastre in the form of a paper document. This may be the execution of a residence permit in a rented apartment, registration of the legal address of the company in the apartment, the transfer of an electricity contract or other bureaucratic operations requiring the provision of proof of ownership. It is also important that in addition to those listed in the online version, the paper extract contains data on the documents on the basis of which the ownership right arose and the date of the ownership right in the Czech Republic.
How to get an extract from the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic. You can apply for an extract to any notary, to the post office or to the city administration in the so-called CzechPoint. The service is paid, each page of the statement will cost you 50 CZK. You will be asked for the data that you specify in the online form: city, district, serial number of the building and, if you need, apartment number. No one will be interested in whether it is your property or someone else’s. The data from the cadastre are publicly available to all foreigners.
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Viewing the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic for a foreigner
Online on the cadastre website you can find detailed data on any real estate (plots, houses, apartments) in the Czech Republic, including even the name of the owner and his full address by registration.
Online viewing of data from the cadastre
The easiest way to view the data is to use the official website service . After entering the site, the first thing we see is a page with options for choosing the type of property in the Czech Republic:
The first button leads to the land search form (Czech. Vyhledat parcelu), the second provides a search for buildings (Czech. Vyhledat stavbu), the third — a search for apartments in the Czech Republic (Czech. Vyhledat jednotku), the fourth one provides information about the current status of applications submitted to the cadastre for a change of owner or other data (Czech. Vyhledat vízení), and the latter (Czech. Zobrazení mapy) is used to view maps and select sites, buildings from the map. I strongly do not recommend using the map, it is very slow and incomprehensible.
We will search mainly for information on buildings, so we need the “Vyhledat stavbu” button, click on it and get to the search form.
- You need to specify the city, district and serial number of the house.
- After filling in, click “Vyhledat”.
- Next, you need to confirm that we are not a robot.
- Click on “Pokračovat” and get the result.
We interpret the most important information from the cadastre:
- method of use (Czech. Zpówsob využití): residential property (Czech. objekt k bydlení);
- owners (Czech. Vlastníci) and its legal address;
- restrictions on property rights (Czech. Omezení vlastnického prava): no restrictions have been registered (Czech. Nejsou evidována žadná omezení).
Checking Czech real estate. In residential apartment buildings with apartments in private ownership, above the block indicating the owner, you can see links to apartments in this house, and the owners block contains an indication of all apartment owners in this house, their addresses by registration and a share in common parts of the house (elevator, corridors, stairs).
Website of the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic
Publicly available data on land plots: either using the map on the official website, or through a more convenient website based on OpenStreetMap maps, Google Maps, .
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