Average salary in the Czech Republic by profession. How to find a job in the Czech Republic

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How much are different professions paid in the Czech Republic and Prague – How to find a job for a foreigner?

Average salary in the Czech Republic by profession 2022

Office workers

Average salary in the Czech Republic by profession. Administrative workers who do a little bit of everything in the office and do not have special knowledge do not have to count on a high salary. Now it is one of the “poorest” sectors in the labor market. A typical secretary (or secretary) can count on an average of 24,333 crowns, an employee (employee) of the reception — 22,446 crowns. It is worth emphasizing that here and further it is called “rough” or “dirty” salary in the Czech Republic — before withholding taxes. The average salary of office workers in the Czech Republic is 26,480 CZK or 1,059 euros. The work of project coordinators is paid better than others, who receive an average salary in the Czech Republic – 36,130 Czech crowns (1,445 euros).

Tourism and hospitality

The situation here is even sadder than in a typical office. The average salary in the Czech Republic in the tourism sector is 22,792 Czech crowns. The sector unites many professions, but in quantitative terms it is primarily represented by cooks and waiters, who receive 22,903 and 19,498 Czech crowns, respectively. The situation is better for tour guides, who earn an average of 27,677 CZK, and for sellers of tours and air tickets — 24,600 CZK.

Transport and logistics

The composition of workers in this sector is very diverse: from couriers, truckers and postmen to tram drivers and pilots. The average salary in the Czech Republic in the field of transport is 28,392 Czech crowns or 1,135 euros. Pilots who earn 98,589 crowns or 3,943 euros are knocked out of the overall picture.

Extractive industry

The average is CZK 29,743. A typical miner receives CZK 30,236 for his hard and dangerous work, while a foundry worker receives only CZK 23,870. The most monetary profession in this area is a mining technician, who can count on 40,950 Czech crowns.

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Mass media, media and printing

Contrary to popular myth, the sector that largely shapes public opinion lives modestly: the average salary in the Czech Republic is 29,249 kronor. Journalists receive about 29,217 crowns, graphics — 27,772 crowns, and printers — another thousand crowns less, 26,892 crowns.

Education workers and teachers

The median salary of teachers in the Czech Republic reached 36,224 Czech crowns. The situation is really improving. Data platy.cz It is shown that teachers in kindergartens receive on average 30 550 CZK, teachers of junior schools — 37 728 CZK, secondary — 38 962 CZK. At the same time, the school caretaker can only count on 19,359 crowns.

Pharmaceuticals and Medicine

Average salary in the Czech Republic by profession. That’s who you can envy. Employees of companies engaged in the production of medicines receive an average of 39,713 crowns. An assistant can count on 31,751 crowns per month, and a senior pharmacist or medical consultant in the Czech Republic earns 42,666 and 79,321 crowns, respectively. The average salary of a doctor in the Czech Republic in 2022 was 78,000 kronor. A nurse in the Czech Republic receives about 38 thousand Czech crowns. Surgeons – 100,424 Czech crowns. Doctors – specialists in internal medicine – 88,924 crowns. specialist doctors – 80,947 crowns. Internists – 65,443 CZK. Senior nurses – 59,203 crowns. Head doctors – 112,266 crowns.

Programmer and Information technology

The IT sphere traditionally refers to the highly paid. Apart from interns working for the future, web designers who receive 38,633 crowns live the most modestly. A software engineer can count on an average of 57,799 crowns, and an IT architect can count on 80,843 crowns. The salary spread is significant, it depends on your qualifications. The average salary is 50,000 – 60,000 kronor.

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How much is the salary in the Czech Republic in the banking and financial sector

Employees of the industry directly related to money do not live poorly: the average salary here is 40,487 crowns. At the same time, bank customer service employees receive only 28,907 kronor. A financial analyst can count on 45,036 kronor monthly, a trader — on 69,270 kronor.

The highest salary in Prague by profession

  • CEO — CZK 179403 CZK (EUR 7176)
  • Regional Manager/Director — CZK 131234 (EUR 5249)
  • Head of IT — 127446 CZK (5097 euros)
  • Managing Director – CZK 127172 (EUR 5086)
  • Call Center Director – 119737 CZK (4789 euros)
  • Finance Director — 109116 CZK (43640 euros)
  • Sales Director — 105802 CZK (4232 euros)

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 Average salary range in the Czech Republic 2022

The salary range for people working in the Czech Republic is usually from CZK 25,274.00 (minimum wage) to CZK 75,496.00 (the highest average, the actual maximum wage is higher).

This is the total monthly salary, including bonuses. Wages can vary greatly depending on the category of work. If you are interested in wages of a certain category, see salaries for specific categories on the website https://www.platy.cz/en/salaryinfo

The average salary in Prague (not in the country!) is 42407 Czech crowns or 1682 euros in rough, but in pure cash after taxes about 31 thousand Czech crowns (1230 euros), subject to the absence of children and other tax discounts.

Expenses in the Czech Republic for a family of 4 people

The lowest paid professions in the Czech Republic:

  • Seamstress – CZK 18,867 (754 euros)
  • Cleaning lady – 20212 CZK (808 euros)
  • Shoemaker – 22559 CZK (901 euros)
  • Waiter – room service – 22035 CZK
  • Tailor – 22207 CZK
  • Housekeeper services – 22208 CZK
  • Handyman – 22910 CZK (916 euros).

Employee benefits

  • In the Czech Republic, it is customary for many firms and enterprises to give employees some benefits.
  • 55% of Prague employees receive coupons or vouchers for food, which can be used to pay in supermarkets when buying groceries.
  • 45% of employees can work on a flexible work schedule.
  • 43% of employees can drink coffee, tea, mineral water and other beverages at the expense of the employer.
  • 40% of employees use mobile communication for personal purposes at the expense of the employer.

Czech Republic – how to find a job in Prague for a foreigner?

  1. Jobs.cz – the largest website in the Czech Republic with vacancies. There are vacancies for full-time and part-time employment. You can independently choose vacancies in Prague according to different parameters.
  2. Website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. There are vacancies for foreigners in the Czech Republic – https://www.mpsv.cz/
  3. Prace.cz – also quite a popular and large site to find a job in the Czech Republic.
  4. tvojekariera.cz – a job search site for students.
  5. easy-prace.cz
  6. najdespraci.cz
  7. hledampraci.cz
  8. profesia.cz
  9. istp.cz
  10. jobdnes.cz

In my opinion, the first three sites are enough, vacancies are updated there daily, and you can see for yourself the requirements of employers, as well as the conditions they offer for work.

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