Specialty bioengineering at a Czech university and specialty biochemistry

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Biomedical engineering in the Czech Republic – specialization biomedicinská technika and biochemistry

How to get a bioengineering profession in the Czech Republic

Medical clinics and suppliers of medical equipment and materials are interested in specialists in the field of biomedical engineering. Due to the high demand for specialists in the field of biomedical engineering in the Czech Republic, the number of university places for this specialty is constantly increasing. For example, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of CVUT plans to increase the number of students three times in the coming years. Already during their studies at the university, students directly cooperate with doctors and clinics.

The principles of developing technical devices for biological and medical research and methods of creating artificial organs can be studied at four universities in the Czech Republic.

Where to study biomedical engineering in the Czech Republic:

  • Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of CVUT. https://www.fbmi.cvut.cz
  • Technical University in Liberec – Institute of Medical Research
  • Technical University in Ostrava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Technical University in Brno – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies VUT.

Bioengineering is studied not only at Fakulta zdravotnických studií Technická univerzita v Liberci, but also, first of all, at České vysoké učení technické v Praze – Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství.
and also:

  • Vysoké učení technické v Brně – Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
  • Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava -Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky.

Various Czech biomedical specialties are also prepared at natural sciences faculties and chemical universities.

You can study in the Czech Republic as a biomedical engineer or as a developer of bioprostheses, bionics, etc. at the Technical University in Brno at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies. There is a curriculum “biomedical engineering and bioinformatics” https://www.vutbr.cz/studenti/programy/program/6457 . Some of the subjects are taught from the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University.

Carefully read the curricula. If you are interested in bioprostheses, then it is more likely in Brno, the faculty at PMUT is most likely closer to “servicing large machines and devices” (but you need to find out).

Bioengineering in the Czech Republic

Bioengineering in the Czech Republic

is a young and rapidly developing science that combines mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine, genetic engineering and computer technology. For example, bioengineering can be engaged in breeding new varieties of plants or new stamps of microorganisms and bacteria that are needed to obtain new medicines. Czech bioengineers are engaged in cloning or growing tissue or even organs for transplantation, developing schemes so that the body does not reject the planted material. At the same time, genetic engineering (changing the DNA of an organism) is only one of the branches of this great scientific activity. If you want to become a bioengineer, then it is important for you to be diligent and patient, since setting up an experience often requires time and careful observation. Also, upon admission, you will be required to provide a certificate of health in order to obtain admission to work in the laboratory. state universities.

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How to become a bioengineer in the Czech Republic

Many bioengineers remain devoted to science, working in scientific institutes or universities. You will find application in the food and biotechnological industry, in pharmacy, pharmacology, in research and development, as well as in control and laboratory facilities. Based on the profile, you will be able to work as a genetic engineer, an embryologist, such specialists are needed in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. Studying to be a bioengineer at a Czech university.

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University of Chemical Technology in Prague. Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze VŠCHT


Today Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze consists of 4 faculties where more than 50 disciplines are studied, half of which are related to chemistry. 509 people with the status of professors and associate professors are engaged in teaching. Students practice at partner enterprises. The university has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the Czech Republic, has earned membership in the European Association of Universities and the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. The educational institution was one of the first to support the state program on the possibility of training foreign citizens on a budgetary basis.
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technologies
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Biochemistry and biotechnology;
Specialties and profiles of the Master’s degree:
• Biochemistry and Cell Biology
• Microbiology and genetic engineering
• Biotechnology and bioengineering
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Chemical engineering and bioengineering
• Nano and microtechnologies in chemical engineering
• Computer science in engineering.
Specialties and profiles of the Master’s degree:
• Chemical engineering and bioengineering
• Sensor technology and cybernetics in chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry and Quality Engineering
• Molecular chemical analysis.
Baccalaureate exams: Enrollment of applicants with a full secondary education for the Bachelor’s degree in VŠCHT takes place without entrance exams. The criteria for determining the rating of applicants is the average value of grades in chemistry and mathematics for the last four years of school. International students must pass only the state exam in the Czech language at the B2 level.

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South Bohemian University. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích (JUC)


Faculty of Natural Sciences

Biotechnology is a widely developing field that intervenes in a wide range of human activities and, consequently, in agriculture, for example, in genetics and animal breeding, embryo transfer, animal cloning, etc. Graduates will get an idea of modern analytical and diagnostic methods in microbiology, cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology, computer science, databases and monitoring systems.
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Agricultural biotechnology
Exams are not held

Masaryk University. Masarykova univerzita (MU)


Faculty of Natural Sciences
Přírodovědecká fakulta MU
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Biochemistry;
• Experimental and molecular biology
• Medical genetics and molecular diagnostics
• Mathematical Biology and Biomedicine
Specialties and profiles of the Master’s degree:
• Biotechnology;
• Bioanalytics;
• Medical genetics and molecular diagnostics;
• Experimental animal biology and immunology;
• Mathematical Biology and Biomedicine;
• Molecular biology and genetics.
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree exams:
Applicants need to take the TSP test.

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Liberec Technical University / Technicka univerzita v Liberci (TUL)


Faculty of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Pedagogy
Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees:
• Bioengineering
Exams: entrance tests.

Palacki University / Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UPOL)


Faculty of Natural Sciences
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Biotechnology and genetic engineering. It trains specialists for laboratories with basic knowledge in the field of molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, bioengineering. Students gain knowledge in general and inorganic chemistry, the theory of chemical calculations and laboratory methods, the basics of organic chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, histology, embryology and plant genetics, as well as the basics of breeding and genetic engineering.
Exams: no exams

Brno Technical University. Vysoké učení technické v Brně (VUT)

Specialty biochemistry in Czech universities


Faculty of Chemistry
Undergraduate majors and profiles:
• Food chemistry and technology with specialization “Biotechnology”. There is an opportunity to continue studying in a master’s degree, for example, in the chemistry and food technology program.
Exams: no entrance exams.

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Czech Technical University. České vysoké učení technické v Praze (ČVUT)


Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Bachelor course:
• Medicine, bioinformatics and electronics. Students study the fields of DNA research, its properties and sequences, medical applications and devices for diagnostics and operations.
Exams: Math testing

Specialty biochemistry in Czech universities

In the Czech Republic, graduates of the specialty “Biochemistry” can enter the academic field or work in international pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. For example, Zentiva, the third largest generic company in Europe, operates in the Czech Republic. The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences has developed medicines for the effective treatment of AIDS, smallpox, herpes, viral inflammation of the eye membrane, hepatitis B and many other serious diseases. As the director of the biotechnological Institute Zdenek Gostomsky commented, in the Czech Republic, discoveries in the field of biochemistry are very often made by small companies.
Most often, a graduate of the specialty “biochemistry” starts working in the academic sector, but in the case of the development of a promising project, he establishes his own company.
In the Czech Republic, students of the specialty “Biochemistry” can actively participate in scientific work in research groups (studies of the structure of proteins and glycoproteins and their interaction with low-molecular materials, biochemistry of tumor diseases, drug metabolism, studies of biochemical processes of atherosclerosis, molecular foundations of the protection of organisms against infectious diseases).

Where to study biochemistry in the Czech Republic:

  • South Bohemian University in Ceske Budejovice – Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Masaryk University in Brno – Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Charles University – Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Natural Sciences in Prague
  • Palacki University in Olomouc – Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Higher School of Chemical Technology – Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technologies.

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