Modelové otázky Charles University for admission to the Faculty of Medicine. Modelové otázky in the Czech Republic
Almost all medical faculties in the Czech Republic publish collections with standard questions in chemistry, biology and physics, which may be on the entrance exam. Collections of standard tests for admission to medical universities in the Czech Republic do not contain any theoretical material, however, from 800 to 1500 tasks can be found in them. Modelové otázky Charles University.
Answer options are offered for each question. It is necessary to choose one or more correct answers depending on the question. There are no questions in which there will not be at least one correct option.
Modelové otázky Charles University
Modelové Otázky 1. Lékařské fakulty
For admission to the medical specialty in Prague 1. Lékařska Fakulta Univerzita Karlova publishes collections of standard questions. Currently, this is one book on all three subjects for the Faculty of Medicine in the Czech Republic and for dentists.

Modelové otázky. In the photo on the left, a combined edition instead of three separate books on the left
This is a must-have to enroll in medicine in Prague!
Typical questions medical Karlov. Few foreign applicants to the Faculty of Medicine know that this publication has combined the issues of three subjects in one book. In this collection of model tests for admission to medical faculties in the Czech Republic, the number of test questions was reduced by about 2 times compared to the three previous separate collections on subjects.

Separate collections Modelové otázky 2011
Entrance tests of the faculty of medicine in Prague. In the combined edition of the test collection of 600-800 questions for each of the subjects (biology, physics, chemistry). In the old edition, there were much more questions for admission to medicine, but some of them are repeated. For example, biology – 1700 questions, physics – 1300, chemistry – 1300.
1LF UK entrance exam for the Medical Faculty of Charles University
How to enter the faculty of medicine in the Czech Republic
However, the entrance exams themselves still use the old database of medical questions of the faculties. Therefore, many applicants in the Czech Republic of the medical direction are trying to find and buy these old collections of tests. The old edition can be bought online from students of previous years, there are a lot more questions for training to enter the medical profession in the Czech Republic.
Entrance Exams 1.LF UK
Entrance Exams 2.LF UK
Entrance Exams 3.LF UK
Download Modelové otázky
Sample questions for admission to medical specialties in Prague can be downloaded for free on the website in PDF format.
Assistance with admission to medicine in the Czech Republic. Download from ulož.download the electronic versions of Modelové otázky and let them be in your smartphone!
Podcasts in the Czech Republic on medical topics. Medical youtube channels
Modelové otázky in the Czech Republic
Most medical faculties in the Czech Republic have books with typical questions that may occur on the exam.
Collections of standard tests on medicine in the Czech Republic are: the 1st and 2nd Prague med. Faculty (UK), med. Faculty in Pilsen (UK), Masaryk University in Brno and Palacki University in Olomouc.
The 3rd Prague Faculty (UK) and the Faculty in Hradec Kralove have test examples only in electronic form, they can be downloaded on their official websites.

Modelové otázky – The second medical faculty of Charles University
Review – questions of entrance tests in medicine in the Czech Republic
Modelové otázky Charles University. We need to be reasonable about these typical issues. To enroll in medicine in Prague, you will not be able to just solve a lot of issues, you need to first learn to understand what you are teaching and what it is about. Therefore, if you have doubts when preparing: to teach or solve tests, it will be right to first teach a medical subject and only then solve tests.
Because if you know the material well, you will be able to solve 200-400 questions a day from any book.
Tips for admission to the medical faculty in the Czech Republic
Questions for admission to medicine in the Czech Republic
Useful advice when applying for medical professions in Prague. There is a group of 1 faculty on Facebook for selling books, there you can find an old version of Modelové otázky. You should contact the seller (you can also do it in English) and that’s it. If there are no offers, write on Facebook in the group: Koupim modelové otazky 2011 and wait, they will answer you, if not, repeat the request again.
Errors in exams in the Czech Republic for medical