Health insurance for children born in the Czech Republic from foreigners

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Insurance for a child born in the Czech Republic

Amendments to law 326/1999 Coll. “On the stay of foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic”

An amendment was also made to the Law on State Health Insurance, according to which a child born in the Czech Republic to a mother with a long-term residence permit is also a new insured person of state health insurance. Such a child is insured by public health insurance only for a limited period of time, from the date of his birth until the end of the calendar month in which he turns 60 days old. The insurance premium for a child is paid by his legal representative (usually a parent). The birth of a child must be reported within 8 days to the Health Insurance Fund in which the mother of the child is insured; if the mother of the child does not have state insurance in the Czech Republic, then the insurance company in which the father is insured, if he also does not have state insurance in the Czech Republic, then it is necessary to report the birth of the child. child to VZP CR.

More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

Law on the exclusivity of the insurance company PVZP for insurance of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The law will be valid for 5 years from the date of entry into force on 02.08.2021.

Insurance for a child born in the Czech Republic

For many years in the Czech Republic, the sword of Damocles hung over the heads of those foreign parents who are expecting a child, but none of them has at least permanent residence in the Czech Republic. Subject to a number of conditions, they could give birth to a child in the Czech Republic under the generally ordinary comprehensive medical insurance in the Czech Republic for 12 thousand Czech crowns and pay for his medical services in the maternity hospital on their own, they could issue an insurance policy for pregnant women in the Czech Republic and include the risks of childbirth in the Czech Republic in the insurance, covering the child’s medical expenses.

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But inevitably, they were not insured against cases of problematic childbirth, albeit rare, but regularly occurring in the Czech Republic, when the child ended up in an incubator for months and even the best insurance for pregnant women could not cover all the expenses for the child in the maternity hospital.

Previously, until 08/22/2021, even the best insurance for pregnant women in the Czech Republic for 130 thousand crowns had an insurance limit of 1 million Czech crowns, which is frankly not enough when it comes to a child’s stay in an incubator for several months, because it costs about 30 thousand kroons per day.

Czech legislators decided to close this problematic issue by providing children born in the Czech Republic with access to the general health insurance system for the first 60 days of life. This system has no limits and works for citizens of the Czech Republic, foreigners in the Czech Republic with permanent residence and just foreigners working in the Czech Republic.

A foreign parent in the Czech Republic, even with a residence permit, will now pay only a few thousand Czech crowns for insuring a child in the Czech Republic during the most difficult period of his life. This is very good, because many acquaintances were afraid of giving birth in the Czech Republic on a residence permit or even leaving to give birth in their homeland.

In accordance with the amendment to the Law on Foreign Citizens in the Czech Republic, newborn children of foreigners who have lived in the Czech Republic for a long time will automatically receive an insurance policy. A document for a period of at least two months will be issued to them immediately after birth in a state insurance company.

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Health insurance for children born in the Czech Republic from foreigners. The new rules also apply to children born in the Czech Republic whose mothers have a long-term residence permit at the time of their birth. The issuance of the policy will not be canceled even if the father of the child does not have a permanent place of residence.

Children of foreign citizens will receive state insurance until the end of the month after which they turn 60 days old. Next, you will need to purchase a commercial health insurance policy, unless another residence permit is issued to the child.

To receive child insurance, the legal representatives of the child or guardians must register it no later than 8 days from the date of birth. Registration must be made with the health insurance company of the mother of the child or his father in case the mother is not insured in the Czech Republic. In a situation where neither parent has Czech insurance, the child will receive an insurance policy through VZP.

Insurance contributions to the relevant company must be paid by the legal representatives of the child or his guardians. Payment is made once for the entire period: from the first to the last day specified in the policy. Its base price is equal to twice the national minimum wage. This year the insurance premium is 162 euros.

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