Specialty ecology in Czech universities – environmental protection

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Where to get an ecologist’s profession in the Czech Republic. Environmental faculties in the Czech Republic

The content of the article. 1. Specialty ecology in Czech universities and its specializations 2. Czech universities teaching environmental specialties

About the work of an ecologist in the Czech Republic

In 2021, Forbes magazine published the TOP 25 professions of the future, which, according to forecasters, will soon become the most popular in the world. In addition to the areas already familiar to everyone: information technology, virtual reality and genetic engineering, the specialty of an ecologist also got on this list. Many companies such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Wrigley, are obliged to hire entire departments of environmental specialists who would monitor the implementation of all current environmental standards in Europe.

Now the European Union has set the task of achieving climate neutrality (carbon neutral) by 2050, there are certain goals at the UN level. It seems to me that, in this regard, there will be a flourishing of environmental issues: all firms now together wanted to have a sustainable characteristic.

Environmental issues are very popular in the Czech Republic. Take at least the separation of garbage or the initiative “Without packages” (chesh. Bez obalů). Even despite this, there is a very large amount of plastic in waste in the Czech Republic. It is difficult to reduce it.

Profession “ecologist” in Czech universities and specializations

Specialty ecologist in Czech universities. Ecology is a complex science that deals with the study of human relationships with various organisms and the environment. Now, it is already becoming obvious that environmental science in the Czech Republic cannot be considered in isolation from other spheres of life. Ecology ceases to be “someone else’s business”, and environmental practices penetrate into any human activity: from professional to household.

Since this is the junction of several scientific disciplines at once, students studying ecosystems in the Czech Republic can study:

  • environmental management;
  • environmental protection;
  • applied/industrial/cultural and social ecology.

If desired, you can enroll in the programs of narrower environmental specializations that are popular today, such as:

  • Alternative energy sources and the environment;
  • Environmental planning in veterinary medicine;
  • Ecological problems of the forest;
  • Physical geography and geoecology;
  • Agroecology;
  • Applied ecology for the public sector;
  • Environmental engineering, etc.

Work as an ecologist in the Czech Republic

The range of work responsibilities includes the analysis and assessment of the company’s impact on the environment, the determination of the “degree of harmfulness” and threats to nature, the degree of negative impact and the development of measures for their prevention and prevention with minimal damage (both for the organization and for the natural environment). Graduates of the above areas receive not only relevant specialized knowledge in their chosen fields, but also acquire the necessary base in the field of management and economics. It, in turn, allows modern specialists to engage in environmental planning already at the international level.

Environmental specialties at Czech universities

Faculty of Natural Sciences at Charles University

Faculty of Natural Sciences – https://www.natur.cuni.cz/eng

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The Faculty of Natural Sciences appeared at Charles University back in 1989. During its existence, it has managed to establish itself as one of the best natural science faculties in Europe and the world. He has repeatedly been included in the lists of the best educational programs in chemistry, biology, and Earth sciences.

Training at the faculty is conducted in dozens of different areas, some of which are closely related to the study of ecosystems and nature management. For example, at the bachelor’s degree, you can take a course in the general program “Ecology and environmental protection”. At the Master’s degree , you can choose from one of the following specializations in the Czech Republic: “Ecology”, “Physical geography and geoecology” or “Environmental protection”.

Specialty ecologist in Czech universities. The competition for these specialties at Charles University is low and rarely exceeds 2 people per place.

To enroll, foreign students need to confirm their knowledge of the Czech language at the B2 level and provide the admissions committee with nostrified documents on their previous education: a school certificate — for those entering the bachelor’s degree and a diploma — for those entering the master’s degree.

At the entrance exams, knowledge of specialized disciplines is tested: chemistry or biology. The applicant independently chooses which of the 2 proposed subjects he will take upon admission.

The entrance exam is a general knowledge test.


Studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University includes a lot of laboratory classes and practices "in the field".

Studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University includes a lot of laboratory classes and practices “in the field”. Specialty ecologist in Czech universities

Faculty of Environment – Czech Agrarian University in Prague


Specialty ecologist in Czech universities. The faculty, as an independent department of the Czech Agrarian University, appeared only in 2007. Its opening was made possible due to the increased demand for qualified specialists in various fields of ecology from large international and national companies of the country.

Currently, it is possible to study at the Faculty of Environmental Protection in:

4 bachelor’s degree programs

  • Applied Ecology — comprehensive care of the biosphere with an emphasis on general environmental disciplines;
  • Landscape ecology — habitat protection and its planning with an emphasis on technical sciences;
  • Territorial technical and administrative work — legal regulation in the field of environmental management;
  • Water resources management — protection of water resources, design of water elements.

