Non medical specialties in czech universities “nelékař”

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The Czech Republic – specialties of secondary medical personnel in czech universities

Non-medical specialties in Czech universities include: nurses, obstetricians, ambulance paramedics, dental technicians, laboratory technicians, specialists in radiology, optics, orthopedists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech therapists, masseurs, medical and social workers. The 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University is known for high-quality training of dentists and a high level of scientific research. In addition, it offers a wide range of non-medical specialties: narcology, physiotherapy, forensic medicine.

To enroll in a Czech university for non-medical specialties, you need to:

  • choose a university, faculty and specialization in the field of healthcare
  • choose the language of instruction
  • to study in Czech, enroll in language courses in the Czech Republic, graduate from them and pass the exam for obtaining a state language certificate for admission to the medical faculty.

In the Czech medical language, there are 2 concepts – a doctor “lékař” and a non-doctor “nelékař”. These are the specialties that were so offensively called “not doctors. We are talking about the average medical staff in the Czech Republic. Czech non-medical specialties.

Non-medical specialties in Czech universities “nelékař” include:

Adiktolog (narcologist)

Asistent ochrany a podpory veřejného zdraví (SES analogue)

Asistent zubního technika (dental technician’s assistant)

Autopticky laborant (laboratory assistant)

Biomedicinský asistent (biomedical assistant)

Biomedicinský inženýr (biomedical engineer)

Biomedicinský technik (biomedical technician)

Dental hygienist (dental hygienist)

Dezinfektor (disinfectant)

Ergoterapeut (ergotherapist)

Farmaceuticky asistent (pharmacist’s assistant)

Fyzioterapeut (physiotherapist)

Klinický logoped (clinical speech therapist)

Laboratorní asistent (laboratory assistant)

Laboratorní pracovník (laboratory worker)

Masér a nevidomý a slabozraký masér (masseur blind or visually impaired)

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Nutriční asistent (nutritionist’s assistant)

Nutriční terapeut (nutritionist)

Odborný pracovník v laboratorních metodách a v přípravě léčivých přípravków (farm laboratory specialist)

Odborný pracovník v ochraně a podpoře veřejného zdraví (SES specialist)

Optometrista (optometrist)

Ortoptista (orthoptist)

Ortoticko-proteticky technik (technician in orthotic-prosthetics)

Ortotik-protetik (orthotic-prosthetic)

Ošetřovatel (the same as the nurse)

Porodní asistentka (assistant obstetrician)

Psycholog ve zdravotnictví (psychologist in healthcare)

Radiologický asistent (radiological assistant)

Radiologický fyzik (radiological physicist)

Radiologický technik (radiological technician)

Didič dopravy nemocných a raněných (ambulance driver)

Didič vozidla zdravotnické záchranné služby (emergency vehicle driver)

Sanitář (orderly)

Všeobecná sestra (nurse)

Zdravotně -sociální pracovník (social worker in healthcare)

Zdravotní laborant (medical laboratory assistant)

Zdravotnický asistent (medical assistant)

Zdravotnický záchranář (lifeguard)

Zrakový terapeut (ophthalmologist-therapist)

Zubní instrumentářka (dental assistant)

Zubní technik (dental technician)

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