How to send a registered letter by Czech mail to a university, MVCR or any other place

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Sending letters by the Сzech postal service. Letter postage in Prague

To send a letter, you need to come to the Czech post office. Any branch of the Czech post – Česká pošta will suit you.

How to fill out the form at the post office in Prague. Czech post letter

1) Here you are already standing in the Czech post office. Before approaching the window, fill in the Podací lístek. You can easily find it on the racks inside the post office in the Czech Republic. It looks like this:

Sending letters by the Сzech postal service

Sending letters by the Сzech postal service

  • In the Odesílatel field, enter your first and last name. Line below: your address and postal code (PSC). It is advisable to write a phone number and mail.
  •  In the Address column, write the name and surname of the person to whom you are sending the letter. If there is no specific person, then indicate the name of the institution. Address, index.

2) Czech postal form. The form was filled out. We go to the machine for a number to get into the electronic queue.

Prague post

Prague post. sending letters by the Prague postal service

Just one block from Wenceslas Square in Prague is the grandiose building of Prague’s main post office. The monumental building, unremarkable from the outside, hides one of the most beautiful interiors in Prague. The huge hall is painted from floor to ceiling in the Art Nouveau style with images of serious telegraph operators, hurrying postmen and young ladies languidly examining envelopes. The main post office is a huge hall, which until the end of the 19th century was the courtyard of the building where mail coaches stopped.

Česká pošta address in Prague Jindřišská 909/12

Česká pošta address in Prague Jindřišská 909/12

Česká pošta address in Prague Jindřišská 909/12

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Prague post is open around the clock. In the terminal, you can select the desired language. If the main menu is only in Czech, choose odeslat zásilku. Take a ticket with your queue number. Wait and you will be called to the window by the coupon number.

3) If you do not have an envelope with you, buy it at the post office in the Czech Republic in the window. Just tell the Czech postal worker that you want to buy an obálku. Price for C6 or C5 format – 1 ks. On the envelope in the upper left corner, write your address in the Czech Republic. In the lower right corner is the address to whom you are sending the letter. The main thing is not to confuse! An example of how an envelope should look like when sending a letter in the Czech Republic:

Prague post

4) You need to pay for sending a letter in the Czech Republic. The envelope, along with the contents, will be weighed and the price will be quoted. One letter weighing 50 grams will cost 19 CZK.

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Czech post letter. Czech letter tracking

Czech Republic sent email tracking. Podací lístek will be returned to you. They will put a stamp on the post office in Prague and write the number of your sent letter in the Czech Republic. Using this number, you can follow on the Internet exactly where your letter is located in the Czech Republic.

Visit the website of the Czech Post

Or enter a request on the Internet: sledování zásilek.

In the column Čísla zásilek – enter the number of your letter in the Czech Republic.

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Letters and parcels in the Czech Republic

The post of the Czech Republic sends domestic and international documents in several ways.

Obycejne psani. An ordinary letter within the country that does not carry material value. With this type of sending, the mail does not track the movement of the letter, and is not responsible for its loss. Maximum weight: 50 g, maximum size – 35.3 x 25 x 2 cm.
Doporučene psani. A registered letter carries out its movement within the country and is a materially valuable documents, books, letters, in case of loss of which the sender is paid monetary compensation. Maximum weight: 50g, size 50 x 35 x 5 cm.
Cenne psani. Valuable letters can be sent between Czech cities or abroad. Valuable letters include letters containing coupons, promotions, checks, bank cards, jewelry. The loss of such a parcel will cost the Czech Post up to 1,000,000 crowns as compensation to the sender.
Obycejny balik. A regular parcel outside the country is carried out for parcels weighing no more than 20 kg, which do not have any value, and therefore responsibility on the part of postal services. Maximum size: 100 x 100 x 100 cm.
Doporučený balík. Registered parcels, unlike ordinary parcels, weigh no more than 2 kg, but they have a certain value and are insured for the amount of 580 kroons. Maximum size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm.

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