Surprises and filling of the Christmas Advent calendar in the Czech Republic
What is Advent? Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24-25. But Christmas is always preceded by 4 weeks of Advent and it does not have a specific start date. This is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Czech Advent calendars.
What is the Advent Calendar?

Czech Advent calendar
Adventní kalendář in the Czech Republic. Since the dates of the beginning of Advent are floating, it is customary to start Advent calendars in the Czech Republic on December 1, they end on December 24, right before the holiday. Czech Advent calendars represent some kind of basis, usually cardboard designs with “windows”. In each window is written the date on which to open the gift. And so every day you get one surprise Advent calendar in the Czech Republic. According to German traditions, the numbers should be scattered randomly around the perimeter to make it more interesting to search.
Photo advent calendar in the Czech Republic
How did you come up with the Advent calendar?
The author of Advent calendars is Gerhard Lang (Gerhart Land), when he printed in his printing house “Reichhold & Lang” at the end of the 19th century a paper version for children “In the land of Santa Claus” with pictures and poems. Traditionally, the Advent calendar looks like a cardboard house in which windows open, and in each of them there may be a candy, an excerpt from the Holy Scriptures, a note with a wish or a small gift. It happens that parents make calendars with their own hands from a variety of materials.
Contents of the Advent calendar in the Czech Republic
The most classic is chocolate advent calendars in the Czech Republic. There is a huge variety of them for any wallet. The Kinder calendar catches your eye the most. It is such a joy to receive Christmas gifts every day in the Czech Republic.
Chocolate Advent calendar in Prague

Chocolate Advent calendar
The next popular type is advent calendars with cosmetics in the Czech Republic, the principle is the same. Many girls would like to receive such a advent gifts in the Сzech Republic with 24 types of cosmetics at once. You just need to be careful, manufacturers don’t always put full-size versions, cosmetic probes often come across. In any case, this is a good opportunity to get to know the brand.

Advent calendar with cosmetics
What is included in the Christmas calendar in Prague
Unusual Advent calendars in the Czech Republic. In fact, Advent calendars can be completely different. You can order, for example, a beer calendar in Prague or 24 bags of different tea with wishes for each day or an advent calendar with lego, socks, candles and so on.
In the photo beer calendars in the Czech Republic.

Advent calendar with beer
Types of Advent calendar in the Czech Republic
Advent calendars became popular in the middle of the last century, since then many different types have appeared. There are calendars for 6,12, 24, 25 cells. The design of the Christmas calendar sometimes surpasses the content of the Advent calendar in the Czech Republic and looks amazing.
Unusual advent calendars in Prague.

Unusual advent calendars
Edible advent calendars in the Czech Republic. The most classic format of the Advent calendar is a calendar with 24 windows, where a chocolate candy is hidden in each. The largest window falls on the last day, i.e. December 24th. Almost all children in the Czech Republic receive such calendars. The calendar can have many forms – 24 boxes with a chocolate bar or a small gift, 24 pockets or pouches with christmas gingerbread.
Photo. Prague advent calendar with surprises
The price of advent calendars in the Czech Republic
On the eve of Advent, confectionery, cosmetics, toy and other industries are working on the creation of “waiting calendars” in the Czech Republic. They can be bought both in specialty stores and in regular supermarkets. The cost depends on the content of the Advent calendar in the Czech Republic and the brand. In calendars with cosmetics, the content often exceeds the cost by several times, that is, you will not only please yourself and get acquainted with the products, but also save well.

Advent calendar from the supermarket
Chocolate Advent in Prague can be bought for only 30-40 CZK, but chocolate, as you know, there will be little. The optimal price is 160 CZK, for such a price, the filling will be diverse, and the packaging will be colorful.

Chocolate Advent calendar
Unusual bars in Prague and the best night clubs
How to give an Advent calendar
Czech Advent calendar is a great gift, make it for yourself and your loved ones. Can you imagine how happy you will be every day? You don’t know what is hidden behind the next cell, this makes it even more interesting. You can do it yourself and please your loved ones.
It is not necessary to wait for December, you can start before any holiday. For example, before the Birthday.
They also print advent calendars in Prague to order in photo salons. It seems to me that interesting Advent calendars in the Czech Republic are one of the many symbols of Christmas that you can adopt for yourself. Open one window every day, get a little Christmas surprise in Prague every day, what better way to tune in to the right mood?