Doctor’s profession in the Czech Republic specialty Všeobecné lékařství

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How to become a doctor in the Czech Republic and doctor salary

Všeobecné lékařství or “General Medicine” in the Czech Republic is the largest training program at medical faculties. Doctor’s profession in the Czech Republic.

The entrance exam for all Czech medical faculties consists of tests in chemistry, physics and biology. Some faculties also include a logic test and an interview. The competition for medical faculties in the Czech Republic is high – from 5 to 10 people per place. You will have to compete with graduates of Czech medical gymnasiums.

But if you want to understand how the human body works, while helping people in difficult situations, i.e. if you want to become a full-fledged doctor, then you should choose Všeobecné lékařství.

The study of medicine in the Czech Republic is the longest full-time master’s program. Doctors have been studying in the Czech Republic for 6 years. The doctor’s training program in the Czech Republic should equip you with all the knowledge and skills necessary to become a doctor, work in hospitals and outpatient institutions, and also start specialized training.

Modelové otázky Charles University for admission to the Faculty of Medicine

What is included in the program Všeobecné lékařství

In the first three years you will study theoretical and preclinical subjects, although from the first year you will encounter practical medicine in the form of, for example, first aid and patient care. Theoretical and preclinical subjects will allow you to understand the functioning and structure of the body, as well as the mechanisms that we can potentially influence with treatment. These include, for example, anatomy, biochemistry or physiology.

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The second half of the training, starting from the 4th year, is already devoted to clinical subjects, such as surgery, internal medicine or differential diagnosis.

The training program for a doctor in Prague is very diverse. The specialty “General Medicine” in the Czech Republic includes classical lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, dissection, as well as internships in medical institutions or simulation training. To become a doctor in the Czech Republic, you will practice at various medical institutions in Prague or abroad.

Features of medical education in the Czech Republic

How to become a doctor in Czech Republic

Doctor's profession in the Czech Republic

Doctor’s profession in the Czech Republic

As we have already said, the study of general medicine is very time-consuming, it takes 6 years, so you will have to spend a lot of time studying and self-education, while making a lot of effort. You have to be ready for this.

Doctor’s degree in the Czech Republic

After graduation, you will receive the title of medicinae universae doctor (MuDR.). (Doktor medicíny) Doctor of Medical Sciences is an academic degree that is awarded specifically to graduates of the university under the Master’s degree program in general medicine.

After graduation, a doctor can continue his education and get a specialization, working in the chosen profile in an accredited department. Job offers can be found both in public hospitals and in private ones.

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Salary of a doctor in the Czech Republic

Doctor's profession in the Czech Republic

The average salary of a doctor in the Czech Republic in 2022 was 78,000 CZK per month. The nurse receives about 38,000 crowns. Surgeons in the Czech Republic receive a salary of 100,000 crowns. Doctors – specialists in internal medicine – 89,000 crowns.
how much do doctors get in the czech republic
Specialist doctors – 81000 CZK. Internists – 65,000 crowns. Senior nurses – 59,000 crowns. The chief doctors in Prague receive 112,000 crowns.

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Doctor’s profession in the Czech Republic – overtime work

An important point is the overtime work of a doctor in the Czech Republic. Some doctors estimate the average overtime in the Czech Republic at 1,000 hours per year. These data are not mentioned anywhere, because if overtime was taken into account, the Labor Code would be systematically violated, since doctors can, according to the law, work overtime no more than 416 hours a year.

Libor Kindle, a doctor at Most Hospital, commented on overtime hours on Czech television: “On average, overtime hours for eight months range from 700 to 900 hours. If we stop working overtime, it will come to a collapse, medical care will stop, and patients will take it on themselves.”

So be prepared for the fact that overtime is a mandatory part of the medical profession in the Czech Republic.

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1 LF UK. Review study at the first medical faculty of Charles University

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