Assistance for studying at the faculty of medicine in Prague

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How do Czech medical students make their medical studies easier? Advice for medical students in Prague

We share useful applications for doctors in the czech republic and their overview. Must-see!

1️. Anatomyka – interactive 3D anatomy atlas in Czech! Price: different tariffs, for example, a year – 39.90 €. (for example, a year is 39.90 €)

Anatomyka - interactive 3D anatomy atlas

Anatomyka – interactive 3D anatomy atlas

2. Anki is a program that allows you to remember a lot of information in the format of cards and use algorithms to customize the learning process. You need to create cards yourself, the program only provides free tools for this. Many people at the faculty use Anki, so these cards are shared among themselves. Price: free.

Anki is a program that allows you to remember a lot of information

Anki is a program that allows you to remember a lot of information

Advice for medical students in Prague

3. How to study medicine in Prague. Learn with someone. It’s no secret that studying medicine is not easy, especially for a foreigner who teaches it in a language other than his own. Learning together with someone means taking something apart together, supporting each other and moving towards a common goal.

4. How to study as a doctor in the Czech Republic. You can study on your own, but at least in some company, because from my own experience it has been noticed that studying alone in a room 24/7 can be very depressing and lonely. In order not to waste your precious time or energy on melancholy and thoughts “how difficult it is to study,” we advise you to travel somewhere more often, change the situation and study in some company.

Enrollment in the medical faculty of Charles University – student registration

5. Features of education at the Czech medical university. Use scripts. skripty are materials written mostly by the students themselves for a particular exam or topic. Sometimes there are skripty from teachers. Preparing for the exam, you will most likely come across a lot of skripts, they are all different, some are good, detailed, there are smaller ones, but they have the same goal – to combine everything you need for the exam in one place.
We advise you to take a closer look at them in the future, more than one generation of students teaches them.

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6. How to study to be a doctor in Prague.  Keep electronic notes for yourself. Most students take notes directly in class on a tablet or computer, because it’s faster than writing on paper. In addition, a presentation is usually always available, according to which the professor will lecture, and it can be downloaded in advance in order to write notes during the lecture.

Medical faculties in the Czech Republic and Prague – admission conditions

7. How do czech students study at the medical. Keeping notes and notes is optional. No one cares how you study during the semester, your task is to pass the exam at the end of the semester. Abstracts are kept exclusively for themselves.
8. How to study at a medical university in the Czech Republic. It is not necessary to go to lectures. It is obligatory to attend practical classes and seminars, but in the case of lectures, again, you may not appear at any lecture, but you must pass the exam.

9. No non-core items. They don’t teach economics or history in medical school. Students study only the necessary subjects, only medicine.

10. Medical gowns are worn by medical students in the Czech Republic only when they are really needed: for example, practical exercises, dissection, etc. For everything else, a coat is not needed.

Assistance for studying at the faculty of medicine in Prague

Assistance for studying at the faculty of medicine in Prague

11. Assistance to medical students in the Czech Republic. Possibility to choose the date of the exam.
How it works:
There is a winter and a summer semester, each of them ends with exams. When the last class in the subject ends, the session begins, we no longer study and do not go to the university, but are preparing for the exam with might and main. Usually the session lasts about one month and “terms” are written for almost every day of the examination period. Termín is the date and time of the exam. Thus, the student himself chooses the desired date from the proposed ones and can change it if desired.

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Medical specialties in universities of the Czech Republic and rating of faculties

Advice for medical students in Prague

12. How to study in Prague at a medical school. Medical practice and full immersion in medicine from the 1st course
By this, I mean both high-quality equipment for each person (for example, microscopes), and the fact that we learn from cadavers. At 1.LF, already in the first year, we learn the basics of cadaver dissection. We are taught the technique of how to work with the body and the whole group, we prepare the corpse so that important structures (vessels, nerves, organs …) are visible on it, and then we pass the test on the same body. Each group, each year, each test is a new body.

13. The attitude of teachers towards medical students in the Czech Republic. Teachers in the Czech Republic call us kolega / kolegyně, which literally means “colleague”, but this does not have such a working meaning that we are used to, in terms of meaning it is more suitable as a “like-minded person”. At first it was very unusual to hear, but in this way you feel like a future doctor, even if you still have the status of a medical student in the Czech Republic.

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