6 master’s programs

  • Applied Ecology — comprehensive care of the biosphere with an emphasis on general environmental disciplines;
  • Nature conservation — theoretical and practical aspects of biodiversity conservation;
  • Landscape Engineering — landscape design;
  • Ecomodeling — preparation for project and research activities using natural resources;
  • Landscape design — landscape restoration, design of complex landscaping of the territory;
  • Territorial technical and administrative work — legal regulation in the field of environmental management.

4 doctoral programs

  • Ecology;
  • Applied and landscape ecology;
  • Water landscape modes;
  • Hydrology of agriculture and forestry.

Specialty ecologist in the Czech Republic. Admission to most of these profiles does not require passing entrance exams. Admission of applicants is conducted before the filling of study groups.

Faculty of Natural Sciences – Palacki University in Olomouc

Specialty ecologist in Czech universities. The Department of Natural Sciences at Palacki University is a research faculty. He conducts training in all 3 levels of higher education in the fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology. In total, more than 4,000 students study at the faculty in 33 academic programs and 113 specializations, among which there are “Biology and Ecology”, “Environmental Research and sustainable Development”, “Nature Conservation”.

Ecology at the Palacki University in Olomutsa. To become a student of one of these areas, it is necessary to pass the entrance exams in biology and the basics of chemistry. Enrollment in such a direction as “Environmental research and sustainable development” takes place without entrance tests.

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Faculty of Electrical Engineering – West Bohemian University in Pilsen

West Bohemian University – specialty ecologist. It produces qualified electrical engineers. To date, the faculty is represented by five departments that annually adjust the existing curricula in order to keep up with the times. In addition, there is a regional innovative research center for electrical engineering, which arose 9 years ago. As for the percentage of ecologist’s admission to the Czech university, we can say that it is high – about 85%. Graduates have good jobs and are in demand from industrial partners. The Department of Electric Power Engineering and Ecology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge in the fields of:

  • electrical and thermal production;
  • distribution and use of electric energy, electrical equipment, high-voltage technologies and EMC.

And most importantly, the training is focused on the environmental aspects of energy, especially on the use of renewable energy sources and their integration into energy systems.

Ecology in Czech universities. The specialty “Technical Ecology”, taught at West Bohemian University, is one of the most popular in the world market. Despite the fact that there are no entrance exams for this program, students have quite high requirements during their studies.

For foreign applicants for free admission to the institute, it will be enough to present a certificate of knowledge of the Czech language at the B1 level from the state exam when submitting documents.

Review of studying in Prague at the university of Economics

Faculty of Environmental Protection Technologies – University of Chemical Technology in Prague

Specialty ecologist in Czech universities. The Faculty of Environmental Technologies at the University of Chemical Technology teaches such unique areas as “Alternative Energy and the Environment” and “Industrial Ecology”.

Graduates of the Alternative Energy and Environment program are experts in the field of chemical and energy processing, as well as the use of both traditional (coal, natural gas, oil) and renewable energy sources.

Environmental specialties in Czech universities. Graduates of the Industrial Ecology program can solve environmental problems in cooperation with technical and technological tools of environmental management. This specialty is interdisciplinary in nature and allows you to master knowledge from chemical, chemical-technological and biological fields.

There are no entrance exams to the Higher School of Economics, but foreign students will need to confirm their knowledge of specialized terminology on an oral exam in the Czech language.

Useful websites for a student in the Czech Republic online training

Specialty ecology in Czech universities. Y.E.Purkin University

Faculty of Ecology. Directions:

  • Environmental protection
  • Water management
  • Waste management
  • Terrain restoration

To date, there are no entrance exams – they are accepted according to the grades in the certificate.

Technical University of Ostrava – Faculty of Metallurgy – Environmental Protection, Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection.


To date, there are no entrance exams – they are accepted according to the grades in the school certificate.

Specialty ecologist in Czech University of T.Bati in Zlin

Faculty of Technology. Environmental Engineering. The entrance exam – There are no entrance exams to date – is taken according to the grades in the school certificate. https://www.utb.cz/

University of Pardubice – Faculty of Chemical Technology

Specialty Environmental Management. The entrance exam – There are no entrance exams to date – is taken according to the grades in the school certificate.


Pay attention! Data on entrance exams to date. Universities change the admission conditions for environmental specialties in each academic year!

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Pros and cons of studying in the Czech Republic for foreigners

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