Recommendation for admission to the medical university of Prague
There are different ways to prepare for the profile entrance exams to the Medical Faculty of the Czech Republic:
- yourself
- at the language courses of Charles University, where there are additional classes in specialized subjects (biology, chemistry, physics)
- with a tutor
- at specialized preparatory courses in the specialty of medical entrance exams in the Czech Republic
Questions of the oral exam 2.LF and 3.LF
How to prepare and pass the language exam at the Faculty of Medicine
Tips for admission to a medical university
Cons independent preparation for exams in the Czech Republic:
- it is difficult to find the necessary materials
- no one will tell if you have understood the material correctly
- there is no database of questions
Tips for preparing for exams in the Czech Republic with a tutor. Cons: the high cost of comprehensive training and the difficulty in finding a really good tutor in the Czech Republic. Positive: individual classes and you can ask a lot of questions
At the preparatory medical courses of Charles University: few hours of preparation, large groups. Pros: inexpensive cost.
Tips for admission to a medical university in the Czech Republic

Tips for admission to the medical faculty in the Czech Republic
These are the tips given by experienced medical students while studying at the courses of Charles University “Medical and Natural Sciences specialties COMPLEX”.
Keep your notes correctly and accurately from the first day of the course and do not lose your notes.
Answer the teachers’ questions during the lessons, it will greatly help you to memorize and systematize your knowledge, not to mention that it will improve your Czech language.
Errors in exams in the Czech Republic for medical
Advice for admission to the medical university of Prague
Don’t learn questions in Modelové otázky. Once again, here you need to know not which answer is correct, but why this answer is correct.
First, learn the topic 100% – then look at the questions. I partially studied lectures and immediately moved on to questions, as a result, I missed a lot of little things that were then encountered in tests and exams.
Assistance for applicants to medicine in the Czech Republic
Read books/magazines/newspapers, translate unknown words, it will greatly improve your language.
Ask teachers and don’t be afraid to look stupid, it’s better to ask 10 times than to make a mistake.
Learn words, make dictionaries, memorize texts, do not lose information.
Keep track of time, this is the most important resource that you have.
Tips for admission to the medical faculty in Prague. Website arranges a one-day repetition of the entire physics course AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, a trial entrance exam.
1LF UK entrance exam for the Medical Faculty of Charles University
Internet sites for admission to medical faculties in the Czech Republic
On the Czech Internet, you can find a huge number of training sites. Some of them are: – a bunch of training videos on chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, computer science, etc.

Internet sites for admission to medical faculties in the Czech Republic -materials on physics, you will find a lot of useful things upon admission.

Internet sites for admission to medical faculties in the Czech Republic
There are a lot of open access presentations on the Internet from different Czech schools. Just type in the Google search for the desired topic on medicine and the format of ppt presentations.
In the second semester of the Czech language courses at Charles University, you will prepare presentations on topics from the second medical Faculty in order to improve your spoken Czech.
Useful websites for a student in the Czech Republic online training
Breathing practice “square”- Exercises to reduce stress in exams
Useful websites for admission to the medical faculty in the Czech Republic
You can go to the youtube channel of the first medical faculty, tat there are several topics. The MEDialogy section discusses many social health problems in the Czech Republic: alternative medicine, stem cells, men’s health and others. I started listening to their channel and recording what they say, thereby I got a double benefit: I listened to the medical Czech language and prepared presentations.
There are also programs of mojemedicina where there are many videos with medical topics in the Czech Republic.
The Czech press has magazines on medical topics in the Czech Republic for schoolchildren and students. One of these magazines is Zázraky medcíny (Miracles of Medicine), I advise everyone to buy it from the beginning of the year, the language is not too complicated and not too simple, great for an applicant of a medical university in Prague. I also tried to read Reflex and Respekt magazines, they are interesting, but I just didn’t have enough time for them.
Textbooks for admission to medicine at Charles University
Podcasts in the Czech Republic on medical topics. Medical youtube channels
Assistance for studying at the faculty of medicine in Prague