Tips for preparing for exams in physics, chemistry and biology in medical faculties
For admission to medicine in the Czech Republic, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the Czech language at the C1/B2 level and knowledge of target subjects. If everything is clear with the first point, then I would dwell on the second in more detail. Preparation for medicine exams in the Czech Republic.
How to prepare for medical exams at Charles University
Preparation for the medical faculty in Karlov rests on three elephants: physics, chemistry, biology.
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Physics exam in Karlov for medical
Usually, applicants are most afraid of the entrance exam in physics due to the fact that for many it is not so easy to understand it.
The main thing that you should know about the entrance exam in physics of any medical faculty of the Czech Republic – it just tests your understanding of the theory, and not just the knowledge of formulas! Because knowing the relationships later, during training, will help to understand the processes taking place in the body, which is very important in medicine.
The flow of blood in the vessels is carried out in accordance with the pressure gradient, the image that we see with the eye is not the original one, but is obtained by refraction of light by a collecting lens, impulses in the central nervous system are transmitted due to changes in voltage on cell surfaces – in fact, everything that happens in our body is a consequence of physical laws and obeys logic.
However, the preparation for the exam of medicine in Prague in physics is very different from others. Because the important point of the physics exam in the Czech Republic is understanding the basics of phenomena, and not solving complex problems.
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Advice for the physics exam at a medical university in the Czech Republic
Useful tips – Physics exam for medicine in the Czech Republic. You will only be required to:
- be able to count, since there are tasks for translating units of measurement in the exam, and you can’t take a calculator with you
- know the formulas, be able to deduce from one another. Our advice is to prepare special cards with them
- Know the constants, since their interpretation is not always in the task condition
- Try to solve 10-20 tasks a day. We understand that this point is the most difficult, but necessary if you want to pass the exam successfully.
How to prepare for exams for medicine in the Czech Republic?
The entrance exam tasks are divided into two types: knowledge of definitions and problem solving. You can’t use the calculator on the exam! Any tables with formulas are excluded. Because the physics test for medical universities in the Czech Republic is focused mainly on a general understanding of topics, and not on solving super-complex problems.
Podcasts in the Czech Republic on medical topics. Medical youtube channels
Chemistry exam in Karlov for medical
Tips for the chemistry exam at a medical university in the Czech Republic.
- Biochemistry plays a key role in admission to medicine in the Czech Republic, because the knowledge from this section of chemistry will subsequently be widely used in the second year of university.
- As for valence, in the Czech Republic this parameter is called electronegativity. Instead of the eletcrolytic dissociation according to Arrhenius, the Lewis theory is used here.
- The terminology of inorganic compounds may be completely different from the one you are used to.
As you know, it will be extremely difficult, almost impossible, to pass the exam without additional training, studying the missing topics and Czech terminology.
Advice preparation for medicine exams in the Czech Republic. What else is important to know about the chemistry entrance exam.
- The emphasis is on theory, tasks are only in one or two actions
- It is forbidden to use the calculator
- It is necessary to know the tables, they are not given out!
Recommendation preparation for medicine exams in Karlov. In the case of chemistry, the most significant is the section of biochemistry, which sometimes makes up 50% of the entrance exam for a doctor in the Czech Republic. In the medical courses of Charles University, in addition to organics and inorganic, a special share is given to this section, as well as the difference between Czech and foreign terminology.
Tips chemistry exam for medicine in Czech
Advice for passing exams in chemistry for admission to the medical faculty in the Czech Republic. Problem solving takes place without a calculator. A big role is assigned to the section of biochemistry. It is also recommended to pay attention to the names of chemical elements and compounds in Czech. The main elements need to know the serial number and mass by heart.
Errors in exams in the Czech Republic for medical
Tips biology exam in Karlov for medical. Preparation for medicine exams in the Czech Republic
Often foreign applicants to medical universities think that among all the entrance exams for medical in the Czech Republic, physics is the most difficult subject, however, it turns out that biology is much more difficult for foreigners.
You will have to learn a lot! Because the whole nomenclature and the method of designation of species accepted in biological systematics in the Czech language is completely different.
Biology will have to be taught anew. Therefore, the main difficulty in preparation lies directly in the ability to memorize a large amount of information: biology is the largest subject in terms of exam volume.
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As for the topics of the exam Biology itself, the emphasis is on:
- genetics,
- human anatomy/physiology,
- molecular biology
This, in principle, is natural, since in the future you will develop your knowledge mainly in these areas. It is also worth mentioning that in many faculties, exams to the medical Faculty in Prague are held on the same day with short breaks between exams. Advice on how to take biology to a medical university in the Czech Republic.
Tips biology exam for medicine in the Czech Republic
When preparing for tasks, you should pay attention to the study of Czech terminology, the names of individual body parts, organs and animal names. Tasks on genetics at the medical exam in Prague are solved without a calculator.
The literature for preparation, examination questions, as well as the entrance exams themselves for each faculty differ from each other.
Let’s figure it out in more detail!
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